2 -TheMichigan Daily --Wednesday, une'4, 1997% 1997 graduates enter most generousjob market inyears- By Will Wissert Daily Staff Reporter A University senior sat intently working on an application shortly before graduation last month. Was he applying to graduate school or for a job in a far- away city? No, he was working on was an application for employment at The Mongolian Barbecue. For this senior, and the hundreds like him, glamorous jobs have been hard to come by in the far-from-friendly job market. But according to recent employment trends and work force surveys, the luck of college graduates nationwide is project- ed to improve over the coming months. Manpower Inc., a national polling firm, questioned 16,000 companies nationwide about future staffing plans, asking firms'if they intended to increase, decrease, or maintain staffs in the coming months. Manpower found that 30 percent of those employers polled said they were prepared to hire new workers - the highest percentage in nearly 10 years. In addition to Manpower's results, the National Association of Colleges and Employers reported that companies nation- wide have been sending recruiters to college campuses in record-breaking numbers. Bright economic forecasts such as these have left experts clamoring about graduate-friendly markets and an end to early '90s downsizing and employment slumps. However, not all recent graduates have found the job mar- ket as friendly as promised. "People talk about how great the job market is butI haven't seen the repercussions of that - I haven't been able to find a job," said recent LSA graduate Amy Adams, a philosophy and communications major. "I've interviewed in Chicago and am going to do some interviews in New York. I am optimistic, but I have had definite difficulties finding a job." Economics Prof. Matthew Shapiro said all of the classic See MARKET, Page 3 FILE PHOTO Graduates Laeki Harris, Kasey Johnson and Lorri Pearson are surrounded by fellow graduates at the commencement ceremony in Michigan Stadium last month. RELIGOUS $ERVICS AVAVAVAVA' KOREAN CHURCH OF ANN ARBORj 330t Creek Dr 971-9777 SUNDAY: 9:30 a m. English, 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Korean UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPELj 1511 Washtenaw near Hill Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wed. Supper 6:00 p. Pastor Ed Krauss 663-5560j WRTE FOR THE DAILY. 76-DAILY Barbers 615 E. Liberty "near State St." N o WAITING 7 VERDICT Continued from Page 1 ning, Zitko said. "I think there's some question as to whether he really is guilty or not." However, Robert Precht, a defense attorney in the World Trade Center bombing and director of the Office of Public Service at the University's Law School, said the prosecution's use of indirect evidence is no cause for worry. "The concern McVeigh was convict- ed on circumstantial evidence is mis- placed," Precht said. "Circumstantial evidence can be, and often is much more powerful than direct evidence:' Matsch, a 1953 University Law School graduate, received.praise for the manner in which he conducted the trial. Richard Rohr, a Detroit lawyer, who worked with Matsch on the University Law Review, said Matsch's personality helped keep the trial in proper bounds. "Matsch is not one to put tp with nonsense" he said. "I thought his rul- ings were good and he kept things from becoming a circus." "Dick was a very highly respected per- son in law school and he continues to be" Rohr said. "It is nice to see such a superi- or intelligence at work on the bench" The jury's decision was not made without an emotional toll. Two jurors held tissues near their eyes as the verdict was read, coming close to tears. Andrea Lyon, an assistant clinical Law professor, said that "the length of time it took to deliberate indicates some jurors had doubts. "My guess is that the two jurors who were crying were emotionally attacked and pressured into a guilty verdict;' she said. Lyon was not surprised by the out- come of the trial. "(The defense) almost always loses death penalty cases because of the horri- ble crime, weeping families and a lack of political diversity on the jury' Lyon said. "The odds of prosecution not win- ning are 100 to one." LSA senior Kevin Cox said that McVeigh was tried fairly, and the guil* verdict fit the crime. "Granted, they didn't see him actually in Oklahoma City, but a lot of the evi- dence definitely did point to him;' Cox said. "He was given a fair trial." Atthough the jury returned a guilty verdict, their work is not complete --- they now must decide McVeigh's penalty. "If the death penalty was ever fit for anybody, it would be Timothy McVeigh," Cox added. Precht warns the jury not to let emo tions affect their decision. "I hope all sides will reduce emotion- alism in the case and concentrate on the facts because emotionalism causes unre- liable results," said Precht. Sha - I~ worid At EDS, we're not just "some big computer company," we're a consulting firm, an informa- tion services provider and a business partner. From banks in Belgium and manufacturers in Brazil, to the doctors, grocers and insurance agents in your town. We have the following out- standing opportunities for entry-level candidates in the southeastern Michigan area and throughout the nation: Customer Assistance Representatives Successful candidates must possess the following: - Strong communication and - Good academic record problem solving skills . 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