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May 18, 1998 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-05-18

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Monday, May 18, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - 3
Tenure candidates put emphasis on teaching

By Susan T. Port
Daily News Editor
Last week, the University Board of Regents
emphasized teaching ability as well as research
success when they announced their professorship
Each year, individual schools and colleges of
e University recommend a number of professors
for tenure and University Provost Nancy Cantor
reviews the list of names.
Promotions such as distinguished University pro-
fessorships and tenure are decided by the Regents
upon the recommendation of University President
Lee Bollinger and Cantor, in conjunction with the
advisory committee on University professorships.

At the meeting, Cantor brought to the table a
resolution to increase the number of distinguished
University professorships by 12, bringing the total
to 30. Appointments to the new distinguished pro-
fessorships will be made at the rate of approxi-
mately three per year.
"I always want to find ways to recognize the
career of the faculty's exceptional accomplish-
ments," Cantor said.
In the past, promotions were based on
research experience. But now, instructors are
being "evaluated on scholarly excellence of
teaching," Cantor said.
Cantor said the University is dedicated to inte-
grating research into the education of both under-

graduate and graduate students.
After reviewing the professorship recommenda-
tions, Bollinger said he was impressed with the
qualifications of the applicants.
"I was overwhelmed by the sterling quality of
research and teaching," Bollinger said.
Other officials agreed the University has
focused more on teaching ability this year.
"I was struck by the emphasis placed on not
only scholarship but teaching as well," said
Regent Philp Power (D-Ann Arbor). "Both are
necessary characteristics for promotion."
The backgrounds of the different teachers and
professors were also examined at the meeting.
Their credentials show "how much our faculty has

dedicated themselves directly in the classroom,"
Cantor said.
Regent Andrea Fisher Newman (R-Ars Arbor)
said in past Regents meetings, attention was not
placed on the professional history.
"1 don't recall anyone really going through the
background of individuals," Newman said. "But
it's fascinating. We should hear more about it."
Regent Olivia Maynard (D-Goodrich)
described University professors as "teachers of
the leaders of the future."
Maynard said the schools and colleges of the
University are encouraging their professors to
concentrate not only on their research but also on
their teaching skills.

Study finds computer science
grads face bright financial future

AATA riders prepare to board one of the buses at the terminal on Fifth Street. The
system was recognized for Its implementation of the Advanced Operating System.
AATA conmmTended
foro oprating sstem
By Cassie Frank social issues.
For the Daily "Not everyone has an automobile
While Detroit is known for its and (therefore) access to places they
automobiles, Ann Arbor, which is want to go," said Professor John
e hour southwest of the Motor Nystuen from the College of
ty, has its own claim to fame - a Architecture and Urban Planning.
renowned public transportation "Society is arranging itself spacially
system. so it's hard to get around without an
The Ann Arbor Transit Authority automobile. Mass transit contributes
recently received the Technology to solving that kind of problem."
Implementation Award for the inte- Ann Arbor is a step ahead of other
gration of the Advanced Operating cities in public transportation due to
System this month by the Intelligent a stable source of local funding,
Transportation Society of America. White said.
Chris White, who works at the "There is a property tax dedicated
AATA, said that the AOS uses a to public transit in"the city charter,"
# ellite system that relays the bus White explained. "So the AATA can
ation and schedule to the driver get into projects that can improve
via an onboard computer. the system in long-term ways."
The new system announces the While many think that mass tran-
next stop and changes in destina- sit is an accessible and effective
tion times, tells the drivers if they means of transportation, White esti-
are on schedule, coordinates trans- mated that less than half of Ann
fers and communicates the mainte- Arbor residents use public trans-
nance status. portation at some time during the
"It is the first fully integrated year, but only five to six percent
communication, operation and depend on it.
intenance system in public trans- LSA senior Tess Aldrich said she
rtation," White said. rarely takes advantage of the bus
Professor John Nystuen from the system in Ann Arbor.
College. of Architecture and Urban "I don't use public transporta-
Planning said mass transit provides tion, except to go to Briarwood ...
an environmentally efficient form and that works pretty well," Aldrich
of travel and is tied to important said.

By Redcloud George
For the Daily
Students concentrating in computer
science havea promising financial future
ahead of them after they graduate,
according to a recently released report.
A nation-wide survey conducted by
the National Association of Colleges
and Employers concluded that nearly a
third of students about to graduate with
a bachelor's degree in computer science
are expected to make $40,000 per year
in their first jobs. NACE said those are
reasonable expectations.
The survey found that 17 percent of
responding computer science concen-
trators expect their first jobs' salaries to
be between $40,000 and $44,999. Six
percent expect to make between
$45,000 and $50,000, and nine percent
expect more than $50,000.
In April, NACE's "Salary Survey"
showed an average starting salary offer
of $40,843 to new college graduates
with degrees in computer science.
"The number of job openings is
much bigger than the number of stu-
dents graduating," said Ann Ford, a
University lecturer and computer sci-

ence concentration advisor.
Ford added that, in addition to the job
openings at computer companies such
as Microsoft and Intel, the growing use
of computers by many businesses cre-
ates a larger demand for people with a
knowledge of computer science.
"Even Kroger needs computer peo-
ple," Ford said.
With such a great demand for "com-
puter people," companies are looking to
colleges as a rich source for potential
Ford said she knew of one student
who was almost convinced by a compa-
ny to begin working before graduation.
"It's sort of like recruiting football
players," Ford said.
Michael Sun, an LSA junior concen-
trating in computer science, said a
degree was not even necessary since
computer experts are in such demand.
"My friend who just dropped out of
school his sophomore year, and thus
has no degree whatsoever, was able to
secure a job in Chicago for a salary of
$35,000," Sun said.
Other students reported similarly
high starting salaries for their fellow

computer science concentrators.
"A good friend of mine is graduating
from Michigan Tech this spring and is
receiving a job at IBM in Minnesota
making $47,000 a year," said John
Franzel, an LSA senior concentrator in
computer science.
Franzel and Sun agreed that although
computer science is a promising field,
choosing the concentration purely for a
bright financial future was not a good
"For me, money was not as much of an
issue as enjoying what I was doing,"
Franzel said, adding that he chose the
concentration because it reflected his
Sun said a desire for a career in com-
puters is more important to completion
of the computer science program than a
desire for money.
"I notice many times that the people
n the major who are in it just for the
money or the job security, but have no
real interest in the subject matter, tend
to struggle a great deal more because
they may not have had the background
that comes along with years of messing
with the computer," Sun said.

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