Tuesday, May 5, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - 5 NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'My nightmare is that the first female to run for president will have their picture posted on the front cover of "Hustler."' --Assistant to the Vice Presidentfor University Affairs Mary Lou Antieau, concerned that students running in the Naked Mile are unaware ofpeople in the crowd taping the event. LETTERS TO THEEDITOR *tudent group deserved better coverage To THE DAILY: I am writing in regards to the Daily's "Best of Ann Arbor" issue (4/16/98) in which the importance of my *rganization was slighted. Although AIESEC was recog- nized as "Best Student Group' at the University, the Daily blurb was extremely ignorant. reading "Why is it that AIESEC perpetually wins this category, yet no one seems to know what AIESEC stands for?" I am glad you realize that ltlSt Csins this category almtst evry year, but by nos the Dttly sit swoid thin oh "hmm ... m aybe this is an orgatniton we should find out mre about?" Instead, the Daily staff has, year after year, written an equally ignorant blurb about AIESEC without trying to find out what exactly we do. So to save you the trou- le of actually doing journalis- tic research, I'll tell you. First off, the name AIESEC is a French acronym which translated into English means "International Association of Students in Economics and Commerce. AIESEC is the largest student-run, not-for- profit organization in the world, with over 50,000 mem- ,ers in 88 countries world- wide. It was founded in 1948 when young leaders from sev- eral war-torn countries decided to form an organization that would promote peace and cooperation through the exchange of ideas, culture and people. There are over 40 local committees in the United States alone, and AIESEC Michigan has always been one of the strongest, providing an example of leadership for the rest of the nation. Last year, we were nationally recognized as the No. I local committee in the United States. All of AIESEC's activities revolve around the develop- ment of globally minded lead- ers for the future. One of the ways itt which we do this is throusglh the physical exchange of people across countries. \/c promote the importance of a culturally diverse workforce through storking with compa- nies in the area(e.g., Ford, Chrysler, JfCl) who benefit in gaining an international per- spective. Currently, we have about 20 interns ftom other countries working in the United States, and we take care of every aspect of their stay to ensure that they have a chance to show us their cultures and to learn about American culture. In addition, we help students at the University find paid intern- ships abroad. Every student who has ever gone through AIESEC's international traineeship exchange program has said that it was a life- changitg experience for them, just ask Helmut Kohl. The scope of our operations are too broad for me to go into right now, but if you care to find out more, please feel free to visit our website at http://swwumichedu/~aiesecmi, and maybe next year (if we are named Best Student Group), AIESEC will actually have a semi-decent caption. Thanks. VIVIAN TONG VICE PRESIDENT AIESEC MICHIGAN Muslim holiday overlooked in U I Daily To THE DAILY' I at disippointed in the c(), ,)ag o th Nuslim holi- day Eid UIl-Adha. This is one of two major Muslim holi- days (the other after the fast- ittg month of Ramadan) and I believe that it deserved more than a place on Page 9 in the 4//9t8 issue of the Daily. One of the problems that plagues this diverse campus is a lack of knowledge on many subjects, including religion. I believe that just informing students of faiths and tradi- tions is the first step in mak- ing this campus a more friendly and comfortable place to be. IFTEKHAR AHMAD LSA JUNIOR The best way to deal with the Klan is to leave them alone O n June 22, 1996, the Ku Klux Klan descend- en their resolve. Furthermore, hurling rocks at ed on Ann Arbor. By the end of the day, the Klan and putting everyone at the rally in eight people were hospitalized, eight more arrest- grave physical danger will not make a significant ed, and the city found itself with a huge bill for impact on anyone's mind. the inadequate protection it afforded the group The flier goes further, calling Mayor Ingrid and its protesters. Sheldon and her ilk "racist" for giving the KKK On Saturday, the loony tunes will once am a permit and insulting the police for trying to congregate at the intersection of Fifth maintain some semblance of order on and Huron. Yes, the Ku Klux Klan the city street. Hopefully, the city will will be there, but so will numerous have the foresight this year to step up people hell-bent on preventing the police protection. Klan from saying anything. City Hall The flier calls the city's reaction to will temporarily become a minefield - the new rally - a "unity" rally to be of hatred and anger - from both . held away from the ruckus at City Hall sides. - "hypocritical garbage." But if it pre- Wait, let me get this out of the way vents the formation of violent backlash before I go on. Yes, the KKK is a against the Klan, it does its job in my bunch of hate-mongering idiots. And "5iLE book. no, I don't want them here