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June 15, 1998 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-15

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______________________________________________________________Monday, June 15, 1998 - The Michigan Daily -- 5

* " Hopefully, regular visitors to the Gardens will be able to,
in a way, recalibrate. themselves to nature."
- Davide Michce; an assistant curaftor ofthie Matthaei Botanical Glatea.
in/c; ymetin thec incaning ofT/hc Janc Lot-ac Sundial,
i/ic on!-, pcrniancnt artwork displaycd
in the Grdens.

Hirearm safety
should he the
Ilam writng to express my
opinion regarding the editorial
"An armied society' (6181981.
My cultural background is prob-
* ably quite ditfihrent from yours. I
grew up in a rural miidwestern
society where practically every
household had a Ifew guns. We
were taught firearm safesty in
grade school (thanks to
Remington and the National
Rifle Association). Perhaps you
received your information (or
rather misinformation) from vio-
lent television programs and
movies. T1o illustrate my point, I
look to friends of mine to the
loed l)N R shootingy range to let
them have a rea I experience fir-
ing handgauris. Both of tem
have 11t101s and are goenerally
well informed. Au~er shotting.
both exclaimed, Its nothing
like they show itt the movies."
That surprised me, hut also
shioswed tie tow ittor01ant lie
generdi t nlisersity probably is
ahout firearmos in general.
thatfs nice that you cited one
statistic: from a 12-year-old
study to support your opinion,
but your knowledge anod use' of
all the more recent stctdies: is
quite pathetic. Also, there are a
few flas in your logic. First.
the ability to obtain a firearm,
legally or illegally, is not the
issue with a concealed canry

not need a pc
weapon. I he
of intentionsl
shootings un
everyotie wa
firearm salk-i
I haven't
the proposed
involved toq
cealed carry
but it should
carrier more
about whats
to defend the
ly force and1
cally operate
People ti
ble for their.
he allowed at
I appreci.
lie article too
Arbor Police
def'ense" 6W&
to see a polio
sented in a p
cially aler tt
dealings wit]
NWR('. 11,
tue that you
cers with "pt
per spraying'
ruhdtetthe victoryo
In your phot,
two offieris

ernuit to carry I officer (the casption didn't say
lieve the numbers which onc) wsos incorrectly iden-
1 and accidcntal tilied -is being' irons the AAPD).
iulel bc rcduccd it Ncithcr ofthec two unnamed
i requircd to pais- i officcrs Oweic in in AAPI) uni-
y cocirsc form. AAP~D oficers were busy
read iiie detils-for on thc shreet at thc time trying to
1safety training get 101)0011tians safely throuagh
titalify totri con- traffic whilceithrcc other ageincies
permit in tlii-stati, wcre insiethc staium
Imake the permit I quickly searched your
knowledgeable onieacvsthug
ituations allow one 12/16/97. I focund no retraction
etter ableito pract- of the misidentification of the
beter bleto raci- unnamed officers, nor any other
*a firearm (or oilier niention of AAPD's involvement
eed to he responsi- or lack thereof in the on-field
actions if they are to activities. All related artic-leo
ny freedoms. referred to general "police
response" or B)PS. What hap-
DAN ERICKSON petted to the two commnittees
EXHIBIT MUSEUM (MSA anud Nancy C.antor/s
appointees) that wecre going to
he convened to look into lie
w rtong ly police response on that day? Did
B- h PS complaini investiga-
tes AAP" D lions mention any AAPI)
tInvolv-emeiot? After several artl-
ILY: cles and editorials nude aceusa-
,ted lie tiajority of tios of brutality, no follow,-up
>day onthelicAtn artickes wcre publishied on lie
D epatmoett("Best ivesti"-itions,
'98). It's:alws s-ince I feelthait becaore of one
ce department repre- iucorrcct caIptitoniinegative
sositive light, espe-conniotationt tswr--d tseAAP0D
hic AAPD sircett has bccn contmnucd by the edits-
I thie KKKKanod ralIstill, OertitmcIIItear that
owevec tI concernos thte AAPI) s alleged itvolveiuernt
credit AAPD sfi-t will becoe ucnucotected ifoct
Linotelitooiod pep- becomse no site IrsoIhe Daily
,- suadcitts who stilffbothecied is cofiro the
siotball ficld af1cr A.API)'s aidiots-

