Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - 5 NOTABLE QUOTABLE "I hate walking around campus now, coughing up a lung because of the dirt and dust that's flying through the air." - Ingineering sophomore Karen Sneider; frustrated by all the construction in Ann Arbor over the summer: ETE S OTH ED *R lbof article missed the cut To THE DAILY: I happened to read the article on myself (1 larris ignites Blue golfers, 518/98) and found it to be extremely inaccurate and dis- *rbing. As I am sure you know acts and their accuracy make a story, not the overdramatization of what you dream up. The whole angle of the story was way off and misrepre- sented myself and the golf pro- gram at the tniversity. I am not a "rebel without a cause" and "rules are my thing." Winning three tournaments this year *ined myself respect from players and coaches alike. However, what gained the most respect was the incident at the Kepler Intercollegiate. I was extremely apologetic to my teammates, coaches and family for what happened and was commended by most for my actions. This is far from the pic- ture you painted in your article. First, it was not the "final le." Second, I was not in con- tention to win the tournament. Most of all I did not go on some "rampage which led to my disqualification." It hap- pened on the second hole of the day, I was 6 or 7 shots off the lead with no chance of catching up, and I turned myself in. After kicking the putter, it bent Wy slightly, and had I not said a word I could have finished the round, counted my score, and no one would have known but myself. However,, as an honest person who respects the integrity of the game, I told my opponents and informed them o.f the possible consequences sines I was unsure of the rule. I finished the round minus the putter and shot 76 hoping to still help out my team. After looking in a rules book, I found the penalty was disqualification and remorseful- ly accepted the consequences of niy actions. However, the article portrayed me as a fool runing around a golf course destroying everything in my path. It makes tor a good fictiotal stiry and maybe a box office hit like "Ilappy Giimore,' however, writing it in a newspaper about someone trying to do the right thing becomes a malicious attack on my reputation. Journalism like this has no place in the Daily and should be reserved as tabloid trash. MICHAEL HARRIS GOLF TEAM Bureaucracy fuels year 2000 glitch To THE DAILY: After reading your coverage of the University's year 2000 bug response (ITD extends plan for the millennium, 5/18/98), I could not help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. The computer glitch, according to the way that lID depicts it, is a failing of programmers to antici- pate the needs of the future. The Y2k bug is not the fault of the programmers but of the bureau- cracy, and on their shoulders the blame for a massive potential computer failure rests. The programs written that have these problems are over 20 years old and lived on far beyond the expectations of the original designers. Why is a uni- versity that claims to be on the cutting edge still using equip- ment and software that is over 20 years old when the same institution upgrades the equip- ment in the campus computing sites once every two years? For a painfully simple rea- son: It is easier to wait until problems are staring you in the face rather than change a sys- tem that already works. The machines that will fail are out- dated mainframes that should have been retrofit years ago. Fur the aver/ige student, the Y2k bug means funds wasted on a problem that should never have come up, it means pro- grammers' time wasted retro- fitting old code rather then a newer more powerful system. It means delays in getting things processed, errors in han- dling requests, inefficiency and many more years of error keeping alive an old system. EDWARD CHUSlD LSA SENIOR Late night infomercials do battle for naive viewers enizens of late night television like myself same high school. Mega Math was a sort of are certainly familiar with the ridiculous Mega Fonze, impressing all the chicks with his infomercials that run around the time that Jay math prowess. Being the big mail on campus, Leno's show signs off. Of all the half-hour he often beat up the not-yet Mega Reading and commercials running today, two in particular took his lunch money. Mega Reading was left stand out to me: Mega Reading and Mega to eat stale chicken nuggets and read sci-fi Math. books at a table all by himself in the cafeteria. Both promise their potential cus- Reading the books, the young teenager tomers ludicrous results in the format soon found that he could read them at of a one-on-one talk show. Strangely, nearly twice the rate of a normal sts- the same "host" appears in each com- dent, and he continued to get foster mercial (perhaps a sort of Vince suntil he became Mega Reading. McMahon, controlling the operation ' Sadly, rather than use his powers for even though you believe he's nothing good, Mega Reading decided to market more than a talking head). This host them. As soon as his old nemesis Mega interviews the purveyor of each Math got wind of this, he challenged method, who gives a demonstration of him in capitalistic warffare. I am disip- the amazing things you can do if you pointed that these two men could not send in some money right now. Mega DAVID take their cues from other superheroes. Reading