6 --.Tha Micigan Dailys Monarv, Jine .- 1919 AUTO INSURANCE. Buying a car? No previous insurance? Call 663-6655 & save! CAR FOR SALE. 1989 Oldsmobile Calais, power everything, very reliable, only $3,000. j g Call,477-0193. CARS FROM $500. Police impounds and *************PARKING!************* tax repo's. For listings call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. 2 BEDROOM CONDO, on campus, HONDA CIVIC '89: cd player, a/c,156k $103,000. clean. Call Mike at 734-658-5400. iT., great car! $1200 obo. 995-6847. MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR sale: Giant NISSAN MAXIMA '87, $1750 o.b.o. 179k Sedona, Rock Shock, front fork, $300. miles, tan, auto, a/c, power, am/fiu cass. 769- 734/971-5751. 2463. WHITE ELECTRIC stove, good condition, *****1 BDRM. LARGE unfurnished apartment in small building close to campus. Lndry., prkg., no pets, $620/mo. heat included. 769-1534 before 9:00p.m. *****2 BDRM. APARTMENT in quiet Old West Side" building. I mile west of MI Union, Indry., prkg., no pets some furna available, $730/mo., heat included. 769-1534 before 9:00pm ****PETS WELCOME*** Recently remodeled contemporary 2 bdriu located on scenic West Park. Call CMB, 741-9300 www.cmbmimt.com. ***NORTH CAMPUS*** 1 &2 bdrms. Furnished or unfum. A/C, dshwshr, and balcoities. Call Linda 665-6107. $41.00 Call Mike at 734-658 5400 automotive 91' SATURN SC. Silver, black interior, 5 speed manual, loaded, excellent condition, 1 owner. $4,100. 998-7531. DAILY CROSSV Edited by Fran ACROSS 1 Run -: lose control 5 Large-eyed tree-climber 10 Help a hood 14 Neck hair 15 "You Must Love Me" musical 16 -stick 17 Love, in Madrid 18 Nursemaids 19 Be devout 20 Crazy 23 Eye sore 24 Neptune's domain 25 White heron 28 Atlantic crosser 31 Pick up the tab 35 Actor Carl or Rob 37 Waiter's payoff 39 Pub pint 40 Illegal 44 - -eyed: drunk 45 Forever and a day 46 Nasty looks 47 Prison sentences 50 Suitors pitch it 52 Story, to Sartre 53 Chicken-king connection 55 Fed. agent 57 Outside safe limits 63 Thin rope 64 Akron products 65 Picador's target 67 Greek mountain 68 Tinker to -to Chance 69 Boric or sulfuric 70 Curds partner 71 Pert 72 Unaccompanied DOW' - 1 Surgeons' org.-F 2 Baby talk 3 - about: approximately 4 Lamp fuel 5 Bruce or Dykstra 6 Sidesteps 7 Make coins and paper money 8 Nevada neighbor 9 Demolishes 10 Seem 11 "-- on the Fourth of July" 12 "Great Caesar's ghost!" 13 Plaything 21 Complete 22 Two dollars, at Pimlico 25 Fly off the handle 26 Jinn 27 Jockey 29 Dictation taker 30 Twitch 32 Consumed 33 Wake-up call 1 12 r3 14 -m 3 3 a 4 4, 4. 4 4 5 54 3 O 3 S 3 A O 1 ***REMODELED 1 & 2 bdrms*** Furnished or unfurnished. new carpet, new for ent cabinets, ceramic tile, A/C & dshwshr. Available now, July & September. Ask about our short term specials. Call today ***REMODELED 1 & 2 bdrms*** Furnished or unfurmished. New carpet, new !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! Old West cabinets, ceramic tile, A/C & dshwshr. Side. 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. Must see. Available now, July & September. Ask 668-1100. about our short term specials. Call today 741-9657. PE & 2 BDRM. FURN. apts. avail. at 402 Hill St. Available Sept. 99. Central Campus loc. A/C, ldry., free prkg, Call 332-5293. & Lou Sabin 34 To the point 56 Like Oscar 1 HUGE BDRM. in 3 bdrm. apt. Great 36 1-70, e.g. Madison location. A/C, prkg, pool, dry, hale. Avail. Pall 99. Call Stefanie at 623-9842. 18 Negative's opp. 57 Nonsense 41 "- do you 58 Gaelic 2-LEVEL, I bdrm. apt. avail. Fall. State & Packard. Call 622-1729. do?" 59 Beverly Sills, 12 Open a jar e.g. 13 Hospital ward 60 Three, in Toledo 9 MONTH 18 International call 61 See 20 AcrossLEASES for help 62 Leprechaun 19 - -mo camera land AVAILABLE 51 "Do unto -..." 63 Calf's kin TIME IS RUNNINGOUT... 14 Pot builders 66 Poem of oraise TO LEASE ANSWERS TO TODAYS PUZZLE YOUR. NOl AsSVS A3HM APARTMENTa I o V s a 3 A 3 vSS i FOR THE a" Ho sau t ei aueo o FALL WW \ H 1 Vd83H k oN OAae OF 1999 - N V W 1 V - V 3NOO OO M sw 3 31 BEST DEAL > 3 3 N S N 0 3 3 I d ON CAMPUS 13V dli Nd3Nl3 *HEAT AND WATER SV3U1 1 Ss 1i3 03 INCLUDED V a s 3 A ± s *LAUNDRY FACILITIES GN383H1GN O UV *SWIMMINGGPOOL V a d S V N V N ao w v *EXERCISE ROOM S9tOd V I A 3 3 N VIW *9 & 12 MONTH LEASES 3 8 V Ian wf3df 1 >i O w v *24 HR ATTENDED 6/28/99 LOBBY /MAINT. ti 7 8 ]10 11 12 13 WALK TO CLASSES S1' OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Mon Fri 22 10am 8pm 24- Sat lOam 5pm Tower 2 -Sun Ipm 5pm 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 761-2680 37 38 39 - A VERY QUIET place for Fall '99. Perfect for MBA's & Grad. students. Studio & 1 bedroom apartments. Close to campus, quality living. 668-1100. ARABIC TRANSLATING NEEDED. For research project, need several articles from Egyptian newspaper translated into English. Good pay. Call Frances 665-3141 AG 3- .Walking distance to U of M Medical Center + Updated Kitchens . On-site management +24hour emergency maintenance Hours: Mon-Fri 9-7 Saturday 10-6 Sunday 12-5 non 12 mo. lease onl. On selected units. Must bring afor discount. ISLIAN0-DRIVE A P A R T M E N T S ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact us on the web at www.amvestproperty.com AVAIL, SEPT. 1-E. WillianufDivisin. Eff., & I bdrm. aps. w/sec. bzzer, dry., storage. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1204. AVAIL. SEPT. 3: Studio apt., fuan., heat & water incl. Large enough for 2. 2 blks. from campus. 703/425-3637 or email: chappels @erls.com AVAILABLE AUG. 1 AND SEPT. 199: Near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modern 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Bale., Furn. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. AVAILABLE FOR FALLIn & 6 brm. home, PRE, parking & landry, cloe to central campus, $350/mo. + utilities. Call Erin 623-9051 CENTRAL CAMPUS FALL '99. Bi-level I bdrm. apts. near B and Law Schools. Fum., dry., prkg. 663-3050. FALL 99 CENTRAL CAMPUS. Great selection of eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. furn., prkg. & Idry. Contact 663-3050. _ FALL 99. Lge. 4 bdrm bi-lev. penthse. unit. 2 ceramic tile baths, 2 bales., track-lighting, A/C, dishwasher, disposal, heat/water incl., parking, & laundry. 665-8825. FALL '99 1 bedroom apartment in prime location. Furnished. Heat & water included. 665-8825, FOR RENT. Central Campus, near Law/Business school, unfurnished. Including util, prkg and Idry. Efficiency $555, 1 bdrm/2bdrms $800-$850. Avail. 9/99. Edward 313-201-8742. KERRYTOWN 2 BDRM., remodeled kitchen, parking, large bdrms, new furniture. Historic remodeled house completely renovated, 3 and 4 bdrm apts. 973-7368. KERRYTOWN UM GRAD and Medical, 2, 3 and 4 br. very nice, remodeled, parking, all NEW. Call 973-7368 LARGE FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. on S. State, 5 Mm. to Michigan Union. Avail. Fall lease. Heat & water incl., 2-sink bath, Intercom/sec. buzzer, New appliance, Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ldry., for 2 $875-1075, for 3-4 $1050-1325, No smkg./no pets. Call 734- 996-3539, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. NEWLY AVAILABLE. 