.. .............Tuesday' May 26,;1408- The Ms chigdr Daily - 3 ugPhoe study revel poiive ~7Jp~attitude baclki'nga research j~e College of Engineering, located on the University's North Campus, has added Wnew laboratory to study ergonomics and benefit University students. NewI 'U' laboratory enthances ergonomw H--ic By Am9t Pandys For thes lDail S 'Ihe creation of a new laboratory in the IUiversity College of Engineering may benefit workers and companies by making the workplace a safer environ- mettt anid decreasing -lost wages and medical costs. Jtohnson Chairprolessor in Ergonomics Iron Chaffin, whto led the elf'ort to open the facility, said the new laboratory will analyze individutal human tiovemenits and predict the .6man body's behavtot in centain sitna- 'I'lis project will focus on recogniz- ing the human body as part of an overall system;" Chaffin said. "It will visualize nortual (body) movements as well as do biomechanical and ergonomic analysis of the movement." With the new ergonomic data acquired in tlse lab, scientists can sue- cessflly anticipate how new products *ill alfet the average worker. Trgonontscs, a subset of Industrial Isug ineering, emphasizes thte techniical knowsledge necessary to understand thse body's performasnce in human-mainse systems. Onse of te project's goals is to finid ways to avoid oserexertion inijuries in the workplace. hIe program will attempt to alleviate common job-related injuries which result from tasks itch ais improp- erly litlisig heavy niaterial's or continual- *typing on a keyboard, Chatffist satd. 'tionaljy, store thatn $111( billions ts squsasnderedl itt lost wsages, medical bene- fits rindl tither cosots related tom workplace tiie 1l3se College of I"ngitneering has a leansg-stsninsg trations of studyinig C l 1its.r sstq. Itt the '60~s, scientis;ts. extin- ed i.)stita mtovemetit inth le I!tldittrial Inseri sector at-the lisriyIs ts7th issd 'tsthe stusdiesinrprt ._ ic'. ippriscliv, aimsed at phiisgy. iniomystjblaioral psychology Sissce its openisig its 1980,. the (e nter of Ergononmics ha~s pubhlished numeros article, ranginig fiomn the specifics of os'cexersion'. ijuis to. thedencriptioti ofsmovetucit which avoids such injuries. lime new lib will continue the research by analyzing thouusands of individual movenments anid programming coimpuiter software to predict hsuman motion, Chaffin said. D~ean of Enginteering' Stephten Directors said the laib's research will directly besnefit University sadents. '"lids lab will provide oppiortunities for research and for the eduscation of stu- dents,,'lDirector said. "It will allow theme to work on meaningful problems anid build on sttengths that they have The new lamb has already received $3t00,(t00t a yeair in grants from industri- al sposnsors, including (Chrysler, Generatl Motors, Ford, Johnson Controls and Navistar "Navistar is excited to apply the hituan movement information gamned by the new lab at the University of Michigan," said R. Diavid Price, a Navistar international representative. ISA sophommore Stephanie Spears sad site is hopeful that the tUniversity will besnefit frismifutture products. I've seen keyboards that tire ergusnonmic.ally correct," Spearssid. "It's interesting to knuow that jU of M isginwerts are wsorkinig ott creating snore isstertis like this." I igineeringuitor I lilutKim sal le dujssl-bts the project will be s 'ei ir ie esntire 1j isiversisy "Ibis (lab) ss1illaid te lep irtuist of Inidustrial Operatios , - ssgyerng"Kittisaid. "A tews lah inth~e fiesid of ergonsomsics, a reqttiremnesst ittflist fiseld, is motst defintely a tuu 4" 1 MEXICAN CAFE Ann Ar ar'6 Fine s-t Mexican tyle Food~! Michigan's Largest Selection of Gourmet Hot Sauces & Salsash WE DELIVER! Catt 761-6650 'il t am. Sun. -'Tues. . . 'ti 3am. ed. Cas, 333 E.Hureon Hether WI 7nkitssieig"Usis s - lcpl esi Ih liel otsfi clinical researchs i y res stssnd eIc:' 111i. Isit extenditb,,eandsth liv tesindslaboshtosites OVuitisid sh le i n sis : U uris en oif dosctors acrssthe iatiotn.sssgli h e Iv sts ito C slires A recestsrvey sof 801 Mi'ii,ii . - "I thsin 'sill hlp allknds , Iresearcis idenits inidicated thsit people believe it is - not justs medica12' Visieun sii. important tos spenid mot,-y isis medical (tisesin said liestits to stisitlite reseairchs since it raises the issoeisueof msore researcht sit specific digseassetsr- msmny residents asid creates ness jobs. gets, begisissg siths ctncer. 