_ 10 --- The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 1, 1998 10 T vMcignDiy-Mody.ue. ,19 " Russo to read from novel 'Straight Man' BY Elizabeth Lucas Daily Arts Writer "Inm not a great fan of academic nov- els," said Maine writer Rictsard Russo. "They're often very bitter, score-set- tling, t'lt-get-even-witth-yosu exercises thsat don't appeat to me msuch." Fair enougts. So Isow did Russo hap- pen to write oise of the best acadensic novels to come along in years? "Straighst Man," Russo's fourth novel, tells the alternsately comic and beart- breaking story of Hank Devereaux, Jr., a sometime writer and Englisb professor at a small Pernnsylvania college. Hansk's seisse of humor and sardonic wit pull him throughs one turbulent week in which his long-lost fathser retuns, his daughter's msarriage flounders, and hie is attacked by auinmal-rights protesters. Irmpirobable as it sosssd:, Rrrsso said much of tse isovel is drawn from life. "I've beerstecclirsg for over 2() years, so I'd es storirsy tales of scadensic luisacy inthr~e bsck of msy umind. Most of that stuff caime right to Use surface," Russo ssid. "I orsce hsd a colleague swho was dis- turbed by Use fact thsat it was late spring and he still did not hsave a fatl brudget; and cosldn't promise jobs to the facrulty. We were wvalkirsg by the duck ponrd arid he was bemnoarsing his fate - 'The only Uing I cain threaten 1o do is kill a duck a dy tilt I get my bridget."' This scene, as readers will recog- nize, mirrors one of fire inspired plot devices in "Straight Man," in which I" uns the gsose becomes a Ist'rge to I trils burdget demnds.'Ire scerse also exemrsplrfiessts. blind of hsiumor anrd parthos that cha~rasterzes Russ'o's wistin" hrs work Ira'sbeen corspared to Itha t osnrislarrlsminided Nu ritirs 'uc ,sCha rtleslkesa nd Johni Iring.ii -I've.becosert.quirte comfrortal vt rli seers" comirc and tr'icsthtinrgs rright ip close toielther siroiredon't Irive trnes to birts.. Ruseso said I Isavs trid to mield thre iso. I guress, tsnd six' oss' style is iniformsed bs' lhat desire and thart design., Rursso said Ire "started tlte" but his 'eerrnrig or ithe past 21) yea rs. "I was is irking on a Ph 1). irr American Lit. at ltre Unive'rsity 01' Arizona,. It occuirred to inc Uhat mest of rrr friends who swere having any fart svere in ts' creative 'riling programn, so I crossed thre harll." Rursso wvent oil' to wvrite three novels, "Mohasvk," "The Risk Pool" arid 'Nobody's Fool," wich was mrade into a oevie in 1994. He said "Straightl Man," desite its academsic as'ttinsgtins much irn conunnis ith il these earlier works. "I started out to write Ure stoe of ai man, only part of whose experience was acadeici it intxolved Iis famsils' atru brirnds rid his owsssesse of idenitys as a matrnruin" 50t)Russo said. "lhe.cliiiacters tmrke. more monarexy arrd havesnriesdiicationrbut thess''re ai kind of a Hire-collar coltlee.iOntic tooedcsin. this college is kintdratfixhere iri otherinoiesswseresest. It still deals swith privilegeIfatherd sorts rutdlfam- lies." ILiks its tprsdecessors, 'Straright Man". isalo iotd i rits tradirtionail, well- crafted chraracters arid themies. Rurssio said lthaIis teaching experiertee influi- cerced Iis sts Ic. "Teaching begisiig students is error- mouristy benreficial to professional xvrit- ens, becausse thresks'ep you very honest,. Russo said. "Yen crirrI terchlthUe basics to students rind Users goihoe'to vein own work rind fuidge those basics. It forces yen to reiniid yourself what thre Imert iportaint Uhins s re." Russo's work is rare ini its attetion to these "ristinsportartsinrrgs,' and Iris readers have nirch to anticipate. Russo, whre tis previouisly worked em thre screenplays rif-"Nobody's Fool" arid "Twinlit," is currcurly developing ai screenplray for 'Straight Mart." Dre, inworks ownis the rights to tre novel and may' make it leo a films. -A;~'- Call for carryout ~Z~jiiW1_ZIZID Try our famous colliders! Choose any of our 22 fruit. SPEfCIALIZING In cereal, and candy toppings -Daily in-house specials to create your own salads -shakes Colombo non-fat ,sandwiches yogurt shake. bturgers: and wings 812 South State Street 769-5650 l STAY OUT LATE. SEE MOVIES. ' GEwTPAID. Working at a Star Theatre is noriayjob. You ll enjoy a great work envionmcut and work with goodpeople. Every Star Theatre offers advacement oppoimunity, flexible hours, health benefits, 401 K and college tuition reimbursement. Now hiring frilllpart-rime, and seasonal cast members. Apply in person at any Star Theatr or onlieat Twsta-harscm Star Theatre Locations: Suthfield, Mt.Clemens, ARochester, Madi'on Ht. Taylor and Lincoln Park. Grand Rapids & Holland. Ofset printing % acf abr Phoocoies A UM Tnza3lTlon for al clubs usiness , ond 401 E. HuronSt. ( waiking distance 61 5 E. Liberty, off State rum campus) 769-0560 668-9329 Pickuap at these d rop. St: Student Publications Bldg. Frieze Bldg. " t Pierpoint Commons Dennison B"ldg". (N.Campus} E. Engin LSA fithe Building Business Schoolh ~'Lawt Library" Und5 -graduate library ,. Michigan Union Graduate Library-nelMso 2sts >N. Capu~/CC Little (bua stop dropbox) Fifth and Liberty drob C Little Medical School ' Fleming lg N. University drohOx 'Rac.ham Church St: dropbox'- Athletic Drept: Main St. Nevws -~ ISR Richard Russo mistreats waterfowl in his new novel, Straight Man' Is thre iiis'itutr Russsiaird, ticis also woirkirn" onmi'itisnorvsl.'Thnis ruse will taike placs inia siall toInirsMaiia4 iinstead of as rioersiry settingr".rnd wuif be moe'rsurroscenrt ofh Iis srltier sex'- els. Rurso's books genrialrly a pperrevery, thireyerarsso rea ders sisa lii ha v lmwile to wail for tieniextiIones AmsdArboriies, Ihowever. canstrke ltre timie go fasier by "'~eisgRusso irs Ierson for free Ionsorroxv tnighti ahShi..at Shaanr itns - arid perharps. soissedaix' hb' wsatchng Ftumorsrquack thsisnv iirj Itie Stnte 'heater. TRUMAN Continued from Page 8 showix Timsimcludeseri nug Trumain awav rois faIther at rimsearly age. D~irectoir Peter Weir does an excep- tional job working his wvay throng difficult suibjeet. I-he is aible tso hosld Carrey's comic Itaents back, inster foesing ron the gradrush progression the story. the als does ni trap-oif-thse-limae jobh in creating the toxinsrI Seahaven. ":The 'Iruman Show' is mne e'citinir' nmovie that builhds tesin a s 'Truran comes cloaser arnd closer to discovxering the tutlh. Itsfocusin nirsthre storyand ltre esolrutnin ohmts minsa nircter, 'Thre 'T'rumrnS 'how"i s isinslahnieeddnlter- nartve tor this typiscal summrahre oaf explorsinsaiesns iad lisa a xinuhiser I