takes a science textbook and WALLACE You would never catch Batman on reads it on the air in about 45 seconds, 9 E IN QVC trying to sell batarangs for flipping through pages like the robot TJO ti v 519.95. in "Short Circuit" (yeah, remember The other critical mistake Iade by that?). Mega Reading is that lie did not trademark any Flip the channel over to Mega Math, and hes name composed of the word 'mega" and an aca- adding up four-digit numbers faster than the demic subject. I :n sure Mega Chemistry, Mega chronically slow-fingered host can with a calcu- home Economics and Mega Astrophysics are lator. Like Mega Re/ding, Mega Math says that already on the way. Who knows what tragedy all you have to do is buy his book to learn the awaits the ill-informed Mega Chemistry student? method Mega Math and Mega Reading exemplify the With names like Mega Math and Mega impatience inherent in our society. Americans love Reading, and given their amazing displays of absurd gimmicks that advertise immediate results. skill, these guys have got to be superheroes. After Even though such claims are not realistic, people watchling these commercials a few times, I ami buy into the slim chance that they work. While pretty sure that Mega Reading appears agitated. believing in sweeping solutions to problems is the Clearly, he was here first and Mega Math has first step in solving them, overlooking the required been trying to usurp his late night power. effort only puts solutions further out of reach. The origins of these two superheroes are Infomerciais are the snake oil of the 1990s, and shrouded in mystery, but I feel I have unlocked they show us how far we haven't come. the secrets of the men behind the books. Years - Davidt Wllace can be reached into the earl ago, Mega Math and Mega leading went to the morning hours at davidmniw fumich.edu. If only I could relive the summers of my childhood A s one of the numerous unemployed college After I've tattooed him with a couple good students scrounging around lovely Ann bruises, and he's gotten in the mandatory arm Arbor this summer, it recently dawned on me bites, we head out to our backyard pool. Five how great it was to be a child. More specifically, minutes of pretend-you're-an-Olympic-swinner I've come to realize that childhood during the is enough though, so I opt to grab a raft from the summer months might be some of the best times deck. Tony, lacking my stamina, runs inside to of our lives. I admit, I'm one of the most irre- the comfort of the air-conditioned family room, sponsible 20-somethings around. But whie .I proceed to lay out for a couple even if you're some industrious young hours, letting my fingers and toes hang intern, you have to agree with me here. in the soothing water. Come on now. Just sink into your Then, he ventures back outside to ask couch and think back ... back to when me if I want to take a trip up to the cor- your days were carefree and lazy. Back ner 7-11. Dragging myself out of the to when your mom poure'd your Cookie pool, I dry off and go with him to the Crisps for you. Back to when your summertime consumer mecca. Beef "job" entailed brushing your teeth s jerky. String cheese. Fifty-cent "Big every morning and picking up Ruff's Bite" hot dogs (potentially lethal, but poop in the afternoon. Back ... back ... they taste good). And, of course, the back ... CHRIS holy grail of summer drinks -- the I can see myself waking up. Bright LANGRILL Slurpee. We head home with these and early as always. It's around 11:15 I iF"'DI goodies, the refreshing nature of our a.m., and I'm walking down the hall to WIN'' banana- and pepsi-flavored slurpees start another productive day, rubbing relaxing us to the point that we don't my eyes and adjusting my jumbled Detroit argue or hit each other the whole way home. Pistons pajamas. I get into the family room and By the time we get back, it's almost five and my younger brother, Tony, has beaten me to the time for dinner. That means Dad is home. We're punch - he has the good couch and the con- in for a lecture. So Tony and I sit there at the din- troller. I'd try to wrestle it from him, but I'm still ner table, listening to Dad semi-yell at us about too groggy. So I sit down in a nearby chair and getting off our lazy butts this summer. After din- settle in for the last 45 minutes of "The Price Is ner, it's back to the couch where we watch the Right". In the background, Mom's pouring us Tigers' game and crack open a few beers. By 10 some cereal. p.m., we're both wasted and ... Around 1 or so, after we've both showered and Wait a minute. I'm sorry. That's a memory found some not-too-crumpled clothes to throw from this past week when I was home, not from on, Tony and I, like two unfrozen cavemen, sum- my childhood. I guess being home brought back ble out of the garage and into the blinding sum- that feeling of my lazy, carefree childhood. But mer light. IHands over his eyes, he grunts some- now I'm back in Ann Arbor, pouring my own thing along the lines of "we play catch, ugh?" I cereal and looking for a job. Too bad picking up nod back in the affirmative and, before you know the dog's crap isn't an option anymore. it, we're swearing and hurling baseballs at each -If you would like Chris Langril topick up'our other's head. You know, bonding. dog's crap, he can be rueached asircimjuich.edu. KAMA HFE ASTHAPN I li 1'I 4ARtar-NEW ~O O ;L '~ 0 LLECTAgLES! CAT A L i