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May 28, 1997 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1997-05-28

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Wednesday, May 28, 1997 - The Michigan Daily --1
W' trckteams aeppst
cosodwith dfernNdph

By Chris Farah
Dail} Sports Editor
ClIIMPAIGN -- The Michigan men's and wvomen's track
teams have both reached ss atersled moometnts t- ittes of"
change and new directiont.
Unfortunatcly for the ns newer doesn't always nmean better.
At th Bilen chatmpimnships, te- -
mere 10 points, while tite mnt ssvie
beltinid by 48 points. l
Most itnportantly, thte sttppotitttg I "r
casts of tse mnt's aitd wotttn's teatis
are at radically dliffereitt potnts.
The nmen's team is facittg swhat ts
commsionly referred to as ta tebuildttng
Tbe Michigans smen are losing some ofr
ite greatest athletes of thte program's history, intclttding two
rainlchampions -. Neil Gardner and Kevin Sullivats.
Atrthe Big Tens ettded ott Sunday, senior Scott
MacDonald itmmersed himself in thc Illinois tmck's steeple-
chase pit. The impronsptit bath may have been nothitng more
thats a way for him to cool down, bitt it might as swell have been
a kitnd of dital baptism --- marking a new stage of life for thse

gradutin'g Wolverittes, as wsell is tattcssperid of struggle for
thte Michi"gittmin's team.
Of coitisettvwtrtctrttts ss111probably tttake ott impact, bitt
even rt goodfreshtmantttclatss stotilclhItvtcai ltatdtine making itp
for suchltar"ge'vti fitalet
With tsso exceptions, tll of thte somtentts point scorers are
retitrnittgitext yeatt Thtis, Ion"gswiththtle graditations of
Wiscoitsint's top scorert Kathy Butler, metits thte Michigan
wcomntate itt tdcal positttott to ssitt the Bi" Tetns next year.
"My expecttiontstorthIis teatmttwete as vetcrans," Michigant
coach Jamtts Helnry said. I cain't uomplain too liodly - the
otnly reasont why wec dicdnst do as stell is ste shtould've is expe-
Distaitee rittnet Katic McGregor described sthy thse womnen
Wolverines'seceond-p1licc fitnish swis so dtsappottttiitg.
"it 5wast just dtsaippointitng tha tswe diid just about antythting
ansyotne could tsk for ad ste 'ot a slip it the fatee - we did-
n't get ansything forit" McGregor said.
Next year tlsc sery lemeist thsat itsade losing so disappoit-
lng - thse overalIlteans effort staill smake vactoryievitaible
for the Michtigan wsomn'ns team. Onth le other hand, the mns
teamt, vhiclh iiidoubtedly storked lust is hard, sill b s arimed
because key portions of its respective cor, will not be back.

Men's track takes third at, Big Tens

"t y Chris Farah
~afly Sports Editor
CHAMPAIGN - Johst Mortimser
went into last weekend's Big Tets chriam-
pionshsips withs NCAA provisional qtial-
tfying tiimes its three separate eveists -
the I10,000-mtscer ruts, thse 5,000 antd the
3,000 steepleclsase.
If thsere had beets tisy doubts its the
ability of one stats to domintae ech of
thtose races. its otte sitngle meet, isoise
c'isaiiscd wh~en the sopahomsore left
~hampaign ott Sunsday.
Mortimier led itse Miecsiganmsseis's
track teams to ai third-place fittists at the
Big Tetns wtith a trceesdoius itsdividual
performanatte. Wisconsits won the mseet
witls 145 points, folloswed by Minisesota
withs 110 atnd Michigats with 97.
Twetity-eight of Michigatn's 97 poits
camne front Mortinser, who placed first in
the 10,000 and steeplechase, atsd second
46n the 5,000.
WWhat was nmost impressive about his
performance was not sinmply his placing,,
but his utter domnitanee. Mottimer was
casually checking his watch as he
crossed the finish line of the 10,0 .
Although Mortimer only placed see-

