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June 29, 1998 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-29

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News: 76-DAILY
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Classified: 764-0557

June 29, 1998


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Storm hits campus, flood

s streets
By AMit Pandya
Daily Staff Reporter
The heat and humidity have
found a permanent home in Ann
Arbor, and last week, the duo decid-
ed to call their friends over.
Last Wednesday, thurder and
lightening accompanied extreme
temperatures and filled the skies as
flash thunderstorms wrought havoc
on Ann Arbor residents and
University students.
LSA junior Lauren Sapala was on
her way home from work when the
storms suddenly hit Ann Arbor. As
she approached her home near
South Quad, gusts of wind made it
hard to keep a straight path.
"I was trying to go (home), but
the wind and rain kept blowing me
towards Packard," Sapala said.
Other students said the wind was
the least of their problems. The
drastic weather patterns brought
flash floods and chaos in the early
evening, causing power outages
across campus for several hours.
School of Music sophomore
Andrea Koll lost the electricity in
her house for over 24 hours.
"The storms came and went so
quickly, but of course, I would be
the one not to have electricity for an
See STORM, Page 2

'U' says no
to student
regent seat
By Erin Holmes
Daily News Editor
After a negative response from Uni ersity administration,
the Michigan Student Assembly quest for a student reagent
has taken a new and unexpected blow. But MSA said the
decision merely marks a turning point in its fight.
At its June meeting, the Board of Regents failed to approve
the proposed increase in MSA fees that would go towards
changing the state constitution to allow a student regent seat
at the University.
In MSA's proposal to the Regents, which was not recom-
mended by Vice President for University Affairs Maureen
Hartford, the added $4.00 fee per semester was said to aid
"placing a question on Michigan's state ballot which would
ask the citizens ... to vote to change the state constitution
such that there be a ninth regent who would hold the status of
a student:"
News and Information Director Julie Peterson said the fees
were not recommended by Hartford because of a question of
legality over using student fees in this manner.
Hartford "said there may be a violation in requesting to
change the constitution, Peterson said.
In the proposal, MSA also urged the Regents to "be open
to and to consider" a student regent who would be elected
by the student body.
But amidst the negative response, MSA was prepared to
See DECISION, Page 7

University students take advantage of the flooding on South State St. to have a little fun. The storm on
Wednesday caused power outages and problems for many on campus.

'M' logo breaks record
for sale of merchandise

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y Stephanie Offen
aily Staff Reporter
If three of the most marketable col-
lege sports win two national champi-
onships, what will happen?
A rise in sales of merchandise that far
surpasses any other in University history.
With the Rose
Bowl victory and
national champi-
onships in football
and hockey, the
*les of Michigan paraphernalia soared
to new heights this year.
"It broke every sales record we had,"
said Moe Sports Shop owner Bud
Many retail sportswear stores in the
area hette itted from Michigan's victo-
ry in the Rose Bowl and two champi-
onships."' think the victories doubled

everybody's business in town," said
David Switzer from Steve and Barry's.
Because of the incredible demand
for Michigan souvenirs, the sporting
good stores from around the Ann
Arbor area had to go to great lengths.
They had to make room for the
huge shipments of shirts, hats, ban-
ners and buttons needed to fill all of
the customer's needs,
"We usually fill our back storage
room with our youth clothes,"
VanDeWege said. "But we had to move
all of that next store in order to make
room for the national championship
Steve and Barry's also had to do
some rearranging to make room for the
new merchandise. The entire second
floor of their State St. store is dedicated

Parade not a
big draw for
'U' students
By Rick Freeman
Daily Staff Reporter
DETROIT - Maybe all the
University students who also profess a
love for the Detroit Red Wings were
still worn out from their own parade
last January.
The throng of red-clad revelers
was estimated at 1.2 million - a
crowd that could fill ten Rose
Bowls. But despite raucous crowds
at campus bars and spirited reveling
in Ann Arbor's streets immediately
following the Red Wing victory, just
a few University students actually
See PARADE, Page 2

Although an estimated 1.2 million fans gathered in Detroit to celebrate the victory,
many University students opted to stay in Ann Arbor.

A University Professor creates
a merit hadge for architec-
ture. Page 3.

The Frog Island Jazz Festival
rocks Ypsilanti's Depot Town
June 26-28. Page 20.

Nebraska-Omaha becomes the
12th member of the CCHA ~~& "
Wednesday. Page 14.


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