4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 14, 1997 Edited and managed by ERIN MARSH JACK SCHILLACI students at the Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan Unless otherwelse noted, unsrign ed d Itoriads re flect the opinlionz 420 Maynard Street miajority of the Daily §editorial!oard .tII other articles,.etite Ann Arbor, MI 48109 cartoons do not necessarily reflect t1e opinion ofr/ Te iicligan Pai O n February 1, a new face sat behind a desk on the 2nd floor of the Fleming Administration Building. More than 100 days later, University President Lee Bollinger has laid the foundation for his administration by establishing a strong relationship with the University communi- ty. His work to foster communication with students and administrators promises to serve the University well. Bollinger must continue strengthening his relations while defending the University's commitment to diversity and an accessible education. The president's relationship with the University Board of Regents plays an important role in shaping education poli- cies. Former University President James Duderstadt's relationship with the regents was strained in many ways. One of Bollinger's first actions.as president was to set up guidelines for faculty and adminis- trators' compensation packages - provid- ing the basis for a trusting relationship between himself and the regents. The president must also develop 100 and counting Bollinger promotes communication strong ties with students to ensure that important decisions receive student input. In his months here, Bollinger has made some contacts with students and student groups - however, his efforts in this area must increase. Bollinger recently announced that he wants to keep this year's tuition increase low. High tuition can place an unmanage- able burden on students - it should increase at a rate equal to or less than inflation. Bollinger should work for a low tuition increase to make the University a viable option for all students. Campus diversity should remain a pri- ority for Bollinger. Many legislators who view affirmative action as discriminatory challenge it. With declining numbers of minority applicants, Bollinger should ensure that minority students see the University as an educational option. He recently released guidelines for the New Century Fund - supporting the creation of programs that will expand diversity efforts already active on campus. Threats of future discrimination law- suits against the University for its affirma- tive-action policies could weaken the unique learning environment that it fos- ters. Bollinger must stand behind the use of affirmative action in admissions or risk a serious threat to campus diversity. Bollinger also worked to increase edu- cational quality at the University. He established a $3 million fund to help the Medical Center attract high quality faculty - an idea that he should expand to include other schools. New presidents must form their o core group of administrators to support t stability of their administration. Mai senior administrators - including Provost Bemard Machen - announced that the will leave the University at the conclus their present contracts, between four m to a year and a half from now. This chan creates an unstable administrative enviro ment. Bollinger must ensure that the admi istrators are chosen carefully and quickly restore the administration's stability. Bollinger's first 100 days show h commitment to developing strong ti with the regents and students - a patte that must continue to ensure that t University gives the best education s ble. At the same time, he should su affirmative-action policies and work or low tuition cap to make the Universit available to all qualified student Bollinger must juggle the many balls higher education without dropping any 1 ensure that the University remains strong educational institution. Pumping Gas tax would help T he disturbing condition of roads across the state of Michigan is finally receiving adequate attention from Gov. John Engler. Engler's new road-reform plan is centered around a tax that would raise gas prices by four cents per gallon. The tax increase is expected to yield $200 million in additional revenue each year to be spent on state-road repairs. The moder- ate tax increase is certain to improve the poor quality of state roads if officials manage the extra funds properly. State estimates indicate that the tax hike would cost the average Michigan family an additional $25 per year. The burden appears even less severe consider- ing that Michigan's gas-tax rate is presently among the six lowest in the country. However, in the present political cli- mate, most citizens expect tax breaks rather than increases. Many state repre- sentatives, specifically Republicans, feel pressured to satisfy these expectations because many of their, campaigns were based on the endorsement of tax relief. These officials are therefore hesitant to support the legislation. Nevertheless, the Michigan legislature must recognize that Engler has a stake in keeping taxes low, but is compromising his ideals because road problems are so serious. Engler takes a bold step in opposing party traditions to do what is most beneficial to the people of Michigan. State legislators must simi- larly ignore