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May 14, 1997 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1997-05-14

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One hundred sc years ofeditoriadfreedom

May 14, 1997

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U' refuses
5 release
Heather Kamins
liNews Editor
The Ann Arbor News is suing the
niversity for allegedly violating the
-eedom of Information Act by refus-
g to release a letter sent to Michigan
asketball Coach Steve Fisher from
thletic Director Joe Roberson.
The alleged letter reprimands Fisher
r not notifying Roberson of actions he
ok to investigate several interactions
t ,en members of the basketball
eend Detroit booster Ed Martin, the
nn Arbor News reported yesterday.
The newspaper claims that it attempt-
for seven weeks to gain formal pos-
ssion of the letter through a FOIA
quest, but the University refused to
sod the letter over. Yesterday, the
ewspaper filed suit against the
niversity with the Washtenaw County
ourts in order to acquire the letter. The
tse has been assigned to Judge David
w4 A hearing is to be held on May

Student dies in
fall from'Grad'
By Janet Adamy know if there was anyone with Cho
Daily Staff Reporter while he was on the roof of the
Graduate Library on the night he
A University student died after died.
falling from the top of the Hatcher LSA sophomore Matt Augustyn,
Graduate Library on Tuesday, May who was Cho's roommate in Couzens
6. Residence Hall, said Cho went out to
David Cho, who had just completed dinner with his
his first year in the College of parents earlier
Engineering, was found on the that evening and
ground near the southwest corner of had gone to the
the Graduate Library shortly before Graduate Library
10 p.m. last Tuesday. Huron Valley by himself.
Ambulance responded to a call at "He had a job
about 9:50 p.m., but resuscitation doing research
efforts were unsuccessful. Cho was for a professor of
pronounced dead upon arrival at his and that's why
University Hospital. he was at the
University Spokesperson Julie 1 i b r a r y , " Cho
Peterson said the Department of Augustyn said.
Public Safety is calling the incident a DPS Sgt. Tim Shannon said the
"suspicious death" and will continue roof of the Graduate Library is not a
investigating the case in the next few common "hangout" for students.
weeks. "It's very high and it's not particu-
"There is no indication of foul larly safe to be up there unless you
play," Peterson said. know what you're doing," Shannon
Peterson said DPS is considering a said.
number of possible causes of the inci- Young Ho Cho, David's father and
dent, including suicide and accidental a pastor at New Hope Baptist Church
death. She said DPS still does not See CHO, Page 7

The University allegedly reprimanded Michigan Coach Steve Fisher for action
he took in investigating contact between team members and a booster.
20. information,"Wierman said. "Our issue
Ann Arbor News Publisher David is how the administration is handling
Wierman said the letter should be sub- the sports program. We can't evaluate
mitted to the public. that without the right information. The
"We feel that the information we information we requested falls under
have asked for is subject to FOIA laws, the right information."
and we and the public have a right to the See FISHER, Page 2

DLag gets face-lift

y Darius Cobb
ir the Daily
T le salubrious sounds of spring-
r n the Diag - frisbees being
ssed and caught and students
tretched out lazily beneath the trees
ith stereos
umping at
ull blast - It's a
ave all been
ilenced by the Unive
he deafening
ium and rattle part of hi
f construe-
io machin- - Jc
r chipping Uni
way the old
td shaping
he new.
The Diag, a popular spot for-many
;tudents on campus, is subject to a
11.3 million dollar restoration pro-
ect that began on May 5, and is
nticipated to last until August 15.


The Office of Facilities, Planning
and Design initiated the project due
to a lack of repairs in recent decades
that have caused the sidewalks to
While the University's renovation
is to progress people will not be
allowed to cross
the Diag. Many
tart of students and
faculty said this
rsity ""-a is cause for con-
story "I don't see
. the point," said
)netOttenbreit third - year
verSity alumna Medical student
Dizon. "It looks
fine to me. The money could be
spent in better places like on these
dirty, old buildings." Bill Harvey of Ann Arbor looks at pi
Biology graduate student instruc- ter Morgan checks out the painted
Take You Higher," - a psychedelic
See DIAG, Page 8 Books and Music Thursday afternoo
'Austin Powers' succeeds Wolverine hitters clinch
as playful Bond spoof. Big Ten championship.

ctures inside of Ken Kesey's psychedelic era relic, the "Further Bus" as his daugh-
ceiling. The bus, which was on its' way to Cleveland for the opening of "I Want to
era exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - was parked outside of Borders
y Read the Daily on the Internet and
check out the Daily's archives.
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