Wednesdayr June 4, 1997 - The Michigan Daily,- 3 tudents an field XperilenCe .. c * Summer jobs provide necessary experience * for students. y Stephanie Hepburn For the Daily For many, summer break is a time to elax and sit in the sun. But for ambitious students looking or success in their potential job mar- ets, summer employment ranges from DNA synthesis to serving up cappucci- nos, providing them with essential hands-on experience. gany students are finding that, in addition to the textbook education of the schoolyear, hands-on experience during the summer is critical for devel- opment in their fields of interest. Hands-on experience is available to students in almost any field, ranging from the world of science to the eclectic atmosphere of Ann Arbor coffee shops. Nursing sopho- more Laura Oman is spend- tma ing her summer dedicating hours think to research geneti- cally obese rats want to because of her interest in pedi- Iifes atric oncology. Dorman said she feeds the rats University re and watches them a ey swim in a tt of water in order to "measure the effects of diet and exercise on the body weight and cardiovascular function." Lia Florey, a research assistant for a plant. biology experiment that tests whether the Autumn Olive is an inva- sive species, said her summer employ- ment is helping her explore future options. 'U' doctors travel to Russia, aid By Peter Myers Daily Staff Reporter Russia is in the midst of a cardiovas- cular epidemic. Last week, three University physicians went to St. Petersburg Russia to help. The expedition was organized by the nonprofit group AmeriCares, an inter- national aid organization that special- izes in transporting medical supplies and assistance to areas around the world. "Cardiovascular care in Russia is a disaster" said Director of Cardiology Preventative Research and Education Lori Mosca, one of the three volunteer- ing physicians. "You've got a country that has recently received political freedom ... but the reality is that most of them don't enjoy the basics of life that they used to," she said. Rates of cardiovascular disease have risen incredibly since the fall of the Soviet Union, Mosca said. The expedition was primarily educa- tional, with the American doctors instructing their Russian colleagues in cardiac surgery and disease prevention. Steven Werns, internal medicine associate professor, was one of the University cardiologists to make the trip. His particular responsibility was to demonstrate coronary angioplasty, a surgical procedure that involves insert- ing a balloon on a catheter up through a vein in the leg and into the heart. Russian surgeons, Werns said, are often behind in their knowledge of the latest procedures. Unlike American doctors, they lack the financial resources to travel and stay updated on the newest, most effective treatments. In many ways, Russian hospitals are colleagues financially crippled. "They reuse everything," Werns said. Common sur- gical implements such as catheters, which are used once and thrown away in the United States, are sterilized and reused repeatedly in Russia. Sterilization is often imperfect, Werns said, and catheters tend to break when reused. The Russian facilities have other shortcomings. "They're not very clean, they're poorly lighted," Sterns said. Medical equipment such as x-ray machines are severely out of date. "They're using equipment that we probably abandoned 10 to 15 years ago." Wide-ranging public-health condi- tions that are well known in the United States are often not taken seriously. The Russian medical establishment seems to ignore precautions against high cho- lesterol and smoking. "It's like practicing medicine in another world," Werns said. "You walk into an operating room and all the doc- tors are smoking." Mosca estimates that about 60 per- cent of the Russian population smokes, and considers it the primary cause of the cardiovascular "epidemic" in Russia. Mosca has plans to develop a coop- erative program between the University's Medical School and the St. Petersburg Medical School that would follow 150 students from each univer- sity and hopefully augment their knowledge of cardiology. Mosca says the solution to the Russian problem lies in education, but also notes that, "the (Russian) physi- cians are very skilled, but their hands are completely tied because of lack of resources" ROB GILMORE/Datly LSA senior Dan Levine cooks food on an open grill in front of an audience at The Mongolian Barbecue. LSA graduate Breman Grow displays his co-worker's talents. is "Many of the people I'm working with were in the School of Natural Resources and know what cool classes are out there. They also know profes- sors and have exposed me to the options out there in the ether you fields of biolo- gy. do this for "It makes you thitnk whether you want to do this -Lia Florey for your life," Search assistant Florey said. "But it gives you a lot of practical knowledge." Some student said that aside from actual work experience, summer jobs give them the chance to meet other stu- dents on campus. LSA senior Elena Bonsignore said the experience of working at Espresso Royale Caffe has taught her how to deal with breakdowns in communication. "Working with people improves your ability to talk to people," Bonsignore said. "Communication is an important skill to have no matter what your're going into." Bonsignore's fellow worker, LSA senior Heather Bowden, said she will leave for Cortez, Colo. in two weeks to participate in a field-study class at the American Institute of Archeology. "The field school is where you learn basic archeological techniques," Bowden said. "I'm going to spend 12 hours a day for two weeks working on the (Native American artifact) dig." At Main Street's Mongolian Barbecue, workers enjoy each other's company so much that after the restau- rant closes on some evenings, the work- ers have open- microphone night and nights when people share their poetry and sing songs. On other occasions, they have creat- ed theme parties, such as a recent Lounge Lizard party, where staff dressed like the lounge lizards of the '60s. MARKET Continued from Page 2 features of a strong job market are pre- sent, but there is no telling how long the market's strength will last. "The reason the job market is strong is because of the usual economic rea- sons," Shapiro said. "We are experienc- ing the lowest unemployment in 30 years, and the economy is balanced and seems to be moving in a positive direc- ti . "We are in a recovery that begun in the early 1990s and there is nothing in the current outlook that says things will change drastically, but it is almost impossible to foresee dramatic events which will radically affect the economy and the job market," Shapiro said. Surveys have found that companies are especially eager to hire engineers, computer scientists and students famil- ilvith an array of information and operating systems. But some who have experienced the market first hand said students looking for jobs in specialized fields may have a hard time finding work in their ideal careers. "I didn't look too hard, I just applied for some jobs in chemistry in town and was offered a salary and benefits I could not turn down - I'm not unhap- py, but I'm not working in my field," said Matt Bolang, who graduated in May 1996 with a degree from the School of Natural Resources. "There are jobs out there and those jobs are easier for college graduates to get, but the work won't always be in the students' ideal field," Bolang said. Some students, on the other hand, have made plans for life after college that have nothing to do with job avail- ability or economic trends. "I'm not really worried about look- ing for a job because I'm going to teach for AmeriCorps when I get done here,' said Engineering senior Antwan Edison, who will graduate in August. "I haven't thought about the job market too much." Small Classes of 25 or Less Great Teachers The Best Materials The reason why almost half of all med school students took Kaplan first 1-800-KAP-TEST