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June 15, 1998 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-06-15

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Monay, June.15, 1998-'The Michigan Daily - 3

'Clements Library celebrates
75 years of culture, research

By Adam Zuwerink
Dally Stall Ipt ertii

and memorabilia acquired during his toar
as an Arms' licutenati in the Pacific

tiont to mtanv rare-hook libraries. aid
rclaires additional collections.

ILookintg for "ire aind iginal pito- Theater daing \Vorld Wi'r 11.ltncluded in "People ask, What the ll do you { j".
togrt ts, letters or books front Amertican ltis collection wserc personal leters atnd neesd ansating moie for''"'tDatn satid.
Ihistors to finish a re'setrch project ? newspapers tepresentting' the Iargest nont I"Te librarys is still s'oang ssitha lot still
Sec h to farther than thte (Cls'ments military collecstiotn of mtesrtal ftom Wkorld to (els'
Lihirary, los'ated on Soath Untiversity Ase. Wsar IL. A colletion of mone that 45,000 Otie of thesse devsslopaetcis is ithe
Celebrt ing its 75th Attaivessars' tis photographs ionte sd by Fredertck Cirriet C lemnits libirirsy sssb site. Wi le onlys '0
ys'ar, thie CIlemnsnts librarty oss its otte of atid Anty Mcefomtb rs'cords Amterias'n Stut pertcentt ofthte library''s sworks ire' inided
ite largest collecttons of 16th-20ith centu- dio photographs dating thet list decaides itt 'hilsit Cox said lie htas creted as cot-
is' Amicat'ni history itt ts' ssrld. of the l~tht cetttr pres'ivse site itidextng nmost of the
Sps'siailizitig in oriinal dos'ittnts Last week, thes lihtrtry rs''ses'e i a larce libritys shtildittgs.
frotm Anmert'ics pist, ts' librity s'ontaitts collectiotn of ts' ps'rsonal ls'ts'rs of Armty With a tight security s'hes'k-in and
otigintal storks by Geore Wishingtont, general Gcorge Pitton. Donated by a mndatotv ttntervis'ws before entering,
Bens'in tittIrankli ad f sots' Pattott. direct descentdatnt, the letts'rs wsere wsttttett thes lihtrtry ippears exclusivs' Bitt thtis
The litbraity Itas ds'selops'd anittets'aa- to Patton's pares'tts dutring htis ttttts as itt is tot thts cs' , s'Cox itti BDait satid.
tionat I ollossits" after 75 years of exis- unds'ergraduate 'it ite Virginia Militatry "Todaimainattve professors rs'alize
ts'ncs's ants' its reputaiott Its allossed it to Inistitute. itit original sources 'ire tmore s'xciting
recs'te s'tnts'tous donaionts frott ps'ople "These letts'ts shioss hoss P itton's Itesl- ititt havitng thteir studentts rs'ad htistory'
aroiund ts' ssorld swho ktnows thts'r s'ollee- lect developed duting hits eatly ntilitary books, Dantt satid. Vilheti I fitst catne to
ltotts still be tikeit cirs' of by the library. career," said Rob Cox, Cls'etents Library thes libtary, it ssas ttot uss's' by uitderw'is'l
'si its of oar ditoitrs haise a manttscript ants' phlotoraphty s'urator. "s' anits otnly grad stadetnts. Noss it is seery
Urnss'tsity conntection, bat thtey know'ss is talkitig about tbhe s'totional dtstanintg widlely used by uttds'rt iduct
(ts' s'olls'stion) swill be treats'd sssll and that must take plice itt the mnilitary. antd Stads'nts said they s'onsis'lers'd ite
uss'd itid built on, said Johnt Da nnt diree- toss thte ntiltit'sy is its' niost rs'spectaible librairs' to becaeis't caclls' stitmutlaitit'.
tot- of ts' Clenmsnts Library sittce 19i77. institationt in the coutry. I titfous'ldits' lthratry to he pretty good
S Ks'thl Hook, a Unisersity alattnas, Alihouiglt thes library is renowned for fot tsa rs'l" satid Sts'ss Catci itt LS'A ISA senior Alex Hovan views a display
rcenttly dont hitsis s'olls's'tin of letters its tire cutllections, it is still yoang itt telai jittior "It owis tot tha t tintdaiting' celebrates its 75th birthday this week
Students say G strike affects nCation, jobs

iat the Clements Library. The library, which
,k, is home to many historical documents.
-i 6

