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May 05, 1998 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-05-05

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bare all
in Mile
Melanie Sampson
tDaily Stal Reporter
"Nakedness cotming th roticts!
That's what an unidentified person
shouted while runninga in the ansnual
Naked Mite, which bronght more than
10,000 students and spectators to the
streets otAnn Abor on Aprit 21t.
Tos commemorate the last dlay of
ctasscs, students participated in tthe
Waked Mite tradition by running
unctottaedt around the University ca-
puis. the first set of runners startert out
at t10:30 pm. The run ended around
For naany first-year students, tis
year's race was their introduction to tthe
celebration of nakedness. Maiay stn-
detats said thaey preferred to watch thse
event rallier thaan run.
"It brinags everybody together," said
*oleen CavanaughI, an LSA tfirst-year
student. "It's a great tradtition."
Spectators came from afari to view
tae festival of nudity, whirls started at
the Rock and eded at ther ICube.
Runaners stunabled, inny ot tthem
drunk, down Sothivt mersity St. and
past tthe Diag. A ctaoius of unctotthed
students took part in a sea"-a-tong on
the steps oftlie Muse um ofAarI btefore a
uaaSsss'c crawl.
Not everynec is ittendanrc was
tamused by thse naiked rewh~y.
"I taisk it's sac ofthela silliest thitag-
I've seen in nasy life," said tfilt i'erigo; an
Anni Arbsor resideint.
Sotaie participanats dcscribed thse

Tuesday, Ma'y 5, 1998E- The Michigan Daily-
Satcher addresses
Public Heaith grads

Disrobed students strut their stuff on the steps of Angell Hall on April 21 to cele-
brate the last day of classes, after running in the annual Naked Mile.

experience as unque.
"It was ... thae biggest costa ever," said
H-olly Armstrong, a Kinestology scenior.
Nrs'inhg semior Jets Titzgerald said
she wvas excitert aboutrmninag exposed
tlhrortghth le streets of Aist Arbor.
"We're born uaked, let's graduiate
naked," Fizgerald satd.
Somtae students said they echose taut to
run because of spertators tapinthie
eveint witha video cras.i
"I ithink (ilhr atmaosphecri is crazy?'
tirt Karen Sartss sn Ails fiist-year slt-
det.stI drtri likreltar other peoaple-
tar old periverd sari with rctameras.
Sachs s aid starotbsrved tiatay ruts-
tarts defrendinthiemsselves against catas-
etaas viclrtits"spectators.
"Hrepreople ruittgta"weresgtirtittg
(w itisater uuns)i..the mteti with cast-
eras' Sirchssad
Shitlit Ilnun t aSAitACTrintitng atar
I drcir lstsIrogira orinaittor, said
srxutaitassirtis at tha ked i Mite were
reporteid to SAlPA(,buit said tlhe'night
ssnt tais wrtlas rcotlsd tenerpectedt.

"ier deritnitely were sexual
assautis reprptedrrI. trser said.
"Whsoeverriss intshetriakedilie, I
hopeithey IaveIlhe informsationomn r ake
its itnforicih oire"
ManayIUJiivetrsity msemsbers anticipat-
ert iappropriatec bchavior, but sotme
spectators stint safrty wais not a cots-
"I tintk it's ftiniyismore or less..
hsarimless,'stird Jill limiter, atn LSA
first-year studntrtrtathIlink too imatch is
beingsagisdr of thr hatrmfrul effects."
LSA sophiomaoreC rystal Watson sait
thse eventais spiriterd bitt somsewhlat
"You Iter to hr orut 01 yorintd"
Wkaiso s aid "It sailittlr bit dansgerouts"
A ltitdamoud nt of tNakert Mile t
shirts were roviidetfrdmliii ntiiers at tie
etndt of tie rc
Soist stutrecits satidThlay spiata-
nseotisly otied therunii
'"i\NNrijst ktintotittiped it,''saird
Marcus Stewarc it,'Fi-tierisg tittior.
"lhcre's notitis like it"

