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July 27, 1998 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-07-27

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By Gabtriel Sm ith
Stev en a1 elbecics "aing Privatc
Ras'' i is noijst ant ithcr piecc ofs itu-
os 'tlnt iking. It recdiefincs thc nmod-
erin war flm and scrves as a 0wak-ulp
call to a cuirrcnt gciictatioin obhitsiiiis to
the sacrifices givcn over 5(0 yecars ago.
Aftcr thc accolades Spilberg
recccived for "Schiiidlrs L i," was
it possiblc tat this director of
SJa ss teatmeid with folly wood's
tmost All-Amtirican and accessible
actor, font flanks, could giv e s thc
tiost girtts, sutstatinitti scrccei por-
traya ifif this ccnttty-s comtha ' T hc
ittswect is aycs.
iapcins tip switht at '
haiti bs gising us Saving
at half-hourt sct
picce Shoswing rvt
tfhc Dt-Say storni- Ra
ie of Omaha ****I
fi)4, his se- an 'm 5 t 2
menct alonei is
bril liaint cittitaft
toi bc te climax
if amt ctltcr
titu s ic matstcr-
tic first haulf-Ixotr is also cintiugh tii
takc thtc catke itt tcrmis cf scicedcat"
niage. IThis trecrcationt is dfccply dittit -
ic luc to its grapfiic shots, etc it is also
inicrcdibly hrcathttuking ini its miagini-
tuRarcly liavc ithc stakcs hvcti piscnt-
cd sio fligh or tce nigfthtntarc cit xxsi con-
ve cx cc in such a haitingti fashiini
V I-ti first half-hour wxill laxce cit a
cxharustcd as C'apt. Johnfiti111r ifanks)
aticlis nmcn, xxhIo dodgc fiiundrcds of
hutllcta ts take out a (ierman itmachinc-
putt tncst. Whentcittllr aiid itic rst of
his sqfiad arc irdercd to focae onc inP-
vatc wxhoise thirec brcthtcrs hasvc died in
0a e

i' . '.

I. 1.- 557 99 -Te hchg Dal

Cat w f t(Tr a+,let ne crn e nthrSAUo

cichat, the cotmplainaingpheginis. ft's
22hfat coites next is key. We sce tfhe
platoontreti h lrough the coutntry sidc and
get to kitow etch other. Spiel herg wtisely
tmoditlatcs chiartacter dexclopmet
hetwxetn the skirmishes antihe ifiis.
The hccircctiorof F.."kecps cixfully
attecntixc. Toin Sizetmore lNg. IHorvath)
ix I1 illecr's best fricnd atnd a gritff , loyal
sergeant. Ed BSrns is long ott attitude as
Prisv'ticRciienifriotx Brocsklyni, bVt
Riibert Rodat's xcript cdoesnttfocus on
just cute ch'tractcr or use stereiitypical
chctracters frcitm war flicks. IThis movie
takcs t iris-esvcview tof thelBifble-
scr'iptiirec-quxtig stipcr' i Larty Pepper)
antic etcmieck tratislatuti ty ist I(Jrcmy
Sa cs2laity tsar tieis xWoclcd use
tl ar l'uactcrs as comic rclicf' Viiitnot
in thtius oix,--sswhere thetcswso 4cut
arn ur ii i'itcemtixilpainted of thic xx xife
Io aniswrcithic questiiii irisvate
Same'sI'rattcis IRyaniidis aecisi, platyed
by the scurprising 2Matt IDamoi n.22When
fgaidates Shiox ip sp sittf
1ysxo-thirds of thic say flhrough this
tharee-hocur efpic), therc's almiost a sight
cif relict.
As mutich as ithis is a comitplcte eiea
Vle elTor, tmuchi if the filii's foxrit
cwined frco I Hantks. salti as the
IEnilish- copositionte iachier turnmed
soldier looks dralin ediadott the serge
of a nerxuiorcsklsit
oxntI'ate ewxith tclixtx, rdg
battle, IHancfhldc atuxs'cveht
c'ivc a realistic fei,l dccci xic
panoramai ofcolpcdf'inxd

chunks of rock.
ft's definitcly irconic tha t the filiik-
er ssho hsxtaken mt'nihcriticismtifor
putftitng togethe,.r artistically trivxiifxciii-
mer fitlis has put tcgethcr scich a tmts-
terpiece at this time of the yeatr. Many
fthOUcght that "Schaiiadler's fist" could not
he Outtdonae in termas tof' a bu. xt
Spielhcrg fhauxdotie justta.22cxcid
aft stand anad satlte "i n ti t
Ry an," and save a!;litl' x1mi at the to p
ofihe pcclextl fr lliii eict (its.
S~car tafucs a.re'ott!the sta<y fotrfts one.

aTti es I rik
aittste sxaprie Clutcha Cargs's
sscv biliaccd3b
the atrxn
tag _ tvacence of
kic'k, Martitte,
baud; at l d . "i hr tc irt mitu
wtaigsn."ihm h (v
truk f la taev al ut ' iuel 2 IVo

a c i c _i'x 'tity h II <t a x c 'KBoi I m
'ticky I uatitr at caiisotrotig.u
c:ht!ia ',,,-dv" Vta st a iu cviu
hetc iniiuedwith ahiitukta
I, etc Iayckecry'itatrcy p'
tip abv .s, thistoc alo pr xmc IoIan
be on ftit orelevernigx' Vest noaath

hi nnt orhsnw rhx Snn

0 w

win; G FOi
'1 A '
'stl > E i li t! A tad r .a t'h.
Waw s",5T~J i

615E. LIET

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