2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 14, 1999
Top of the Park series offers free movies and concerts
Baiy Adam werink began with a movie projector on top of a cart, Cadillac Cowboys at 9 p.m are scheduled to Top of the Park
with a guy selling hot dogs, said Ann Arbor kick-off the event this Friday.
Done with spring classes and looking for Summer Festival Marketing Director Colleen Highlights throughout the three and a half Concerts start at 7 p.m. every night from June
something to do on a weeknight? Starting on Murdoch. week series include a concert at 9 p.m. on 18 to July 11, with movies beginning after dark
Friday, Top of the Park will provide relief for But Top of the Park now includes booths Monday, June 21 by the swing band Cigar Sunday through Thursday. Concert highlights
the summertime blues. from local restaurants, concerts from local Store Indians and classic movies such as "The throughout the three and a half weeks include:
Located on the roof of the Fletcher Street bands every day during the event, and movies Blues Brothers," "Monty Python's Meaning of
parking structure and next to the Power Center, projected onto a wall Sunday through Life," and "Austin Powers: International Man . June 20 at 7:00 Big Dave and the Ultrasonics
Top of the Park, a part of the Ann Arbor Thursday. Coordinators expect more than of Mystery." U June 21 at 9:00 Cigar Store Indians
Summer Festival, is a free series of events run- 1,500 people every weeknight and more on the More information about Top of the Park and M June 28 at 7:00 Bird of Paradise Orchestra *
ning from June 18 to July 12. weekends, Murdoch said. the entire Ann Arbor Summer Festival can be 0 July 6 at 7:00 Imperial Swing Orchestra
Celebrating its 16th year, Top of the Park Concerts by the RFD Boys at 7 p.m. and the found at: h0 p://sr.mtise.cot/aasf 3July 11at 7:00 George Bedard and the Kingpins
INew Owners, Modern
'Machines, and Sparkling Clean\
14695 Washtenaw
Students await Circuit Court
, W lawsuit intervention decision
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By Mahvish Khan
Daily StaffReporter
Two groups of students will find
out later this week whether their
desire to intervene in the two law-
suits challenging the University's use
of race in its admissions policies will
be fulfilled.
Aiming to gain participation rights
to defend affirmative action, the
attorneys for students interested in
intervening in the lawsuits presented
their arguments last Tuesday to the
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in
The students seek to enter the law-
suits to ensure that those who will be
affected by the case are represented
fairly in court.
LSA sophomore and perspective
Law School applicant, Erika
Dowdell said if students' voices are
not heard, the proceedings sill be
"This suit is about the students
who are directly affected by affirma-
tive action," Dowdell said.
cannot be made
without us."
- Erika Dowdell
LSA sophomore
"These decisions cannot be made
without us," she said.
The students' appeal to the Sixth
Circuit Court comes almost a year
after their motions to become co-
defendants were denied last summer
by separate district court judges.
Senior Legal Counsel Terry d
from the Center for Individual
Rights, the organization which filed
the lawsuit against the University's
College of Literature Science in
1996 Arts and the Law School in
1997, was not available for com-
Massie said she is optimistic the
three-judge panel's decision will be
in favor of student intervention.
There are many cases in wh*
courts have ruled in favor of inter-
venors in a variety of suits, Massie
Massie said she felt the panel was
"responsive and attentive to prece-
dence," Massie added.
"1 feel that not following it would
be a racist double standard," Massic
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