4 - The Michigan Daily -- Monday, August 10, 1998 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 CHRIS FARAH DAVID WALLACE + Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the >inion of t majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters at cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion oTe TeMichigan Da B aring sirens during a period of bad weather are a familiar sound in the summertime. In recent months, concerns have arisen over the health of Ann Arbor's emergency warning system. In response, the city has taken the proper actions and put the system under review. The city must not put off any needed repairs and improvements to the system, which is so vital to Ann Arbor residents and visitors. The system currently in place has 42 sirens that sound in the event of a torna- do sighting in Washtenaw County. The sirens also may sound in the event of community emergencies or attacks on the country. Ideally, the sirens should cover all areas of the city and warn citi- zens that they should take cover. But the reality of the current system is that not every siren works, and not every part of Ann Arbor is covered by the sound. The city needs to have an efficient system, particularly given the propensity for tornadoes to strike in Michigan. Sound actiOns City evaluates emergency warning system While not in "Tornado Alley," which largely encompasses the states of the Great Plains, tornadoes are likely to strike anywhere between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. As recent history bares out, violent storms do hit the southeastern part of the state fairly often. Just a few weeks ago violent storms tore through Wayne and Macomb counties - storms destructive enough to cause President Bill Clinton to declare the counties disaster areas eli- gible for federal aid. And an urban set- ting is no protection: those most recent storms victimized cities including Dearborn, and large cities such as Nashville and Miami have seen torna- does in recent months as well. Of course, if a storm is going to hit, it cannot be prevented. But injuries and fatalities can largely be curbed. The con- ditions that generate tornadoes are well known, and tornadoes can even be spot- ted with doppler radar. Once the storms are sighted, citizens must be made aware of the danger. The city has expressed doubt that its current system can work well enough to give a proper warning. Once the city receives a thorough evaluation of its emergency system, it must not allow cost to become an issue. The funding must be found to make Ann Arbor's system efficient and safe -- whether repairs to the current system, or the installation of a new, more reliable one is needed. The city should also look to make the necessary improvements as early as pt sible. Research has shown that tornado are most likely to strike in the e spring, although they do contif! throughout theusummer and into the fa By looking into the system's perft mance now, a new system could be place for the next season. And once the city ensures that it ha dependable system in place, the re dents and visitors to the area have t duty to heed the system's warning in t event of a storm. Many weather-relat injuries and deaths result when peo do not obey warnings and use cone sense when storms roll in. The forces of nature can be extren ly destructive, and the nation has seen share of natural disasters in recent yea The City of Ann Arbor shows a stro commitment to its residents by maki certain that public safety measur remain up to par. Such commitment s a fine precedent for future commun improvements.4 comunication Prop 227 ends bilingual education in California hirty years after its institution, bilin- ing into California at levels unmatched in gual education in California has been any other state. California currently offers put to an end. To many California resi- bilingual instruction in 20 languages. dents, the acceptance of Proposition 227 Eighty percent of limited-English children - the article which mandates the replace- are Spanish speakers, and approximately ment of bilingual education with monolin- 1.4 million of the state's 5 million public gual methods - has come as a devastating school students have limited English profi- stigma. The numerous immigrant factions ciency. Such statistics reflect the urgent of California have been traumatized in par- need for bilingual instruction, because ticular, and if the 1967 educational imple- California's population represents a diverse mentation remains abolished, more than 1 assembly that must be appropriately million students with limited English skills accommodated. Certainly, English is the will be mainstreamed into general class- primary language of the country, and rooms after one year of intensive English should be taught in those terms, but bilin- instruction. They will be placed in learning gual tutelage is simply an aiding tool for environments where teachers will be pro- those who lack a fluent English founda- hibited from using a classroom language tion. Contrary to the opinion of supporters other than English, and the students are of Prop 227, this method of tutoring is not likely to lose out. Such an injunction meant to impede the teaching of