2 bedroom apt. at best location in town. Bi-level, A/C, and laundry. Call 668-1100. NOW LEASING ! Fall'99 Furnished apartments Stop by for a brochure Campus Rentals 1335 S. University at Washtenaw 665-8825 NOW LEASING APTS. for 1999-2000 school year near campus. Oakland Management. 761-7491. http://members.aol.cou/woosters ONE BEDROOM AND efficiencies. Near campus, quiet, clean houses. Aail. now and Fall. 994-3907. ONE ROOM, $370, parking, July/Aug Island Dr near Medical Cr. 734-668-6634 or 248-474-1442. TWO BDRM. at 1600 Packard. Unfun/furn., modem, A/C, balcony 9 5387 or 769-7025. TWO BEDROOM, UNFURNISHED apartment currently near Yost Ice Arena. Please contact Wilson White Co., Inc. at 734- 995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity WE HAVE FULLY FURNISHED efficiency, studio, I & 2 bdro. apartments near U of M central campus with great features and professional service. For more information and an appointment to view you ftare home, call Wilson White Company, Inc. at 734-995-9288 Equal Housing Opportunity A WHY WORRY? PRE-LEASE NOW! Large I & 2 bdrm. apmts. available for July & August. Low rates, free heat and water, sure location! 971-2132 sublet !!! HUGE, CLEAN 3 bdrm. bi-level June 24-Aug. 16. Prkg. Idry. 3 bales. A/C man windows. Rent cheap. Debbie 216-751-784 *LARGE ROOM & suite on Hill & State. Kitchen,laundry, for male. $210, 995-3276. 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm townhouse. Near AATA. $500/utils. Prkg. fuan. dry. A/C. 677-4383. 1 ROOM IN house Hill & Division. Avail. now til Aug. $200/mo. obo. 747-8132. 3 BDRM. APT. Avail. July-Aug. Fall option. A/C, moder, luxury apt. Pool, $875 neg. 214-1452 or page 860-1296. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY I br. and 6 br. home summer sublet. FREE parking and laundry, close 10ocentral campus, $300 + utilities. Call Erin 623-9051 AVAILABLE JULY IST-Aug. 18th, 2 bedroom apts. on Central Campus. Great Rates!! 668-1100. HUGE I BDRM. avail. July & Aug. Near Law & B-School, fully fun., utils. incl. $400 o.b.o. 734/665-5620, ask for Duane. - LARGE FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. 1111 S. State #3, Female Roommate, July 1- Aug. 20, $200/mo + electricity, A/C, prkg, Idr, (734)996-3539. services BRAIDS! $65-125+ Latch bob twists human comnrow silkydreds. Sheila 483-5425. COLLEGE CLEANER-Professional D Cleaning and Free Smmer Stoag# Basement at 715 N. University. 662-1906 MARY KAY PRODUCTS help you to control surface oiliness, leaving skin feeling smooth and looking radiant. Want to know more? Contact Mary Kay beauty consultant at 434-2602 ore-mail: neill78@hotmail.com 17 1 r2512627t 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 J62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 , 71 72 3 MIN. TO SOUTH QUAD 1 and 2 br. remodeled, everything NEW, parking, laundry, A/C, heat and water included. Call 973-7368 3 MIN. WALK to S. Quad-lbdrm. (single occupancy) & 2 berm. aps. All remodeled. Parkg., balconies. 973-7368. 5 BDRM HOME, can lease out single units or whole house! Furnished, prkg., Indry., near central campus. Call 248-651-5765 S BDRM. HOUSE avail. immed. for $1650/mo. or $1950 in Sept. Dshwshr., disposal, free Indry. facilities. Please contact Chris at 214-1946 or 546-6178.