party ideals to bring about necessary improvements in road condi- tions. An essential piece of Engler's plan is transferring road-care responsibility from the local to the state level. A state-run road-maintenance plan would enhance the up prices maintain state roads focus of the road-maintenance efforts that occur across the state. At the same time, the state's Department of Transportation saw a decrease in size in recent years under Engler's administration. The small department is unable to handle the addi- tional roads. Engler's plan to transfer con- trol of many locally managed roads will not work unless he also increases the abil- ity of the department to handle those roads. The institution of a gas tax must be accompanied by other fundraising aspects of Engler's plan for overall road reform to be a success. The additional tax revenue serves as one component of the extensive arrangement that is expected to include an increase in truck licensing fees - a good idea, as large trucks often cause a great deal of the damage to state roads. Engler's plan also relies on an additional $200 mil- lion in federal funding - a lofty goal that is uncertain at best. Alternative funding sources are necessary as the plan is too dependent on federal support. If the sup- plementary proposals are not enacted, the extra gas tax taken from state drivers will not bring improved road conditions to all areas. The complete plan requires $570 million per year and would map out state road maintenance past the turn of the cen- tury. The state representatives have already waited too long to address this critical issue. Rejecting the gas tax would allow roads to deteriorate further, with no practi- cal solution in sight. Funds must be raised immediately to ensure that roads soon receive the repair they need. The longer officials take to agree upon a resolution, the more expensive road repair will become for state residents. School dissection * School board should n every school district, there are students who do not fare well in the traditional system. Recognizing these students' needs, the Ann Arbor Public School District pilot- ed an alternative program - appropriately titled the New School - last year. The pro- gram, located in the old Stone School build- ing, represented a new educational opportu- nity for its students away from the more structured education offered in the crowded halls of Huron and Pioneer High Schools. Originally conceived as a one-year experiment, the program now faces a major - primarily financial - hurdle. For the next year, the city's public school system faces a potential $3 million shortfall. Concern over the New School's costs - far higher than originally budgeted - and effectiveness have made the fledgling pro- gram a potential target for budget cuts. As it now stands, the central administration recommended the retention of the new school with one major caveat - it must move from the Stone School building to the confines of Huron High School. Some city school board trustees advocated elimina- tion of the alternative program altogether. Opponents of the New School's current structure point to a number of factors - both financial and academic - in their request for changes. Critics utilize issues of achievement and security in their argu- ments - during the New School's first semester, less than half of its students achieved better than a 2.0 GPA. Proponents of a move to Huron believe the presence of additional authority figures and disciplinary personnel would help the New School concentrate on its education- al mission. Undoubtedly, the extra support services available at Huron represent a great aid for support New School the six adults running the New Schoo However, the benefits -of such service should not supersede the best interests students' education. Moving the prograt to Huron - while preferable to elimin tion - would negate the idea of an altei native school. The Stone School location, physPall distant from Huron and Pioneer, gives i students a certain freedom from An Arbor's large high schools. Low student-t teacher ratios also allow for more persona ized attention. The structure of the school - currently four teachers instructing 82 sti dents - is designed to build camaraderi and trust between students and teachers. Furthermore, after nearly a year o it tence, New School's students may feel 'd and a sense of ownership in their prograr and the current building. Relocation t Huron - where the students would repre sent only a fraction of the population an might occupy space grudgingly ceded b established classrooms - could destroy thz spark of pride. The proposed move also presents logist cal problems. Given Huron's large studer population, there is speculation that ,eN School classes might take place a d hours. This scenario might lead to decrease extracurricular and social opportunities fc New School students, further negatin whatever advantage might come from pro> imity to Huron's facilities and services. A move to Huron might help the Ne' School's financial woes, but from a stu dent's perspective, the prospect spells dis aster - a return to the overwhelmin atmosphere they elected to leave be < The school board must take the students best educational interests into accour when making their budgetary decision.