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June 07, 1999 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1999-06-07

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Monday, June 7, 1999 - The Michigan Daily - 7

U' Sailing Club provides public access to local boating
By D@Ut etminues northwest of Ann Arbor. ber," Boslev said. "We have people Bosley said the University does not against other teams from the Midwe
Daily dRei f -.4 .


While the accelerated pace of spring
term classes can sometime feel over-
whelming, a group of students and fac-
ulty have found a way to dissolve those
stresses by taking to the water.
The University of Michigan Sailing
Cqub attracts boaters to its home
ers of Baseline Lake, about 20

in a tnon to orfering access to anl
types of watercraft, the UMSC aims to
teach sailing skills.
Although the club currently has 113
members, Commodore Kevin Bosley,
president of the UMSC, said he
expects that number to rise to about
220 members by the end of the season.
"Anyone is welcome to be a mem-

tram all walks of lite here, including
students, faculty, and alumni from U of
M, Eastern Michigan University and
even Concordia (College)."
The UMSC has property rights on
Baseline Lake, a wide spat of the
Huron River which was donated to the
UMSC by the University's zoology
department in the 1950s.

give runding to the UMSC, but the
group has built a clubhouse, along
with a storehouse, and maintains and
updates their equipment using mem-
bership dues.
Shoreside lectures and individual
sailing lessons involving the club's 24
sailboats and seven sailboards are
offered every Saturday from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Although the first two lessons are
free, membership can be attained wnhen
dues are paid on the third visit.
n'iversity alumna Tamear Charney, a
broadcast producer at WUOM radio.
has heen a member of the club since
1997 and came to the lake Saturday
with her family for a picnic and an
afternoon of sailing.
"I love it out here. I don't think
enough students know about this,"
Charney said.
UMSC also has an intercollegiate
racing team for undergraduates during
the fall which competes mainly

In the fall, the club holds picnics fr
students and occasionally brngs sail-
boats onto the Diag to generate student
Business graduate student Sibel
Koyluoglu, a club member since 1986,
said she learned how to sail from
UMSC and wonders why more stu-
dents don't sail.
"With so mann lakes around, how
could you not sail'?" she asked.
To become a member or to just
check out the club, Bosley suggests
coming to one of the club's weekly
Thursday meeting, held at 7:45 p.m. in
Room 120 of the Dennison Building,
or simply showing up at Baseline
Twenty-five to 35 lessons are tau ht
each Saturday and Sunday, Bosley
said. "But there's always room for
For directions to Baseline Lake or
for more information, contact the club
at 426-0920.

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Suspect pleas not guilty
to Saturday's' shootz'g

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Continued from Page 1
Neither Seitz or Elkhoja are affil-
iated with the University, but
Logghe said Seitz had been a stu-
dent at Ferris State University in Big
Rapids, Mich.
Seitz, a 1997 Lahser High School
graduate, was attending a party in the
area with friends.
Logghe said a fight which later
involved Seitz may have started over
a "catcall" made to a female walking
with Seitz's friend, Although Seitz
was not present at that time, the fight
resumed later involving him, his
friends, and the suspect.
"The situation simply deteriorated
from there," Logghe said.
The suspect fired a single shot into
the air, and Logghe said Seitz imme-
diately confronted him, and was shot
in a matter of seconds.
The Department of Public Safety
was called in to assist in controlling
the crowd surrounding the scene.
Although Logghe said it is not
known if drugs or alcohol played a
factor in the fight or the shooting,
there were multiple parties in the
area and AAPD officers were seen
confiscating a keg from Debs.
Those at the party said many of the
people in attendance were not affili-
ated with the Debs co-op or neigh-
boring homes and apartments.
Ann Arbor resident Andrea Burns.
who recently moved out of Debs, said
she was at the co-op's party, but left,
before the shooting occurred.
'People were dancing in the living
room," Burns said. "Everything was
pretty normal."
Those who knewt Seitz said it
swould be out of chartcter for him tox
eonfvont someone with a weapon.

"I am very surprised, he was very
quiet," said Michigan State student
and Lasher grad Betsy Caskey, a
friend of the Seitz family.
Caskey said Seitz, who transferred
to Lahser from Birmingham Brother
Rice High School, normally kept to
himself and had a small group of
The preliminary hearing for
Elkhoja's trial is scheduled to be held
June 16, but could change if Levitt
needs more time to prepare his
client's defense.

needs help beforez
Aug. Mich. 1Ve./U
F, approx 9amn-4t r

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