8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, May 5, 1998
Student to be triOed ! y~i
for5 sexual misconductC r e .
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
Under a ruling handed down by
Washlenaw County D~istrict (uittudegC
John (ollins it in April 22 prelimnanry
htearng, I.SA first-yeair student Steve
Nadel will be treil on two counts of
fourtnh degree criminl sexudl conduct.
TIhe clatrgeo stein froti atincitdeitlbat
allegedly look place ini a Sothl Quad
Residence Hlall room tin Feb. 13. 'Ihe
court found that lie prorseetution showed
"probable eause" for a trial.
The alleged victim said that at approx-
imately 7:30 ata. on Feb. 13, shte awoke
to find a man in her bed, fondling her
breasts and penetratitng her genital area
with his fingers through the fabric of tee
shorns. She said she did ntot initially knowv
the man was Nadel.
"After I woke tip I repositioned ity
legs so lie wouldn't be able to penetrate
me anymore,'"alto said. The assault
"stopped Ihir a imoment but ithen the
fondling of breass storied again."
The alleged victim said she preteinded
to be asleep becaue shte was finghted,
"I didn't kniow who the persoin was,
how dangerouts they were ... I wssi
seared I'd be raped" she stud.
The alleged victim said ihe sexsal
assault continued for approximately 311
minutes until her alarm wvent off.
Nadel's lawyer Douglas Mulkotff
pointedl twt that the allegedl victimniever
told Nadlel "no" i'dr that lie had not rdone
anaything against her will. Tlie allegedl
victimatsali to ritdn'ttilk to anyonie
aborit ihe incidernt silhIFebruary 18.
'Rier is "nit testimioity to shtow at the
titie ot the iniet i shtewsnsit couseiit'
ig: Mtulkruffsaust. 'll~e sasn'tigive:: at:!f a
warnitng ofvvlnt can our can't hr donte"
bhe alleged said vatsix'wss in tin'
company of Narlel! between 7 and 8 p iii.
the previoits eveiiuu, wleti le cimto
icr roormi askitug or help withi hrmework.
ITle allegerd victim said she has
ntevei been rioimantically involved
with Nadl, brut saidl she dlid take huts
toa sorority party on February 6t,
1998. 'The illegerd victimtisaidt the oiily
physical contact that tuck place
between 8 p.ni antI 3 tin, was 'a mis-
sage. She saidt Nadel left at 3 a m. anrd
returned to her roiim at 3:311a m.
"lHe tnie to my room and asked iflie
cotuld come ini for a half-an-hour
becarise his roommate wis ontinle
phonie with his girlfintd,' the allegerd
victim said. Shte said she tolrd limti"no,'
atid denied his coittittuerd requests.
Whetn Nadel said he wotuld lie otat-
sirde ini lie hill unttil mornaing, the
alleged victim releiteteroi let hint sit ini
achair in her roomi but ttolrdlath ie ehard
to leave within 30 minutes.
The prosecrution requested to have
Nardel charged wvith thirdl antI fourth
regree criminal sexual cotnruct, Phird
degree criminail sexual cotiduct etntails
penetration. Judge Collins said "he was
taut coinvineed there was penetration."
A trial rdate will be set tin Maty 26,
TOP: Mamphela
Ramphele, the
keynote speak-
er, addresses
the 1998
University gradu-
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Continued from Page 1
iindividtuaIs cannot makm.a iffrence,"tr
she stir1.
Ramphele said the United Mates is
technolougically stronig bitt remitiins cial-
lengedl by stucil problems.
"Perhiaps that is ann indricator liiitswe
needto i learnfrouim each othaer" 'lie stird.
Joukiingly askitng te grauaiters ito keep
the beach bills utder conmtroal, I iiveisity
PresidentLlee IBollinger adlvised thme
grarliates tithe goo tuurlhleart. "Badr peo-
ple catn dotgrood things, brit guod pert-
ple ctun thuevenmottre," Bllintger saidl.
Blliinger renmintdedl the gradruates ts
appreciatie their riiiversity andthot real-
ize lie respotnuibilities tt accompamny
in excellenit edrucatiton. "Always
remteumber that a patofh' ~e wourldh
favorus yoiuanthtl(reqtuiresl respoun-
sibilities" lie said.
Sayinig personial relationmshipas turm ther
corie nitife, ulliuiger asken thue grulit
ates toi rememnber their spartan college
resirdence till' etotns swhenma easruring
lie imtupnuce rut material gtoodts ini
crimpa risonutoit the value ouf friendships.
Ghrduate Jastun Mandel, whit delivererd
lie strudent adress, saidthle will chaerish
t "iuspoiketabtonrds"betweent college
fineutl liiiwere hirmerl throtughitaot-
gatcrih tits i llingers hause,
s~ilts it II:ucki ii htuc. tutu e!,ith' au
put I i 1 h 'i A ut tici 1rit ', upcl
I 'litriesyut hs in
boe... i ' Iucrih u IutiiIr
beg ' I t iiileworl t, he ie:,
nui': Isla the endof)
fir ri r t i ?ard usrII c itiu
))atil r ittrt
hi wss clry if nmixedtl c lit t rlt
mn .grauattes, incurtitue iull
"C ertainaly there are eleentts ohfruth-
ness, bitt lacy ase overshadolnwerdby thotse
oflhippiuuessK' smith lelplaiugstiiue
Graduate Jon BlIack said lie 'never
thorught this thy worild comtacso quickly
"I'll rdefnitelynaiss beinag acre, brIm
readty tmoadve on with lift;"'lahcksaid.*
Buker said he will miss the frivolou
environmntmt and closeness of his peers
at the Uuuiiversity
"When I hook back, some umfuty best
uyoil-c ilbemol this sughu/m'sa$' he