Moses isn '[leading the NRA toprmtect the mainstream
I f you buy r-hit's printcd in Thle fGsod Book up inthlig It noens gtting cvcything bck"
you probably beieve tihch reaI Mses lBut I otik inisteassAioerico swould gisc ipa
delivered the len Comnotdments andc rescued weekly skeet siootiog otig iiitooeant that they
the Jcr-s frotm Egypt. would't li/ie is worry abou whether or tot
the NRA is hospintghat ainother type of Moses their childreno would runt into a gni-wielding
will rescue it as wel. CharlitoI Hesonis who bully. The NRA hlsIog since depsrted fomt
plsaycd Mos-cs its 1956 "Th T cefctidinthe/ieica imisteresto.'Iots why
Com anoelionts" was recently it's eetoa significntduro its toember-
elected is the prcsideocy 01filoc guton- .......upiand why morse antI moore Amoeric/tns
tinhitlck'girop.I cHseiswIsi ast ealizetheI..folly of alorigthle nseof
sosutesadeditioin is lie orgaizaitio',seitsautmtic.woeposfor sport.
bosaide of eiecors lstI ycaraoer ssIlIe'tion' s etic.isi prie ex/trnplleof
itoeno quickly lecteid to the vice presi- i wy thc NRA i losing fsce. loyr
denetcysinly t be bumoped iplsg-in thiss eleledni idels that areist realistic in a
year.sowotlet woe ty 12-year-oldlcitOgelIis
IHesito 73, ishe eioienoit iioce Is oil issgiuOto forS101.
NRA. lie s a goodlice lestttemcto toput Tlissis the rea1 worliChuecke, nIt
forwardealinedantidtrue Amseicanis L Ilollywood Ile weiyu say sote-
defenioelio the iieasuaed beliefs his JACK tinoig stpiedaid itcite people lo follow a
couintiy woosIoonded ot.ho a speech st SCHILLACI feolisli cause, real people cats get hut. I
the anual meetingiliPhilidelphia, he itiik taini iihis eldhage, Ilestoin may
spoke of howo Presiident Clintton's aoc lost that concept.
recent import ban oii sarious types of If I lad imy way, wed repeal the
assault weaponts is an atetmpt to rip the Seod Second Aimeisent. Yes, I know it wouldt't
Anmendmenti right loos- i uinsoasay font"mint- soloe ll of the probleims. Wed still haoe a
streaimoAimetica."hue black market for weapons and, yes, peo-
Ile sees the NRA as a safegeard of the plc woeled still hae guns. Bet at least there
Anmerican Wy defeindiingis all frontattcks would be some sort of prohibition to prvnt
of 'liberals and the media. The rightltis"keep Mrtond Mrs. Middle Anerica from getting a
and bear alms" must he protected because gen lhot could later blow their kids' eads off.
after all, guns dont kill people, people kill And I kiow there oould be a ton of bcklash
people. because of the poot; law-aiding citizens that
Wait, strike that. Ieople wih guins kill peo- owill nosy have to find other thusgs to do in their
phle. Children whose parents own guns go to spare titoe besiees target prctice anehuntng.
school and wreak havoc, as we have seein Bu whast sbout the poor hiedren in Jonesboro
rpeatedly in the pan year. Giranited, the clil- Ark.? Whati sbut the l0s ohithousaisofo poor
drein oere probably itlwell-groutoded to begin peple nmurderedeh il yeai by gens I thik that
sitour et the fact thast they coitldl get their their rightlo livhe is more inportit thanus tiyone's
hanstth on lethal westponts didntt exactly- help tte right t ecrry a gutn.
situation. --Jicsr-chSilaitanibtrioteaicihted
"Mainsstreams" lie says. "dioesn't toeatisgiing unamd tic-it. itpilt/a/s ii u /t etit.
Shoes and atmosphere nmake bowling game oj gods
J utie 15.1hoe gieatest dsay iofall etays. A tintoclo cl- O1K se tayec the satnosphere doesit exsctly
ebrate, a toe to shasre as timtoleo, sa time o reek of elegsitce oroteisiou, bet at lestt it liss casr-
give gills ... - tsin.acter. Atnd ters's sonettitssabuti asplsce so co-
Dliat s right. June 1(1isnt some new intenation pletely dvoidt of class, somethig about lacitgtp a
at hoidy of joy and pecte atid brotherhood. But as pir of tsscky, snely shoes that easres a trtisfor-
fs s ss Ist conscernedb it mtoi ass well be. Jese 10 is nation is take plsce in the hesrts of bowlers eery-
of coursenmy bithdaty where
Anod what bettet waytoi ceebrte this You~ forget abotresraiit, You forget
most joyosus of osionts this niost abost yosur relstionshIip probleisoyyou
happy of timec sts to partoke us the ha ssrd dsyst wvork on the loutey weter
mstolglonsoutsotd ohlletngng oh sports o iusiede. eseu forgeitout iniobitoss
I doii tot refei is baskebll football. Yu relax. Youshoston td sreto whent
hocskey ot eventoitsenuking'-gamnes No, youet bow sastrike aitelcuseat te topo of
too. I reserve stehstritle toil sitoplistic your lusg whet youi gel a uter bll Yu
gamses for the feeble-mioneed aid weak/s lautssghs a little and begotto i let go oh this
there is otnly site oaiuse matestic thisgs lot restrict its its normit soiety
enouigh, giasefeneheouegh, callenging YOse belch lodly alen yue i-ke at swig of
enouigh Ion the gre-tiestely esf te yeait besr. Maybe yuis evenIatt eey tnotsand
Whast ganme woueld thassihe? WhyIto sur CHRIS thet.
prised yoeu evetshatosk.FARAH (OK, toosybe yout let gooasitle too
'he douse ofhamtitopsstsllecgnme ot mu nech
nlsness ail honoer Butt osowig cn hsoc thuateffectott
Doe gamtte oh bowing people A nin-hi t at bowvling"alley c-i tsurno
Ahibtseri'snesgteater fee'lithtan to waslk iso the molqitet sertous persossitoassoseoeo who
thaslt tmple oh uticltte proweso, the boowlitg alley calls hos or her b-ll lotngly by o speeil si tcknanoe,
and simply soa up thueuatosphere promiosngo i extra cae atd otentot if it picks tpst
DoTnt 11eohf ciaettes and cheop beer De pin thelast frme
eletni glow ohfuneeon lights sukng tewrwysalog I persistslly developed quite ani atacment to
thoe wll the sudeoftotwirng balls enashntio toy bll --a houuse bll toamue 1P" (udoeutbely
unophiantlyitso pns otrolhut.-silestliy and it-il tfter its totil ostewhoisIno cet-isnsh-telai gut sitd
ly dlowon the gutter. exposed bull enrck thouty tune bole woutle be
AnodttheshoesViWhao uld bowling esswitot proudseto) Ico-cit 1ud te glltosk aecuple sfsy
the shocsu5'De aromaof ohmillions oh piwsofto li, sore daitri nset o ste-litontohle lley sher I
sweaty socks 1lyredl upoto worto eather.And it thec boled the best gofomny life -ia146
outrageosstsetucho 05s010t1enoughsoho cmesup Whuher bowles re veternstoor oiesu n totk-
souls the colot p at ts rbowlingsoshoes? etncollege students orin socentsiaselesen oks,
Reel gretn toil bluesal garislytmixed togetiler bowling binguto'ssihle best it eeyose tlnd okes
--almost s ifIaol thebowlno-shsofc toies ll oon the petet oussngn
os-er the wold opertle durng" abruef window iso Whohsnowsss Mye one cdy le sossoct1
the mid-hil6ilo hestlsog enoeugtlo piodueesoecof evcoeac sk itsstyle Nits
the noest nauseatingcoliii-sceessevioseedby sooouo Jt tilthfits Itih-toll ia uj/i u ico irutl.

yven 08(1 lost lye/in.
o fromso11/24/17,
were idenictedb. (Oue





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