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June 11, 1997 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1997-06-11

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2 - The Micnigan Daily - Wednesday, June 11, 1991
Class of 2001
navigates the 'U'
By Maria Hackett Wolverine," a nighttime coffee hour
Daily Staff Reporter held in the Michigan Union.
They came, they saw, but most "Ann Arbor is famous for coffee
probably won't conquer until this shops," said Ann Hower, the associate
September when classes get under- director for the orientation program.
way. This cafe not only gets students to
Beginning this week, students stay- know each other, but also sends them a
ing in Ann Arbor for the summer are message about the surrounding city,
getting a preview of this fall's new she said.
addition to the University , the class "Everything has multiple goals,"
of 2001. Hower said.
New Student Orientation began "We want to increase the awareness
Sunday, and during the summer of the kind of community they're
months 32 sessions, hosting 160 orien- entering and communicate the values
tees each, will familiarize incoming of the institution."
students with campus and help them Hower said the primary goal of the
find niches for the coming school year. orientation program is to help new stu-
"It was a lot of fun, said LSA dents and their parents develop a suc-
incoming first-year student Erin cessful transition between high school In s Draper, a player on the Detroit I
Bouren. "We checked out the area and and college. in doWntown Detroit. Approximately"
what kind of shops you guys have.' LSA junior Heidi Kissling said her
The Java House on South University orientation experience really helped PA RA D
Avenue-proved to be a popular find for her feel comfortable and familiar with
many of the orientees after a day's people and places on campus. Continued from Page 1
activities. "It took away a lot of the fears I had takes and blows the players away.
But considering the popularity of and I came in a lot more confident that expected a lot of people here today,
local coffee shops, their success with I wanted to be here," Kissling said. we never expected this. I didn't tI
new students isn't terribly surprising. Students need to prep for a lot"of anything could top Saturday night, b
In fact, due to this interest, orientation adjustment in several areas, such as got to tell you, coming down Woodw
coordinators substituted the orienta- course load, said Hower. Avenue was the best of all."
tion dance from past years with "Cafe See DEBT, Page 3 The parade concluded at Hart PI
where the team owners, players and f
staged a celebration rally.
A "It's pretty cool', said Northville P
TE L IG U F R Tdent Marybeth Atzinger. "I think its r
ly cool that we can all come out and
,,.6D Malong and keep it clean. It's pretty f
ing cool that they won.'
AVAV AVA - Of the more than half a mill
people who surrounded Hart Pla
KOREAN CHURCH OF ANN ARBOR 65 E Liberty " tP some climbed trees and teleph
3301 Creek Dr. 971-9777 poles to catch a glimpse of the ho
SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. English, DA LA P ey stars.
11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Korean University alumnus Bill Chalm
who graduated in '91, said the cr
1511 Washtenaw sear HillU.
Sunday 10:30 a..
Wed. Supper 6:0 p.ms REC11E E ALh
Pastor Ed Krauss 663-5560
IThe Center for Statistical Consultation and Research


Red Wings championship team, shakes the hand of a young fan during yesterday's parade
one million fans were estimated to have attended the event.

ut I

support was unbelievable.
"I've been going to Red Wings games
since 1974, when we had 6,000 people in
Olympia Stadium and you could shoot a
cannon down Woodward since it was
empty, Chalmers said. "Now, 23 years
later, we finally win the Cup. I used to
commute from Ann Arbor to Detroit just
to see the Wings - and my studies suf-
fered. But it was worth it."
Windsor resident Paul Williams
arrived in Hart Plaza at 7:30 a.m., but
chose to skip the parade to instead stake
out a prime spot for the rally.
"We didn't really see the parade,"
Williams said. "The crowd's awesome.
This is the first time I've been over and
hung out here. Usually I just come over
for concerts and stuff and then get out?'
Some University students were so
enthusiastic about the parade that they
chose to sacrifice their studies and skip
class to attend.
"I have four credits left to graduate,

and I skipped class today because
there is only one Stanley Cup," said
LSA senior Sarah Forman. "It's hock-
Detroit Police Department Police
Officer Mark Golembieski said the large
crowd was calm and safe, creating a pos-
itive image for the city of Detroit. *
"Everyone has been pretty well-
behaved," Golembieski said. "It will
enhance our image because we didn't
have the violence that we have had in the
Music senior Jessica Cauffiel said the
atmosphere in Detroit yesterday was dif-
ferent from anything she had ever expe-
rienced before.
"I grew up in Detroit, and the energy
today is so beautiful and positive'
Cauffiel said, adding that she believe
that Detroit is revitalizing and in five
years will be the "jewel" of the midwest.
"People are so warm and happy. It's
beautiful, not dangerous."

is moving to:
3514 Rackham Bldg.
(formerlyWest Gallery)
Effective June 12, 1997
s -

* Consultation is available
only by telephone on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
June 10 and 11.
* Walk-in consulting and
appointments will resume
on Thursday, June 12.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Wednesdays during the spring and summer terms by stu-
dnts astheU niMi an. Subscri ionsfor fall term, sariing in Septembe, vaU aiare$55
Winter term (January through A pril) is $95, yearlong (September through Aprl) is $165. On-campus subscrip-
tions for fal term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associatedcollegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor.Michigan 481091327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763.0379; Sports 747-3336; Opinion 764-0552;
Circulation 7640559; Classifiedadvertising 764-0557: Dispayadvertising 7640554;Rilling 7640550.
E-mail letters to the editor to dally.lettersumich.edu. World Wide Web: http://www.pub.umich.edu/daily/.
NEWS Heather KaMin, Managing Edtor
S n d Je Eldridge, Maa Hackett. Pete Meyers, Christine M. Paik, Jason Stoflr, Ma" Weler.Wil Weissert.
EDITORIAL Jask Sehiai Eat4
STAFF: Kristin Arola, Mike Feld, Yuki KuNEyukiEizaneh Lucas, Par thaMuk.opadhyay, Paul SerAl.
SPORTS Mak SayerM ManagfngEditor
EDITORS:Chris Farah, Sharat Raju.
ARTS k~zabeth Lcas, Aaron Relude, Editors
STAFF: CoRPP artos, Sangita Saruah, Sarah Reko, Anitha Chaam, Anna Kovalszk, Kiran Nandatur, Joshua Rich, Jack Schinnao, Julia SN,
Phlip Son.
PHOTO Margaret Myers, Sara Stinan, Editors
STAFF: Jennifer Sradey-Swift, Rob Gilmore, Joe Westrate.
ONLINE Elzabeth Lucas, Edtor
SALES Steve Booher, Mana
STAFF: Lindsay 8eier,GinnyHiltz, Marnie Kadish, John Maclachlan, Sunitha Mani, Kindra Naida, Darren Ortsman, Divya Ramakrishnan.
DESIGNER Seth Benson
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Ke r Baker, Todd Broeberf, Jonathan Welta

Telephone (313) 764-7828 [764-STAT] * Fax (313) 647-2440
Web http://www.umich.edu/kcscar

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