One hundred seven years of editor dfreedom ws: 76-DAILY Play: 764-554 is'sifiedl: 764-0557 Monday August 10, 1998 a a 't . he state is taking a new approach to preparing college stu- f or the job market. ollege students, although furthering their knowledge in eir fields, are not becoming high-tech ready quickly enough r the demands of the "real world." To solve this problem, Governor John Engler allocated $20 'lion in June to be used by colleges and training centers all er Michigan for 'Career Scholarships.' Seventy percent of the tal award will go to community colleges in Michigan, and the maining 30 percent will go to other training providers. The scholarships will fund students enrolled in educational ograms which train them in a technical field over the course ne to two years. he schools or training providers will work directly with eir local Workforce Development Boards to determine the pes of training programs to offer and the number of scholar- ttps needed to support the programs. The Workforce Development Boards then apply for the tuds from the Jobs Commission of Michigan. This year marks e first school year the programs will be offered. Community lleges are therefore trying to spread the word to people terested in being trained in a technical field. For the schools to receive money for the technical programs, their See CAREER, Page 2 Susan T. Port Dtally Nessa Edusi, No ditvng, please. At least not until the Uniersity's Donald Caniam Natatorium is fitished with its renovations. The University allo- cated $7 million for the constrtction. The course of constrtction is "within our budget right now," said Mike Stevenson, executive senior associate ath- letic director. Stevenson said many different aspects of the Natatorium need to be completed, such as renovations to the roof, tiling for the pool, installing of steam pipes to heat the entire building and fixing the overal control mechanisms of the facility, such as air-conditioning and the control of water. Stevenson said the renovations need to be coordinated with each other. "I think it's that all of the different aspects have got to cotne together," See CANHAM, Page 2 The Canham Natatorium diving well is filled, not with water as it usually is, but with scaffold- ing, as the whole facility undergoes renovations last week. 0 Studentsr vote - ina gubernato "1 _ty,. 1 rv y rial . # p i m aries ' - . Si_ + 'w ! l. . ; { t { g M #sa 1 e co n r y "n ~ 5. 1) }. Es. na I sr 1 GeolHrey teger, the combatsve la ser for Jack Kesorkian, secured thte Democratic nouination for governor last Tuesday, edging out fellow con- tenders Larry Owen and Doug Ross. As expected, Governor John Engler was selected for the Republican guber- natorial candidate, in his attempt to seek a third term. While young people are often described as apathetic at best in the political arena, many students said elec- tion primaries are an integral part of the democratic process. "It's important to have a voice in decisions that are made about our gov- ernment," said LSA junior Randall Johnson, an Ohio resident. Bram Elias, an LSA junior who knows the importance of voting from his own successful bid for an MSA seat, voted for the first time in the California primary three weeks ago. "I got my absentee ballot in the mail" Elias said. "It was the first elec- tion I got to vote in." Even though the candidate he voted for lost, Elias said he was happy he had taken the trouble to cast his ballot. Other students could not find time to vote in the primary, with work demands and other constraints. Many said they simply did not have the will to trek home to vote where they are registered. "I didn't think ahead of time to get an absentee ballot," said Riley Hoffman, an LSA junior from Romeo. "It's an hour-and-a-half drive home. I just did- n't feel like it." Jackie Townsend, an LSA junior, sad she forgot about the electon bectuse she doesn't own a televi- sion. "I feel so bad," Townsend said. "I had an absentee ballot, and I just never got around to voting. I don't have a TV, so I didn't know when it was happening." Still others saw no point in partic- ipating in the electoral process, say- ing the candidates being offered by the parties across the country was giving them very little selection. "I don't think the primaries are an effective way to voice your opinion," said Mark MolI6, a New York resi- dent attending State University of New York. "I think there's only one party in this country anyway. I'm frustrated." -- Daily News Editor Susan T Port contributed to this report. Five-year-old Leland Rooney gets a big hug from Louie the Lightning Bug at Northwood Housing during National Night Out. NEWS ord Nuclear Reactor closes own for a few weeks for a afety retreat. Page 3. ARTS SPORTS A new Brian DePalma movie Michigan and Ohio State once rolls into theaters with lucky again are the cream of the Big sevens. Page 9. Ten crop. Page 13. x" .......... ... .... X.w , rcfnr g zy h * ,x. ^ < c .N:-.. .. N s , ,"+r -c++ r v Y 6Q' k - 'q . n s q %'i yq'~ .. _ H ro s2 fi+4 ft - Yr ..r., t afi, .. Y. .°?? .l_ , iS5'! 3. Y _. .... . .} sfs :a u ,y. . , h tj;: