Monday, July 20, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - 16 The Ann Arbor Art Fair . The streets of Ann Arbor were filled with awestruck people this past week as artists from all over the nation came to display their work. Perhaps the finest of its kind in the United States, this year's Ann Arbor Art Fair fea- ture4 artists who were of the highest caliber in their mediums. Carole Battle, one of the artists whose work adorned Ann Arbor streets, has made regular appearances at the Art Fair since the mid '80s. Specializing in watercolors, prints and silk paintings, Battle has found the Art Fair to be the best: in the nation. "The Ann Arbor Art Fairs , are sort of legendary," she said. "It features over 1,100 artists and definitely features the one of the widest ranges of media I've seen." Another craftsperson in Ann Arbor was Edward J. Walters, a metal designer and metalsmith from Beaverton, Mich. Walters has spent the past 15 years displaying his jewelry at studios and fairs. Walters, having taken his place at the Art Fair for the past two years, counts Ann Arbor as one of the finest avenues to exhibit his work. "The fairs are incredible, and I'm very proud to exhibit and sell my work here," Walters said. And what work it is. His gold and silver jewelry are intricate and ornate. "t.-pend (many) hours craft- ing each piece I make' Walters said. "I take a lot ofK pride in my work, and it makes me happy to see peo- ple enjoying what I have." , Walter was only one happy artist of hundreds whose work crowds of people enjoyed. Commonly mistaken as a single fair, the Ann Arbor Art Fair actually consists of three separate fairs: the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair, the State Street Area Art Fair and the Summer Art Fair. Battle, who this year is part of the State Street Area Art Fair asa member of the Michigan Guild for Artists and Artisans, has taker nart in another section as well. "The (Ann Arbor) Street Art Fair was the first Ann Arbor fair that I was a part of," Battle said. "Although all the fairs are impressive in their own right, the Street Art Fair was definitely the hardest to get into. "The artists at the Street Art Fair are selected from thou- sands of talented applicants, and the artists that are eventu- ally featured have a lot of cut- ting-edge work," Battle explained. One of the 200 artists who were selected to be featured at the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair was Craig Zweifel of Ketchum, Idaho. He and his wife, Anny, brought their works across the nation and found themselves delighted with Ann Arbor's atmosphere. His glass sculp- tures provided a swirling display of light and color on display in his booth. "I developed my own process of 'silver- ing' the glass, which means I apply a thin layer of silver to the outside of the glass I sculpted," explained Zweifel. The silver, as well as the darker glass I add to the design, create a nice effect?' The work Zweifel had on dis- play included delicate orna- Ann Arbor saw an amazing diversity of artwork last week, includin displayed by Janelle Songer. ments, perfume bottles and fine goblets. His orig- inal methods of tempering and sculpting glass have certainly taken him and his wife to a new level in their art. "My work has really evolved," Zweifel said. "I have been working on my sculptures since the mid '70s. "I worked with clay and glass together until I came up with the idea to use silver." Their arrival at the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair has certainly given the Zweifels an opportunity to show their talents, and they're thankful for that opportunity. "People come from all over the United States for this fair," Zweifel said. "Business is excel- lent, and it's great to be a part of such a quality show." The crowds seem to agree that the quality of the Art Fair is beyond compare, and Ann Arbr itself has also made a strong impression on artists. "The crowds in Ann Arbor are extremely appre- ciative and supportive of our work," said Katrine See ARTISTS, Page 10 A DAY AT THE ART FAIR v P ARKING - Support stu- dents, not greedy landlords," the sign read as I made my way past Willard toward South University last Thursday. So the 39th Ann Arbor Art Fair has, like so many other things in society, fallen to become a commercial nightmare - with parking vendors battling it out for a buck or $25 as the case may be. Before arriving at South University, I had a feeling the number of vendors sell- ing water and food would outnumber the number of artists. It turned out to be too close to call. That is not to say the art work was 4 poor. It was nothing of the sort. In fact, the art this year was as good, if not bet- ter, than the past several years. And the music was more abundant than in the past Art Fairs. Many of the musicians were sporting boxes reading, $5 for tapes -$10 for CDs," but at least The osephson Brothers of Rogers Studio work hard at their booth, where they are surrounded in a plethora of tie-dye - everything from socks to scrunchies. they were selling art. As the sun began to grow stronger, the refreshment stand lines grew noticeably longer and the music sur- prisingly stronger and more together than earlier in the morning. One of the several vendors "selling music" was Bakra Bata. This calypso- type steel drum band laid down some heavy beats, but not so hard that the crowd dispersed. Instead, the crowd grew closer and closer as more people joined in to watch the band jam. It's hard to say whether people were there to lis- ten to the music or just because there was a crowd watching. After all, orientation advisors did say, "If there is a line, stand in it." But the crowd couldn't possibly be made entire- ly of University of Michigan students and alumni, could it? Let's hope it was for the music. Down at Liberty and Fifth Avenue, Watson and Company, the two man hotos by AdIana Yugovi string band consisting of an electric vio- lin and an electric acoustic guitar, defi- nitely performed better than most. The violinist was sporting a white tuxedo, no jacket on account of the intense heat, but a true professional. Several acts besides musician/vendors performed for free on stages scattered across Ann Arbor. On State Street the State Theater was Culture Vultur bluegrass strings band with a childish twist. It performed at i l a.m., then cleared the stage for singer/songwriters Lily Fox and Shell. Down at the WIQB stage at Division and Liberty, local acts played everything from rock to jazz to blues. This stage seemed to be the most commercialized of the four stages in Ann Arbor. I think it was the bright yellow WIQB signs p tered around the stage and surroundig area. See FAIR, Page 11