By Erin Holmes
and Susan TL Port
l)atit' Nei' Ets
It a prottest againtst fGeieral Muotitrs
* (:0.'s aftiarts to ittte ite factotries to
Mexicoi, Thtailantd attd Sotth Amtericua,
9. 2111 workers ltave walked out of their
Thte layofif of atbotit 50t00 mfffnore
eitployees uiigered mnty attu has cost
GM mtillionts of dollars.
The strike is ant effort ti keep E..S.
jobs fromt being ntoved oat tif ite
The strike, wh~ich is affesctiitg all
5America, htas lilt hotmte at Ite
Entginteerintg senor Sid Smnith,. a sys-
lemrs enigineer at Delphti itt Flint, said
his ssork day has been impacted by the
wsorkers' strike.
"1I_ tave to fight thtrouight ticket lites
to get to ssork," Smitht said.
Smith added that the Delphi strike,
ws'hich begait Thtursday, will probably
last quite ua while.
"They told us to prepare for the
*wssorst," Smith said.
Sittee Smith is a salaried ssorker, he
stid the' strike does not directly affect

"I have to fight
through picket
lines to get to
-- Sid Smith
Delphi Systems Engineer
his position itn the comnpanty.
Bat Ite added thtat thme strike's conse-
quentces are iottunnoticedl.
"It's costittg thte cottanty 5300 itil-
licti a sseek," Smtith said. "I tlhintk it's
pretty silly"
Sithl added tuit the strike affected
his frientdswhlo ssorks for ' GM parts
plant itt Kalamra'zoo.
The effect of te strike on pails
plants have caused 45 percent of GM's
of its North Anmerican plants arc now
intactive, cited in a USA Today artice.
Engineeritig setior Andy Hunter, an
intern at General Motors, said te
strike may affect tiin tdirectly.
"I guess it affects te company as a
wshole," Huiter said. "It doesnt't affect

mys sortk houras.yt"
Huntitrsaid tit becauise Ite has to
dii projs'cts ssitht diffe'rs'ttparts tlantts,
te strike its'e'senttuailly imtpact hiimt
'' If a gin ttca'nt runtt becacise it cdtes
tot bass' ants partstlten it's going to"
affect ity job,"lHuatsas id.
Hluater desscribed GM is "a very hig

comany.i It'7s a ,ood experiettce for thme MEXICAN CAFE
HuititrtsaidIts' aildIis co-wotrkers Ann Arlbors Fintest
CIi tot cdiscitss thes strtke at stork. Mexican S~tyle Foot I
Iliintts'dd thaI t the sworkers at the Michigan's Largest Selection of
plilt ire uncs'rtaintthlomss'Ion-glie strike Gourmet Hot Sauces & Salsasl
wsill list.
"No one' is tippys ibout it,'"Huter WE DELIVER! Call 761-6650
said "Noody ns."'tit 1 am. Sun. - Tues.
scu Nbols'ssas'tl3a.m. Wed.'- Sat. 333 E. Huron

.in~IiningSinS a

. r -,


Earn $10 for a one session computer-controlled dynamic decision mak-
ing experiment. You will work an hour or less. Contact Bud Gibson by
email only.
'The experiment is being held in the Business School. You will receive
$6.25 base pay and a $3.75 bonus for completing the experiment. The
experiment sessions are:
Tuesday, June 16 through Thursday, June 18.
Available times are 4:45 PM, 6:15 PM, or 7:30 PM on the days list-
ed. Indicate your availability in the email and phone number
where you can be reached on short notice.
No further information is available about the experiment until such time
as you are chosen to participate.

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