English, reflects a disregard for the state's non- but to stabilize the linguistic disequilibri- English speaking minorities, and is a um caused by our assorted roots and back- breach of their right to a favorable course grounds. of education. Language is perhaps the most basic Bilingual education is an instructional component of society. It is our use of com- program for students with limited English munication that supplements our sense of skills that teaches academic subjects in self, community and cultural identity. their native language so they will be able to With the annulment of bilingual educa- join English-only classes and keep up with tion, Prop 227 takes away from many stu- their grade levels after a few years. In this dents their ties with their own cultures, way, bilingual education provides for stu- compelling them to assimilate with the dents with a linguistic disadvantage. The majority, even though pragmatic intercom- debate over bilingual education in public munication is possible without this man- schools has been one of the nation's most date. The U.S. is widely acknowledged for divided issues, stemming from a social its traditional support of individuality and backlash against affirmative action and diversity; "America" is synonymous with immigration. Bilingual education is now the melding of many cultures and ideals, under intense scrutiny from critics who but Prop 227 overshadows this ideology. question whether it is an effective method The State of California should reconsider of learning English. its stand on this issue, as abolishment does For three decades, bilingual education not promise the high level of English edu- programs have been racing to catch up cation some foresee and likely damages with immigrants and their children flood- many students. P.or advertising National campaign targets homosexuality of long ago, an advertising campaign in licized dinner sponsored by the largest gay several major newspapers - launched rights advocacy group, Human Right by a coalition of 15 right-wing religious Campaign. The religious right clearly ha groups - set out to advocate the conversion much to worry about if it hopes to succ of homosexuals to a heterosexual lifestyle. fully portray homosexuality as deviant, The campaign, called "Truth in Love" fea- American and not worthy of civil rights. tures Anne Paulk, a self-described "wife, Even with "Truth in Love," the argume mother, former lesbian" calling on other gays against the acceptance of homosexuality and lesbians to follow her path in accepting full of holes. Exodus International, the n heterosexuality as part of the Christian faith. work of some 85 Christian counseling ce "Truth in Love" appears to demonstrate that ters advertised prominently in the campai a major shift is occurring in the cultural war as a center for homosexual conversi over sexual orientation. It is only one of many claims only a 40 percent success rate. attempts by social conservatives to deny peo- addition, this figure represents not si ple civil rights and respectability based sole- those who convert from homosexualit ly on their sexual orientation, and the cam- monogamous heterosexuality, but simp paign must not influence legislation on these individuals who achieve "marked change" important issues. behavior and identity. Indeed, where opponents of gay-rights in Apparently, the religious right the past may have refused to publicly criticize unmoved by recent declarations from t homosexuals for fear of appearing insensi- American Psychiatric Association, t tive, today's religious right is stepping up to American Psychological Association and t the plate, rearing to hit one out of the park. American Medical Association that attest Never in history has homosexuality been the normalcy of homosexual behavior. so publicly debated in cultural and political religious right also overlooks ma spheres. As well, never has this debate been Protestant denominations and Jewish s so receptive to the notion that homosexuali- gogues that willingly accept homosexuals ty is a normal part of one's sexual identity. their faiths for who they are. Many large-scale employers, including the In effect, the religious right seems to wa University, have extended spousal privileges to claim God and the Bible for its own to the domestic partners of employees, both row vision. "Truth in Love" is an example gay and straight. how the religious right is refocusing its ta Communities ranging from the more lib- tics to be more confrontational towards ho eral New York City and San Francisco to the est, tax-paying, decent members of socie more moderate Ypsilanti have recently who simply are not attracted to the opposi passed legislation outlawing discrimination sex. The ad campaign perpetuates the based on sexual orientation. Also, openly that homosexuals are inherently unhapp gay men such as Rep. Barney Frank (D- cannot have a family and are not people Mass.) and Rep. Jim Kolbe, (R-Ariz.) serve faith. The creation of just public polici as members of Congress. And earlier this regarding sexual orientation should not year, President Bill Clinton advocated gay- hindered due to skewed and inaccurate c friendly legislation and spoke at a well-pub- paigns.