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June 08, 1998 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-08

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One hundred seven years of editormafreedom

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June 8 1998


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By Erin Holmes
*ily News Eitor
Basketball pools, point spreads and
national champion predictions.
Most college sports fanatics would say
gambling comes with the territory. But
the University is starting to buckle down.
In the wake of two former
Northwestern basketball players
admitting to shaving points against
three teams - one of them Michigan
in the '94-95 season, University
'thletic Director Tom Goss said a
stronger anti-gambling policy needs to
be developed.
"The Northwestern experience real-
ly opened our eyes," Goss said. He
added that some sort of gambling -
in the classroom or the office - is
very typical of college athletics. "We
said, 'This happens everywhere,"'
Goss said.
The Northwestern players, Dion Lee
and Dewey Williams, were charged in
te March with point-shaving after
Northwestern University completed its
own investigation into campus gambling
by student athletes. A third former
Northwestern athlete, Brian Ballerini,
was accused of accepting bets on athletic
events from other Northwestern athletes.
Goss said because incidents similar to
these happen in college athletics, the
University has to "look at local aware-
~ess" of the subject.
"Look at the Final Four," Goss said.
"There's more gabling the than in the
Snpe rBowl.'
Coss said that it is important to let the
University community know gambling in
athletics is an issue.
"You have to make it known locally
and do something to get out in front of it'
Goss said.
The Northwestern incident is not
unique to college athletics. In early
March, two Illinois men pleaded guilty in
qnalleged scheme to pay Arizona State
basketball players to shave points in 1994
basketball games.
Since the Northwestern incident, the
college is moving towards a "no toler-
ance" policy. Goss said this means that
even office pools or bets on basketball
See GAMBLING, Page 7

'M' football
renewals may
break record
By Susan T. Port
Sails News Editor
It's going to be another record-breaking season for Michigan
football fans.
Student demand for the upcoming football season is at a
{potential record high" said former associate athletic department
director Keith Molin.
Molin said the athletic department is getting closer to having
specific numbers.
"Student renewal is considembly ahead from where we were
last year," Molin said, adding that last year's freshman class was
the largest in history.
Last month, the Athletic Department approved recommenda-
tions to guarantee that all students would receive full-season
tickets, after complaints last fall over split-season tickets for
incoming first-year students. The proposal was to reserve sec-
tions 25-30 for students and saving section 31 as a "cushion"
But Molin said that the section 31 cushion "is gone and will
be used for student seating." ie added that students will still be
guaranteed a full-season, but because of the high demand for
season tickets, some students may be dispersed throughout the
"We have room to accommodate even the most optimistic
projection, but we need cushion," Molin said.
An additional 1,308 seats from recent stadium renovations
have increased capacity to 18,345 in sections 25-30
Athletic Director Tom Goss described the upcoming season
as "interesting right up to the first game"
Goss said it will be "impossible" for students intending to
purchase tickets on a game-by game basis. "We don't know how
many freshmen have ordered tickets," Goss said.
Goss said the high demand is linked to the momentum and
excitement of winning a national championship last year.
See TICKETS, Page 2

Lifeguards at Fuller Pool are making a splash in and out of the pool. Fuller is just one of three pub-
lic pools open this summer to the Ann Arbor community.
A2 poois make a Splash
By Susan T. Port $95 for non-residents.
Daily News Editor University alumnae Carolina Wheat said she
Splash! owns a season pass to the pools. "Otherwise I
University students celebrating the summer would probably spend $150," Wheat said.
weather can cool off by doing laps or just swim- She added that she receives the "ultimate work-
ming for fun in Ann Arbor's public pools. out" by doing laps.
Students who purchase a season pass from Lisa Scharbat, Mack Pool assistant manager,
the city of Ann Arbor gain access to Fuller, said an average of 300 people per day frequent
Mack, Buhr and Veterans Pools for the sum- the indoor pool. Scharbat added that fall and
mer. Day passes range from $2.50-$3 per spring are the busiest seasons.
person. Buhr is closed this summer for reno- "When it's rainy it's packed," Scharbat said.
vations. "There is a boom going on now"
A season pool pass costs $78 for residents and See POOLS, Page 2
Urb r an plannting 00curs takes
classroom, students off road
By Erin Holmes design since 1981," she said.
Daily News Editor Lusk said she came up with the idea for the
Students with a helmet and a wheelchair are University course as a way to teach students about
ready to roll ... to class. the creation and use of bicycle paths.
The course, Urban Planning 997, offers a new "It's one thing to use paths, but it's another thing
perspective for those who take bicycling for grant- to understand the regulations of their construc-
ed as they speed through the wilderness on hard- tion," Lusk said.
packed dirt pathways. Since the forming her curriculum, she has
"Someone had to build them," said G.S.I. Anne taught the course in America, Canada and Europe.
Lusk, referring to the bicycle paths that are the Currently, the 3-credit class, described by the
focus of perhaps one of the University's perhaps Spring Course Guide as "a biking and space explo-
most unique courses, ration course," is one of only three offered nation-
The idea that bicycle paths involve careful plan- wide.
ning and perfect architecture is not new to Lusk. "My two friends are teaching a similar course at
"I've focused solely on the precision of their See WHEELS, Page 2
Pine Knob is "where it s at" The Michigan women's track
when Beck played last team finisnes in 15th place at
Tuesday. Page 8. the NCAA meet. Page 12.


ical students bike across
America to fund Multiple
Sclerosis research. Page 3.

Instructor Ann Lusk pushes student Angela Fletcher in a
wheelchair near Rackham. Lusk teaches a bicycle paths class.
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