Ness y' 'ppoiniest unitiediSitte
Sorticons I sner' it Dasvid '5Stiher
addressed 2a/a School sitI siali
Iftealthlt "ri-usiscat thirt doI5intd-
sasess i hidty ererinin as 5pirkrst
kinkli isisiAorium.sisa
Satir~ sais swsotninas isboisthheic U '
Sisrion esni('iesa'itnditisthrAssistat
Secetrisy fo r elthottFIbratrits1
Srchoosliof'PulircIHealth Jets1
Noreri Iuk ptait sdSatctrcaliig
thins"a perisont whosootrcs proplreto
becomeacderrcs its puibirtalila
DUIinti-" Iis address, Saitcrtmpapi
stzrd thr imtaniisc oh puibir
hseatlhceduration its prevetings
"Iwasit ii cong~ratulate son
for the rortstanadita"work tshittais
brostatt yost to lis point in life,
Satchser saud. Thrsoughsout nay
career, I'yr hid to set prioriais
and th itrsstdents hive always
been it thr top of this list
Satce's agenda as surgeon
generait focsrs on problemss of Satcher
infint umortality lIlYAIDS,
iitsusi'iztin, diaibcte, cardiiascuilar
discess artdrarcer
Sastcsr riiticd threriversity beitweena
the tsralth rcrrcivcd by different races
its Amaerica. I have a comistmisent ts
eliminssating" tle rdisparity by tlse year
Satchrs saidntlie plaits tswork
sitrscommsunisasto i brirdge itse gap its
hsealthicretici ity We're issokisag for
prog~ramts that have their strenth intii
communistsssirs whtlte governmtsent
beromsthent is a partner."
Sasirisr iisaiithat thouigh priosress
tas beess itsde inthr imomnst sitichslt
carmin ssortics rcivefrriher steps
itt bta kensoaiitetereit in-
tog sinuliies.
"As ssv work togethers.sacwclontithae
to take ass-ay ansystth ioiisan'sy acriupto
imaprosveaybiody's hthll," Sasthr said.
Szticle cusraged gradartes t isa lassi
a cler inniiiviation t hir tatu~tr rndari
sirs ad told theas to "nrscacricthela

"We can't change
the past, but we
can shape the
- David Satcher
United States Surgeon General
Satchersa idthte prissciple beinds
priblirieaithisesrvsice is to imsprove use
haoftin stit n1tire ntrationi.
Satchrlis to sit tieasits us ensrure ithat
"every chslud brn iiitis couintry lats tite
opportuanity to save a hlthy
sat insalife."
lot Satcher, a healithy start
inlds sex eduicationt, ntri-
lion for pregpat thaiiers
and access to dusality pre-
ntal tcaire.
Sther said lie hopes to
promote hlathly lifestyles
thtiou 7h prevention and
reseaich. "flae opportusnity
r to imake a diffecrec is
tremendous" Satchei said.
Satcher addressed the negattve pre-
cosnceptiotns manay people have regaird-
lugn psychooigcal rdisassandsIatid he
hsopedi more reseatrchworild torus on
mencttal haealth.
"ite save aa ataisit probleism is Isis
counitry. Our basict attitudet is a najolsr
priibtci--- we tenad to bl ace tin sic-
tim;s' Satchser Saint
Satchser cloasedhhisirldrss switshia
story. A Iatitr anwis resdigrht"ue biblical
Isle rat thie (tori Samsaitans to his dstuigt-
ier, isawihastrtistiginores than pleas of
asink isan. isa her lstested lass danighi1-
inc s kssinoledge01fthan story bysaskting
tact whenther liarpriest stopped is help
tse sanis ngysa"by thin riad.
TIhe drtertsi a nswerd, I)'Dady, I
anst thinstiasy t b inf hferent the priest
as suppoased Iraship;' Sthe rrnstnrd.
"Weacat tcl ieits-hue stucySatcher
si. Ar r a' tsshanethan pasttaut sac
sit shaspr the inxhtiurenI loosk urwartois
worakingmi"thslsyou "

