- - Mnd~yAggstl. 9&r-Tft&cN!ichiggn r D a l _ ..9 By :ihe G Elowy Usc loxx indict anid scieiice fic- tion ~O moie iiiiictbc ini lie sam e sin- fenice. and xxii 11ight juxi het gnfllixs of laughter. Isnt that wh at "Mx steny science ITheatre 300(0) is all aixut'? Making fiat ofi cltees ot-ix ett-1 moies that look like thex xxcere nude vv it mniey saxved up front three f rends' paychtecks oxver ia couple of mnths'lt? Well, larren Arotofxkx hatd t little more titan ithat to tttake the noite "na," bitt $f60,0i0 ix nothlirn' comnparcd to iite oxeririced xci-fi blockhustct~ xitat the big ttoxvte mnak- ers sell to the Amterican puiblic lBut Siarxhi Troiopers- wasii preftt clxeexv anid it didn't * xem toi hatxe aty xltortage ion xpe 5t the Micrigan viatl effexcts -Txar ciipitClarac icr dexvelopmtet, logic anid goiic "": :.::..:}i so. Ariinoilsxkv liii of xsi-calleid xci-f Ithrillcrx. bcauise "r as li-x cat cditectingi gooxd aicitig. xiiperlb iixe ofi diailoxguc it coiiiiiciiii ixy iii e iit c hitic i itii iii"111 tee ecxc utM lxiii xlx nxxii hlaxe aiix oilxx exspecially nixixthat(leiioclosex Ih lieoii e pullxsxiii liiflthranid fur- ther itnti xsxdeductioinixaiid delcu- xiiis ax he nears wxlat seemtio iibc tie answxer fitic.life tiixvetxeittidexenv- thing. No, it's xiii42.Ibt)if secmtii hiax .e siinething ito do iixtilt216. Sol fiound this ntumtber toi have xoiie rela- tioinshipixitlh a. Ana iddy ixalkatixe Jeish ml oatnLetnxyMexer, fellx Cohen xabout lie Jexisih Kabbxalah atnd lxiixx le xand hisx sect taxvebhentryinmgio fiiid a 216 chaxrxacter ixorcd thati\xx ill deciide it. lBut the pill-popping Coxhen is sliixw- Iv loiinglix ninid the cliiser he conuies to htis goal. I lix omigraintes xworxen. atic he lakes niire atid miore nmedicatiiitt lEven xhen Sol adxvixexsItimtat reiay:, Maxxrefuisexsi tiitp. Inihixsxxorlcdlte ix searrchinug fur the ansxxer toi life, the iunixerse and exerviting. Aranoifskxy's filmmtakinig (wxhich xxNiii hitta the lDirecting Axwarid for lDrxmtitc Conapetit iota at the 19i98 Sunditixce ilth Fextixval) is juxt ax relentlexs s 5Maix in its efforts noit to let die audietice excape from inide Max'x head Thle cxtmterxa is comtpletely isubjectixve. miimickintg Iv~ix's mtoixds exactlx xi'oxVit expeni- entce hixsibxexxioniright aloxng \zifthimni (In topuolfluxis.Aranofkvxixlmutedl the whol tiih liig iniblackutid xxliii. gixvtug it dramtric isucxal cxxuuras# So ixhliare teieiiily lxiiistaris in the cxx e box? Iccauiic cxci" il flli il_\ii xxi i Coiurte fR When Scuilly and Mulder aren't starring in an X-Files episode, it generally sucks, hut 'The X-Files Game' doesn't. 'X-Friles Game" is seven aCDs offun il lx i I il tct l ls dixe ti I1ie xixrderer ixis11ibCec ablx i pii td the clutit\sii eltii1lic!cctc iilis xtcinsinto i xltxie i: xc,2einditg is ludicrouisxxanic ciuttrixveldiiilxolig a huirricxnthatlii happens toilliiattthe right time lxx rexolxe the xtiorylint the final rexiotb'- tionti xxith Satoro ix surprisitigh amuxtig xand adds a hit of kick to this recipe. Cageliioxex-er, cotinues his trittg of fine petrformncex dating Nick to' "llxittex moon in Vegas" and "Leavinig ILax Vegsx" Sintixe is credihlexanid Carla utfgino is solid as a naysxterious wxoniin xxhit ends op hefrietiditig Satntoiri. Tis isinot xi toxie of plausxibility sir sciustatice. That's what "Savinig Pivixate Ryati" is for. This film hast hravutra filtmmaixking and fun actnL, wxith ai good cast. After the aboxminax- tion ittxxas "Mixxion: Impossible" this is a better effort from lDe~ahnt. It's oK tox bet on "Sniake Eyes."You'l t MEXICAN CAFE Ann Arbor's Finest Mexican StleFood By Gabe Smith Ilail s W'iter It ix incredibile xxaxtching the dcxvelop- mnt of thle ciompucter itidrisirio'er the paxstIf)yeiars. Moire xand imore tttfixtmtctiuin cian be stored and processed.,xand softx"xare is gettitagntore sopitxicated. ias prognanm- mers scramble to sqoeeze exery last iiuntce xof infoir- -P ()-ZII)M disc. Th1e X-FINS Ixeticoixitoer Ge gaines fill ino fluchiictn ca e xxili Ili Fox Ii ""I lxx . .. c rasclcci as Seattle IBoreaut Iieldl Agent Craig Williore, are assignted to find the duo ,ithlthle help of mnexfxaxonite "X- l'iles" chaxracters, iticluding ihe Lone Gucnmen, Mr. X and P.B.I. Assistamnt Directxor Walter Skinnter, along xwith the aid of a prefix Seattle detective named Man iAstadourixan. 1Te gitae itself plys froim a first- persoin ierspecetixve iith manay differ- eini iconsto i click oni, sometinmes tco te lpoint of' coxnfuioin Matny diffler- ciii gadgetxsitre at xyour disposail, inlclinigaat ificixlitntitionnicoin xx itch xx ill help yxxuiif xxiuiare stock 01Ii a xiuation foit ani eedeirioud icfilie ~ai/ei o f liix ga'.ttuemakes lsiii xx'i xxixc i it xfavoliei I q :. i _? tYtt6attt Girt $7 L-ar *i ;, t+tCd(t VT r thom Ho a s& a, C LIV I C1t7 -66 . W ::i xx oi Io 5 adyne c' cea e. a.l.0sdnak al oN s lo rig) d ens ix cill c AT pre ow icampa sh;@76905 1K80-K P-TS its O r kn 0G xa eaisismxxoia texis50 oxxx Ma Coe (Se: ,an Gulle!e has a prohlem a tad mer.e comopHiae to solve than why he ca' get his sliny down more than_ two.- steps- in thenwpctr'x ~~~~~~~. Acj.axoal shul haepae, ihth ham os