Mboday' June Q&>1999 -,TheMcia1~~
Ybung1,athetscoe olearn,
imprve a 'U spots c p.
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their istci<siiv c drisar ' ai
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oi r ( he01 ih hrii'S'SC OICeto An't <ho'
tol patiipater inthec frsit1)5 ll i0.
C ;ampsof C hamipionto learncioriabut~lI
their fa5 orite spoilrt, giing giIreerai her
Athleltic -inns arepxp I , , # 1
schoolei x !;:ruher it hb oi ie 1)ld
'iicitals oz- t)imlprcss thweg Ki
'P1tlist 0ne seek
tth oshfot the su o-
me. oohball, the "t' raly
cap wal s hcld lIstsiup e ryev
N'oI all tc rth is ha
i ss [i tha w rthot
SC J durngthe W Sut the oe
lo aci re hcoised
is Wesi Quad Camp participant
Residecnce Hlli.
Du o t he liegeinihbeiriifpairticipaniisclur-
;1 .,lie ifootbali camip, the Un ivicld t
up~ Cj parts of C ouzents Resideuce 11ll111
iccciLiiiiicdiie all the campets
T[he participanits eat mieals in Wcst Quid iidn,
c.oiinselois liv e ini ile residenice hills iii v, itc h
tlieiiidcigothe ev enings.
Susani Schtaefgen, the Summier lips of
(Chamopions Program Coordina~to r ilich
lvs t , _ l.x .
lit toI
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ci 9c st hIi
srdy n
ri yii ichida
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he c aily
sclircluile of a
RamneJenkins football caimperr
- ayonestai.ted "with
from Inkster, Mich. bietfist at 6:30l~
a ofollo'ved by
gi ixi)pra~ctice1fi Ce10i1iii
After lcihiicpla s sitoigroutiis
accorditig to ti 'ii i us lool I osi tis
Theri rchy werteted iici:iieitrres md
coiip c'iiuii ndtolIistenedl touIcireact
sonic of lc thei ris of their positilot
Aliciteralar e clin r Sitti" ii4,1))p 'ii.
ettprs got into °teanis i id '.rinacleaeh
oi ier, playing iIton lcliigcitn ieto lbe
High school football players, part of tho Summer Camps of Champions, practice their skills last week
00 the University's athletic campus,
hr best teatinu ilthe eamip.
A guiestskt also spoke to the camipers,
eneoutraging them to stick wihfootbial lxii to
also renmain focused on school.I leach football
cochl LIiocyd rrandloorerfooithbill cocth
ho Sc he. Cli ere artong the getr
speakerci [orthe Lenk.
Jiscot YoLitsrcaemper fromNk \oodhricdge,
Del. said thecamtrps are importat to him lot
his futcure as t fcotbxall planer.
"We net a lot of people this week' he said.
"fhere are scoots and coaches fronm the Big
T[ci anrl all over the world here watching us.
Ii's cool"
'[hrecamop was, direeted hy defensive coach
Jimi Hermnann, pius over 1111 coaehes from the
Uiversity and high schools around the state.
Mote informxatiotn ahout the foothall camp,
or tiny sports camp, can he found at
httl.?: ttr fgobliecont lc'ctnto
'This- ain vw ia 93' urpa rens
". With cur sIahh of enpertuttced travnlers,
aglohal nttork of offices, grunt prices,
ticket fleihiliy and a [ttn of travol surviteen
-- mu kno irnsht atidcwhat it taken to pitt
~i togethur a mitid hoi ti
mi.jst remembherto titatik notu
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E arnm1in a1 hour computer-mediated negotiation experiment
R~:that is being held in the Business School throughout June and
'Days: Monday through Friday
Times: 4:30 and 6:00 PM.
To be included in the pool of possible subjects, register at:
htt :llw w~umichedulcisdpt/DD
} To participate, you must be over the age of 18.
1103, S jLiversi, Sit-
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