'Vise survey nas cosiducted over te Medicali School Associate Deass (for telephonie ansd funided primnarily by lie research stud graduate studies) iDeans University Hllth System. Irini Goldstein sait bionmedical Research!Amuerica, the nets-profit research sit only iimproves the ihealtht medical research aidvocatcy group, com- and we-lfare of the popudlation otn a missioned the poii. raitonali lesel, but also has ecionomic 'I wanited tio be smietocmput Michiguan besselfits fist the state. on the national map for a high visibility "It also indicates that people asre will- initiative wvith time United States Congress lug timsupposrt researchi shit doesn't itave amid/or masny patient advocacey groups?" immediaite benefits," Goldsteinisaiid. said (ilbert Omenn, the tUniversity's 'Ise increased suspport for research is executive vice president of smedicali transilited ito increased fundinge;ifor the affaiirs. "Resesirei!Ansericai is an tirguil- isNatinal hIstitutes iii heaslth, stud tisere- zatisit thast brings togethter sutch guups" fisre fur suany reseaircers tiatioimie, OImenn said the IHelth System fund- (Goldstein said. ed the pull tom determine time Michtigamn Manty research projects sre pitt on residents' attitudes isi the issue ofhealith hold slie tim ashlck oii granlt funinlg, care itn Michigain. wiscihs is knownvtoislohw downs scientific "'Ilse results are quite ssting ii in dvances, C(tihcieisaisid. terms of peiople ere its Michigan," "Ptesople ge t i little ismatient' (liuenu said. Gosldsteisa sid. "hIsey wanut results" Ilime poll iutdicated that a msajiority (if Recetiduiscoveries its cancer tretmenst residemits believe limit clinical reseairch is hiave ell msansy peisple tailkiing abotandl especially vsa~be, and 59 percenst of anticipasluggPftime cures, respiondents would be willing tio parties- lint Goldsiein pointied tint thiat "it can pate in a cliiail trial themselves. tsske yeairs for these thsings to bear "People are rnst satisfied wisht presenmt fruitions" clie tinsahintng psiscess of cell- Saying farewell.. There wvill be a reception honoring Vice Prenident of University Rlations >Walt har-ris. Students are invited to hid Ilarrisun farewell as he leaves ihe University to act as the fifth president oh the Utiversity ofH lartford. The reception wilt he held in the Fotundiers Ploon t a the Alumnwi Center on Thursday. May 28 from 4 p.ma. to 6m P.. Corrections Mast Shegos was in New Yorks and not in attendance at the NCAA West Regional at Yost Arena. This was incorrectly reported in the March 30 issue of The Daily. * The address oh Ulrich's Bookstore was incorrect in the April 16 Pest of Ann Arbor section oh The Daily. Thme address s 549 E. hUniversity Asenue cultuie espeiisenii-,aisal1tias ad. s lismss is.t (Goltin sil t)h i l lssindic hy soi iany o thy ii ii hi iiei dents Ic i-il veyed-.sai luey wuld oluntaseserctoipistic pite ini a irserchli study oemCissictialI "itmespe rlie tliiasieoreer'is bisga drug iiiote poipulationm isis csry ii carry omt cinicl tiails"(Goiseicn sid And for thsme whim sufer fom tcrminau l iless, these timal, sles unoting to icse stinc cverytliigto gain,. (Gold tcrnsid. "hieis Congressmen atnd sentors see these polls, it gives theim tmoctivatiomntto (support) these funds"(Goldsteinusasid. "Is inspires them tosvoe he 'right' way" Stevenm (olshtein, Medical Sciool sassistant cests of researchs adu gradate stucies, said tie sate Understanuds tha~t te unmiversities sre contributigtosoisciety, atud thast tie stte should give uiversities support "Vie govenment is particuilrly inter- ested its mist these laaces are tlkctisg econssomic devesopment," Stees Goldsei si. Stevent (oldsien saddedchadiite bess way tco see theimutpc sof Uiverity researchssitsoieity is troutgh asinhushcomm- msercisuied prouct Sistme projcts ut the Unmivesity hive temed in5o "spin-o coms- psaries"uwdics began s University ies and thrugh reearschlinusued ito mectal treastments forr de public "le Unmiverity'P s ndertandiig sn ho mossvemm iithistsdsirectionm is continum- isg t cystic,"Stvn G(lstisai d. u SCOREKEEPERS T $1.50 CALLB 0 DRINKS A &SHOTSM 5Taps! Full Menu! $1.50 BO"TTLES SATURDY IIIIAANARI.105tlI121 &OiERWTH PROPE I 0 0, 0 Ryan 0 0 llay 19, 1998