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May 26, 1998 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-05-26

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Next Monday, read Daily Arts for an
"interview with Peter Weir, director of
" The Truman Show,' and a preview ofTusa
the film which opens on June 5.R My2,19
Green E ay plays for 01 onl 00)
hot "5.50

BymCon Barts
So wht recently inspiured the bx to ply 00-person
ctubs nooo liat they'rc bigger than thexye ever beeti" Grleena
D~ay's drummrer. Ire, explained the strategy
"We're just akin' it to this level 'cause we sortai skipped
this level before," said 'Crc. "It's better to have more people
that can't come to see you than be readily accessibte at this
point. Plus, the burnout factor is higher wxhen you play big
xsos..w'e a club band and wxe go over better that w'ay
..btwe're f---in' realty good in a big place, too."
Green Day. has been gone the last couple years, touring the
wxorld followinag the success of its last three albumts,
"Insomniac." "nimzrod. "and of course, the rnulti-rnillion sell-
mng "lDookie.-
"We've been overseas more than we've been borne. It's
kinda xveird," Tre said. "The f---in' crowds go o#1. Like we're
demi-gads in Japan_ They have little totem poles w itt urir
heads tin 'cm. It's prety silly though."
The bx's are wxell awxare of their success, axhich appecars to
bhave gone to their heads. "We got a lot of hit songs, bobs.'
'Ire said. "TIhast's the o,.as it is. Our f---itt' setlist looks like a
gr'eatest-hits album.
"Pretty hauge batnd'? We're the only rock 'n' roll band in the
wxorld. Seriously, xwe're the f---ing onlx' band left that's still a
Grleat eff"eocts cai

the sae

coild '1 ot t
ot I s tu r a otoi. rlxi"xt cl

last I ,.t, itt
tli.s itt "500 1

tat's ix lix;(reenta 1i, 's iltbui
rini tit " s oli ifu.'shu srprzse.
S'..: It" It'seui, ecitiig andtad irloiiuts
Whets I atsked whlaat took tterna seveta
Green Day years snd five alhumys to exptand thecir
sounad, ire snapped, "You giatta estab-
7th House lilahyouirselt' before yoiu start f---tn'
Tomorrow at 8 pm. around, branching out. Weve been
together longer thats most bonds and
Nxe're yocunger than most bainds. We're
not making music for you, we're not
naskia' nausic for yo rnsma or your little
brothser. It's for uLs We don't really gixe
' a shit if p1l think our sound is te
samae. We're the siame guys swith the
It's at shtae that xwith its staying posxer and great nexw
songs. Green Dat is playing s ratdio show itt Detroit that
mnost ftasxwont exvia gel to see.
If y oure one of te lucksonaes thattwxoni tickets, though.
cherish the maonment. Seeing (Green Day saupport "inarod." at
thte 7th louse ha1 Ponatiac xith Ssrniana (a great tatnd froma
Gilmaan Street) xttuld bae an tamazitag way to spend tomaorroxx.

Thousands of fans would would love to see Tre, Billy and Mike (left to right) in
Pontiac tomorrrow night, but only 400 lucky ticket holders will he able to attend.


sav 1Gdi
By Gabe Smith
I)iih', Arts WXriter
ITe skies oxver tic Ptacific M-oi catite iex-
plicataly tilled \xtlt a blinditag lighat. A
Jatpanaese ttimter is iny'steriotusIN sunks lay a
gtiant beast.
In 'TIahti ad thte Patanaian fotest, dinosacur-
like footptitnts aite founad promaptinag xworld-
wvide interest. Anid Nexx York ('ity is aihout to
Oitisess its destruetion.
Does this plot sound (1 i'x
fantiliar? lierhatas ai poge'i
otut ot' "'fThe Lost Godzllla
Actaly. this is a
roauglh svynopsis of a
remake ot one of the At satase
greatest movixie monasters
of till tine. "(Ctodzilts ' a', s
stomaped its xxay inato the- _:. .
titers almttist onte wxeek '....
*goi todays, creatinga mucha
last itt its xxtke
'The naoxie is the
brainchild of Roland
Emamericht and Dean D)evlin. 'Thuse twxo
nantes nayts sounit tamiliar sitace they created
the sunataer blockbuster "Independence IDas"
wvhicha trtinsfornmed Will Snaith ialo sax oie.
star. Ottc tispect of the f'ilm conmpatable to
"Itadepeiadetnee I )tts is the incrediblec stpccial
#t'he '90s (todeilta is nio longer a man~a inia
taide suit. bta itproaduct caf comptuter graiphtics
tatt tlookx like ti cross betAeI cna i'-11e tad it
Itirge igiuita. ttitetllti. tlougIi, is lovxalte ad
lias a ltarge cttit tiattitaixut itt'f ltix 'ice.a ,ititst