anymore JACK You've got to fight speech with than anyone else. But being as fond of SCHILLACI speech. You've got to speak iouder than the First Amendment as I am (remem- SI-LA11 Ii 'I'l) the racists - not try to prevent them ber that "free speech" stuff?), I believe THE LFT from speaking at all. they have the right to hide behind their Maybe once the organizers of these little white outfits and spout their dogma. Others events get past their terrible twos, they'll realize on this campus, however, don't agree. that throwing rocks at the Klan will not shut "Smash the KKK!" read signs that have been them down. But ignoring them may. The Klan plastered across campus for weeks in anticipation are coming to the relatively liberal atmosphere of Saturday's event. Yes, our friends at of Ann Arbor for one reason and one reason BA MNNW ROC/insert-your-acronym-here- only: to get the kind of violent reaction they got please are planning to protest the KKK, giving last time, so they stand behind a guise of self- the group exactly what it wants. righteousness. Yes, you heard me correctly. Don't give them the pleaur'. Spend AllitheKKK Ant isilittle reaction. They ssi Saturday on the Diag cating ice cream or to get up on their soapbx s and vomit up osvty something.Let the Klan babble all they sant racial slur known to man, and they sant yot its -their efforts will probably prove pretty fruit- pay attention. If they don't get the attention they less if no one is there to hear them. Don't stoop want, they proba blwould not come back for to their level by dignifying their existence with another visit. your attendance. Protestin" them and threatening to shut them -hJck Schillaci will be at home watchoig down "by any means necessary" will not solve reruns of "La & Order" onSaturda . You can the problem - in fact, it will likely just strength- reach him over e-maiil tjschilapjltiiich.ed/u. With my cap, gown and free mug, I've graduated J walked down the pavement to the front door of "English." the bookstore. This is it, I thought. I'm going to He grabbed a white tassel from a huge rack and buy my cap and gown - sthose mighty vestiges of shoved it into my hands, barely making eye con- change; those symbols of transition and adult- tact. He brushed by me and pulled a blue mug out hood; those markers of the fital, ultimate step of a stack of approximately one-zillion blue mugs. from youth to adulthood. The cap and gown. He handed it to me. I savored the feeling. For the first time all year, I "Free mug." was actually excited about graduation. I I stood there bewildered. "Is that it?" had picked up the graduation tickets for "That's it." my family. The reservations for the I paid my $27 -- credit card, of restaurant were already set. But nothing course - and left with my cap and came close to buying the cap and gown. gown. No trumpets sounded. "We are I mean, here I was, about to purchase the Champions" didn't play in the back- the very items I'd be wearing on the day 4 ground. No confetti streamed forth of my graduation. Once I bought the cap from the ceiling. No one shook my and gown, there was no turning back. hand or even told me congratulations. Sure, I had finished my last class and Was this what the real world would be taken my last final, but what did that % like? Was this what graduation was all mean? I had taken a million classes and CHRIS about? Nameless? Surrounded by peo- a thousand finals before. There would FARAH pe who didn't care? Who would take only be one cap and gown. Just like there FE A IH'S whatever you had to give them, leaving would only be one graduation. Fe- 'T you with barely a pat on the back? I walked nonchalantly into the store. I went to commencement Saturday. I'm not sure what I expected to find. I knew there The sky was gray. Before I walked down the wouldn't be a spotlight shining on the cap and steps to my seat in the gigantic stadium, a pho- gown as they were luxuriously displayed in a gold- tographer hired by the University took my pic- en case. But I expected ... well, something. ture. Next in line, please. Click. Move on. I shuf- Something more than I found, anyway. fled my feet down the stairway. The crowd was A short, stocky man walked towards me, sizing immense; I couldn't find my family among them. me up. "How tall are you?" I was slightly taken . Then I looked around me. My friends were sit- aback by the unceremonious approach. tmg next to me. Even people around me I didn't "Umm... about 5-foot-9?" I stammered know smiled at me. People laughed and hugged he picked up a package out of a pile of approx- each other. Someone even cracked open a bottle of imately one-zillion seemingly identical pack- champagne and passed it around. ages. He handed it to me, then quickly snatched We were graduating. We were done with four up a cap from another immense pile. or more years of work. And we did it together. "One size fits all. Elastic in the back. Bachelors?" I went home after it was all over, and I cracked "What?" open my own bottle of champagne. I poured it "Bachelors degree?" into the generic free mug from the bookstore, "Uhll... yeah." and I gulped it down, loving every last drop. "What school1?" -- E-mail Chris Farah at carah~utuich.edu KAMR5 HFE A s :I APNc r r M i.ewr ''" -.