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June 11, 1997 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1997-06-11

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-2 The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, June 11, 1997

Glover, Pesci
sink 'Fishing'
By Julia ShIh ty could be
Daily Arts Writer crammed into a
Most of the promotional material film while trying
for the movie "Gone Fishing" to pass it off as a
includes the little catchphrase, "even real movie.
the fish are laughing!" After watch- Someone should
ing this wretched movie, I doubt that tell the filmmak-
even fish would have such bad senses ers that people
of humor to feel compelled to laugh aren't stupid. We
at this piece of trash. sometimes laugh
"Gone Fishing" pairs up Danny at the likes of
Glover and Joe Pesci in hopes of Pee Wee
recreating their comic success (minus Herman, and as
Mel Gibson) from the "Lethal few of us might
Weapon" movies. Glover plays Gus, even think Chris
who loves to fish with his best friend Farley's "Black
Joe (Joe Pesci). Ever since their boy- Sheep" was
hood days in Newark, N.J., they've decent, but we Joe Pesel nd Dann
been trying in vain to catch "The Big know crap when "Gone FIshIng."
One" we see it.
But just before Thanksgiving, they Glover and Pesci take annoying and
win an essay contest that provides moronic acting to a new level.
them with a vacation package to the Though director Christopher Cain
beautiful Florida Everglades. Off they wanted the two characters to be a bit
go in search of brainless, the
adventure, leaving R VI W actors need to
smashed buildings, E W seriously tone
damaged boats and GoWne FisMng down the stupid-
burn victims in their ity. Their
destructive wake. I b u n g l i n g
Soon they meet At Briarwood and showcase throughout the
the cunning and movie appears
cold-blooded killer, c o m p 1 e t e I y
Dekker Massey (Nick Brimble), and forced, as it is usually a desperate
entangle themselves in the con artist's attempt to create laughs.
plot to retrieve $2.5 million in stolen Furthermore, the senseless gibberish
cash and jewelry. Gus and Joe between the two is often unintelligi-
attempt to foil Massey's plans in ble; the only word that can be clearly
order to collect the hefty reward, but understood is "fishing."
not before they squeeze in some high- Pesci, whose best comedic role was
quality fishing. in "My Cousin Vinny," is overwhelm-
"Gone Fishing" is as lame as they ingly whiny and irritating. His char-
come. It seems to have been created acter grates on your nerves, begging
solely to see how much inept stupidi- you to walk out of the movie. When
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Space rock
By Aaron Rnnie
Daily Arts Editor
Space, a quirky and easily lovable
quartet of Liverpudlians, played an
energized set of 12 songs at The Shelter
last Tuesday. The group's stylized hybrid
of rock, cocktail lounge, pop and techno
was well received, but was unfortunate-
ly privy to only about 150 people.
Nevertheless, Space seemed to be hav-
ing lots of fun onstage. After a mediocre
set by opening act Muse (more people
seemed to be watching Game Two of the
I Red Wings/Flyers series than the band),
Space entered to a pre-programmed
drum 'n' bass track, which got the crowd
a-movin.' The
group's openingg"ME
song, "Me and R
You Versus the "
Glover laugh like idiots in the asinine World," off its
1996 debut The S
album, "Spiders,"
his character is struck by lightning, was a wise
audiences will probably applaud, as choice: Lead singer and bassist Tommy
this event provides a few moments of Scott's vocals meshed well with guitarist
silence from Pesci. No doubt, Joe Jamie Murphy's, indicating the band was
Pesci proves that he might be fun to in top form. Keyboardist Franny Griffith
watch ... if he had been an actor bounced around behind his wall of elec-
working in the silent-film era. tronic gadgets and occasionally punched
Danny Glover's acclaimed skill as the air, as he appeared greatly pleased
an actor goes completely wasted in with Andy Parle's pounding drumming.
this movie. He exhibits no talent (or Although one wouldn't notice it sole-
intelligence) in his role of the good- ly by listening to "Spiders" - largely
natured lemming to Pesci's character, due to his voice and Scott's being virtu-
supplying a few "yeah"s here and ally indistinguishable - Murphy sings
there, in response to Pesci's ramblings. lead on quite a few Space songs. On "No
The film's only laugh comes during One Understands," the second tune the
the pseudo-exhilarating chase scene group unveiled at The Shelter, Murphy
near its end. The stunt men standing closed his eyes and nailed just about
in for Glover and Pesci are poor sub- every note, taking a slight edge off his
stitutes for the actors, causing audi- occasionally raspy voice. He also ade-
ences to laugh painfully, again, at
how horrible this film is.
Nothing about "Gone Fishing"
even whispers quality. The film's
premise is weak, the plot develop-
ment is nonexistent, and there is not
one likable character throughout the
film. This is one movie that will make
you never want to set foot in a movie
theater again. Your best bet would be
to skip "Gone Fishing," and pretend it
doesn't exist.
The wacky lads of Space played an eneri
p Itfl! ee er s an
and q" alvn"e
320 S. State St
(ower leve o

s Shelter
quatcly handled the lead during
"Voodoo Roller" allowing his songwrit-
ing partner Scott to move away from his
microphone and interact more with the
Other highlights included "Spider"'s
opening track, "Neighbourhood"; "Dark
Clouds," a very optimistic song despite
its seemingly depressing title; the afore-
mentioned "Voodoo Roller" and Space's
biggest international hit, "Female of the
"Species" is one of those unique
songs that is good to listen to at just
about any time. Its chorus - "How can
heaven hold a place for me /When a girl
like you has cast a
VI E W spell on me?" - is
quite playful, and
Space synchronizes nicely
with Griffith's tropi-
helter, Detroit cal-sounding key-
June 3, 1997 board line. Space
executed the song
smoothly live, and the audience sang
along enthusiastically with Scott, who at
about 5-foot-5 was barely taller onstage
than many people on the floor. Scott
smiled as he chanted, "The female of the
species is more deadly than the male,"
showing his nasty case of laryngitis -
which caused the band to cancel its
Detroit date in March - was well
behind him.
For an encore, the band bounded back
onstage to its deliciously malevolent
song, "Mr. Psycho." The tune, which
alludes to serial-killing vicars and vio-
lent transvestites, left the crowd in a joy-
ous mood, which was not soured at all
by the Red Wings' 4-2 defeat of the

getlc show at The Shelter last Tuesday.
Peggy, I'll toll
yo hatag
Dail Art*is a
dam filme
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mor .......stories......
and ......propane........
a ..cessories.............


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