TAKE ME OUT TO THE 0 i; 1 i' 1 if : ; :,_;.._ . ' { j _ 1X _ F ill;£ Y t. : ' , ',' r - h , ;' : . , . It . , .; i6: rLE yr ,a- - . { z',r; - .f jk a. fY:Atr i w K :: L w . .. _ : 1' 0 THE TIGERS AREN'T THE ONLY BOYS OF SUMMER. THREE DAILX SPORTS WRITER OLEDO -The Michigan athletics season has ended, and the dogs days of summer are on the horizon. But in spite of finals and in the face of a heat wave, three Michigan Daily sports writers set out on a three-day road trip to find the best base- ball in the area. r The journey started Friday night - fireworks night - at Tiger Stadium. Under lights, every aspect of the big league ballpark was soaked in (with extra- .nAlfnr