Jesse Jackson asserts importance
.of affinnative action programs

By Erin Holmes
listsNeiss Euditor
At a coisferncehe tai t iiSpsil stu's
Macriosh I hut rit April 20,' hev. Jesse
Jackon sail all silatv ills o nrissa a 5puss-
iliac atnr'si raad 15 isis s~cty isatin'
denspite parotstss suipposrting and5s t'i55siiti
chialnagiigian Ih _ivsis ni 115 ttu 5ioi15
Jacksons saitdi sth t a ''ol-d eis i
1bei-wen blacks adh asiteis tarn
imiprovedi, liene stilt is 'i asseinis ecoi-
nomaic gap betweei n tricnt sthle
poisa. whiich isaskrs sfirmtis atiion
taut oasly sit issuen o1 race, bitt 'sia titn tat
econais n 3titire act stil sitquailily.
"AI'firisstis' actin is a rinednny for
proablemas isa tail society Jacrksin stin
"Noiw tan reimedy is unuder at ta. SWi
ineedtois retalize lis sash seek to brissit
aeopic toi colt-aion ground."t
Jaicksons saic cotinpiotnsc is than key
to inmprovced relations between people
of silt baickg'rouns. "If sir expect to
grow togethser, wc 11l hauve to do soime
thing s diller 'oh hy Jacksotn said.

iieecrowiss citedisipsitsivelyty'oihits
sttateetis, sthtttiin t stdaphlauingatsIan
decltirediltatdircontry is pospulrli'belinf;
affJirmiea tlii t sileassgassdsiresults.
Jacirksonisa-'isthit ast its atitanMits1i
shuldssnt iibe v5 iedas a prolemas._his
smust be seen a's ssy iiitoarsusislei 1i
soppoirtunsity saot tthis tarsnitiii'
brut tlsossfoIsi cnomictallty disad%,I'iis-
isigenihises iis-
"It'sttnenclas'isp tsathis epirit st55
Ameuricttissbeisnd," Jtksonisa id. "O'n
sfnsvery f'urcyothts'arrsns isa potvery."
Jack--ssnssa -its1hi is disappipointedn by thin
isusuui ioti tiismny slant oinsbutilingpris-
i}ns, Wilensitclissils a n sssclnarn.
I'varycityI vsat I annetotnsy,
thiuss itsasit isrk sitstajtush"'Jtacksons
si. Amearica s ceating" first class
als adsecounicas ssuools, asthash
us stat goodsfr otAmenr ias future:'
IJcksonssaititinderquately edtucated
Amearicn s miss career opportunities
ad wideun than ecossotasc gtap its than
tnmted Sttr - - ai T finmaiv
action necessary io give everyone an

enirsquja~ pot'iiuy 'ir essiun csuccess.
lsiiilsus''ilSit t'Cotalitin, tauti-
gsse utp litiuinsl by RvJen Isse
JascksonS, dres s lirt u is
ctititla y' sire-siss" socarascin i start
"'s 2its'a'is trestlit s ' in stat i r -
sity:' kuit a il. (A'ttt 5 i tsdottol
seedt1o, inerit %55ealmli i ifts/' ue giaen
ailisy' ad li5;5 sliaty ikti, _tsttddenr
tlsts 555 c lti"ecinpussispr.i icrttedi
ated lay'rice, c n titittiilathssndstisl
teIstintitneedtoibe Ia ii55/rs
"Jsustis mis tartrs 'cia it d irt l 5haras
we eksad pSin urn )cinii in smu
thatschasracter Imanit5a ttd~tsssishilt fskits
coloir, fi'nanci astas fSAscr"
shots'suipposrt fistJacksns aspeech.
"If san assst assdownsus is ts batlc we
sill sill mnasutinoura racter by cons
nsaitmenti ansd outreacuris Jackosonsaimd.
By supportingagffitrmastve action,
Jacksonu said, Amaeuria avuth "heave tao one

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