mid its is lastleentsthmes5,000, fatigue
takes its toll =evetnott Mortinser.
'Definsitely its tlhe5,000 1Iswas a little
tired?' Mottiner said. "se othser guys
stere freshersio I ttas at a disaidvantage.
Mortimrssittatd echl race at the back
of lie pack, in tg his wa y to the froist.
"Its a Bi" Ten chsamnshstip like tthis,
wthichs is sotatcticait probaiblyyitse smsartest
stay to ruts it is as easy as you cats rtid still
place as highs is you casit to comse out
wtithi a lot of ponts, Mortismer said. 'It
just takes a little psatiece and coitficdeince
ini your ability' to coise back it itse etndt"
Motimser wtas far frois alonse amsonsg
successful 'Wolverintes.
As a wh~ole, Michigain's distaisce cresw
steppsed uin~ t a big stay- accoiuntinsg foil
38 points aside froms Mortisser hsiself
Scesior Kevin Sullivan densonstrated
an impressive return to forms after sag-
ging injuries slotwed im dowvn its 1996,
Sullivats breezed throug'I the 1,500, win-
ing stls a time of 3:46.75, atsd placed
third in the 5,000.
"We've got a really strotng distansce
crew and a lot of depth fron tht 800 up
to the 100;' Sullivan said, "We were
banking on a lot of points from the dis-

lance guys thsis wseekensd.
Carryin" Michigaitss end its the son-
distance categories stas seiior Neil
Gardlner As usual, Gardiser, doistated
lie hsurdles, witnnngthe 440-nmcter Istr-
dies by close to a secotndstitsats NCAA
automtatic-qitalifyintimae of 49.67.
'[le 1104thuidles proved to be a tighter
comspetition. Gatrdner placed secotsd
scith a timei of 13.84, lositng to Wisconssin
star Reggie Totrits.
"My nmain focus here stas the 400,
because I Isaven't beets workinig ott the
111)u thstl lis year at alt;' Gardner said.
"Fintishintg secondc is whlere I figured 'd
be. Tlhe ottly personth tat shsoutd beat tme,
ott a good dtay, is Reggie"
For Gardner atnd the other Michigats
seniors, the Big Tens represented the last
chapter ofitheir team legacy. Gardner said
he was satisfied with their final stark.
"Our team scored as wtell as ste
expected to, rind ste fittished higher than
they thoiugttwseswould finish, Gardner
said. "It wsthle last time I'll be conripet-
ing with the majority of the team, so I'm
happy to be contributing well,
"I'm satisfied with my four years, atid
Ins happy I eanse to Michigan"

Senior Scott MacDonald and his fourth-place finish in the 1,500-meter run at Big
Tens will be sorely missed by the Michigan men's track team next year.
GOLF Entries Taken: until Weds 614 2:00pm IMSB (Main Office)
Entry Fee: $15.00 per learn (excluding Course Fee)
T ee Times: 11:00am - 1:00pm [Two-person team scramble]
} ournament Dale: Friday June 6 at U of M Golf Course
TENNIS Entries Taken: until Thurs 5129 2:00pm IMSB Main Office
(Sgls & Dbls) Entry Fee: $5 for Singlesl$9 for Doubles
Toumnament Format: Double Elimination (depending on #'s)
Toumnament Dales: Sat & Sun 5/31 & 6/1 (Palmser Couuts 0e CORB
Intramural Sports Program Summer Term Activities
Softball Mgr's Meeting and Entries - W 7/2 5:30p '
Sand YB Mgr's Meeting and Entries - W 712 6:30p
3-on-3 BB Mgr's Meeting and Entries - W 7/2 7:30p
Tennis - Singles and Doubles Entry Deadline Thurs 7/17 2:00p
Golf - Two-person scramble Entry Deadline Weds 7/30 2:00p
Officials Needed
Summer Term SOFTBALL clinic begins
Tuesday July 1.
For Additional Information Contact:
Intramural Sports P'rogram IMSB 6116 E. Hooter 763-3562

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