Thle plit rev'olx'es
aroucnd (iodzilla's
desire to prixcreate.
'The tasexual giaint
lizarad spcnds the filma
setarchungfair a pltace
to lay his egs.
Sttaniag in
Gocdilla's xxay is
maild-mannatered Nick
Tatapoulos, plaxyed
ly nmild-mt~ attered
Mtatthexw Broderick.
'T'atapoulos is a
tauclear res'earcher
studyitag the effects
of goxwthaonxwormas
duritag the attermaath
of 'Irntotxb1lten
Ite is ctalle-d sax to
'top Cucditta.
Broiderick's meek-
iness of chtarticter and
occcationa undoubt- Here Leezard, leezard, t
edlx' brings atbout one Azaria gets ready to ca
of tte irnarty iquestiotas int this flti: Why bin?
c ipposite Broderick is talitpe Roachae,
played by aatcompalaishecd Ire~nchtacatoirtettn
Renso.'ITle mxysterious Roachea, atretactaseceret
tigetmnasqueradinig as tasisuranac sialcsan
is otte of the fewx highlights ol tlhe niac.
Ie pops bbable guriath athits fcllowxx nt
atad ciaixy s impersoniattingilzis axPresle
lxxo idiosy nerasies (mtorcetani tlhcrcest O'thle
cast taas) it1at intake timtaamaore belies itle
c etrcr 1)(te '"iocklli 'ar eti o txtaes
tiop act1ig tontots.
()tliei axntatesicluide "Spinal 'Ilap" star

Kravitz jives on
new album '5'
By Colin Bartos
Dltx 'Arts sx'xter
Lennay Kraxvitz. is a rausictalraaity. Not since lPrince las
anyone so successfully xTitteit, perfoined atid aroduced lhix
or hter o'xmi albums singlehandedly.
Leitns is often critictzed for soacaditag too uxnccha like soxme
of his influences.(Itat sitace 1989's "let IDoveoRlte," Lenny
htas itever pretended toi be anyxthtintgotlier thaa Ialittsehf CIlis
stings of petace, loxe ttnd thopexoupled
xwith futak clix thits and deliciiius rock :.g
licks on the albacm mtade him sn itnte-
diate cdarinagixf critics tad fans alike. Lenny
1995's "Circus" wxas aptly ntaed Kr"avitz
tact a hilotf a disapapoinatmaent. It
seetaed Leatiiv had crossed theclhne 5
baetxween adortioin of the hatst atadlie
recreationa of t. Nothaitag siocanded oiig
uina, and the sotagsxwere cdarkerastote VirginRecords
self-sers'ing attd religioics.
I ttecr' 5'itoirshla tlt doubts of Mr.
Ku axitz's creativecitetgr ity. IThe istaeni
er, "iv, aias a funikx%:ritcker, itaichalike..his clas ic Alway
()ha I a.Run.'Itnstead cf rehatsinagIis wxoak oiteacast,
ILentta gives us son's like "Sctpersocitfi'hlicc ad "I hiclong
'to You,"x",Ich pas more homiaige ltiamidernt tip-hoainch R
& Ithlan ataythitag else. "Bl1ack Velxvcctee"ectxci as ait
alatost teclto tccl to it.
That's nixi to sythat Lennytxhais abandoxned Its paist. Its
ability to ixii shirk rockers lake "lyxAixax"adt"It's Ycour
tilt. witlh slowcrtatore introspectiveojm itttke ITake lotte,"
"Can Wc FInudAtcasixn" and "You'ire My Itaixiat coitas off
mtorc smoothly thta exer.
STe production oat "5' is stellar.tsrittgiagot thle uciqulte
tatd dix erse itnstrmetationa on thte albumt. Iy ricailly. Lennya
hais rctuiatd tia his oldt setf, lendtitng 'it oxeratll peittixe vshe
iIto st hlc' albaumt. "'"doesnttreallx eotntatinsanycsurrises,
taut t-s defititelsytte tmost ittrestiti~g atd siolidt I oat atlbaumt
to cdate C.'itirettfantaxiltnot lbe'dttixaiiiti tid "nd 5-ix
aixitid to pgaii I .ety ta fewx moure.

Ctortsy o ttirPicturs
leezard. Here leezard, leezard, leezard. Hank
itch the giant lizard on taps in 'Godetlia.'
l'hirrs Shearer as Charles Ctitan. a ruthltess,
arr'ogatnt sentior reporter for the local telexvisiont
staitionad Mary Patillo, vito plays C'caia's
asisLtanittad hitapocitis's formter etilltege
(Of coucrse, thte retit sttar of this naotsia is
C'odtli itself. As the title chitac1cr. it is
ex;tteittety disapialiitl that amidst a slewx of
Cirdxiard cutousct per'on-aiics antd sloppay
xxtattitioi.C'ihla is nttsapairtrayted is the wxild,
i-[ tis atttlttic Ixeasl it ixsiiuplsedltoiba.
C(iocdlisIx tctualthe oneitochatracter the' auid-
See GODZILLA, Page 10

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