- The Michigan Da1ly - W ensday, August 13, 7997 Currey tells mature, compelling tale in 'Lost Highway' Lost Highway Richard Currey Houghton Mifflin It's akin to the feeling we get when watching a Brady Bunch episode, as we sit rapt and helpless when Greg saunters up to the "prettiest girl in school" and says "Hey, groovy chick." It's a groan more in the chest than the throat, a sad, fiightened feeling. It's a weird little moment of pathos probably best left unexamined. This is the feeling I got while reading Richard Currey's most recent novel, "Lost Highway" (no rela- tion to David Lynch's similarly titled movie). And, fascinatingly, it was not the plot or characters that evoked this pathos, but rather the book itself. "Lost Highway" is the chronicle of Sapper Reeves' life as a West Virginian banjo savant - its ups (few) downs (plentiful) and complications. Sapper's is a strong, compelling story. It is the 4 basic tale of a man in conflict, strung between two points: his music (and the travel that such trade necessitates) and his family. By no means melodrama, neither schticky tragedy nor happy smiles into the sunset, Currey has craft- ed a successful and believable story. "Lost Highway" is a story about com- munication, with its possibilities and shortcomings and breakdowns - how close together we, as human beings, can draw and how far we must always remain. Many reviewers find Currey's work notable for its maturity. He feels neither obliged to create a happy ending with a deus ex machina, nor does he attempt to incite depression in his readers by depicting a heartless world out of bal- ance. He's honest, and knows that at times honesty is a fairly grisly thing. Also, Currey holds the story together structurally. The novel is broken into several major sections, each covering a certain stretch of years in Sapper's life. These sections are further broken into forced metaphors strain the narrative dozens of chapters, frequently only a and distract the audience. page or two long, each chapter ending Also, the entire work is in the first with a concrete image or moment. person, that person being Sapper Instead of being drawn back to some Reeves: coal-miner's son, day-laborer, central metaphoric or visual banjo genius. But the voice theme, we are anchored is that of a New to the collection of England academic: mundane objects "I glanced down and words that at the label and make up the amber slosh Sapper's reality. inside, back at It's a literary use the highway in of a fairly com- front, considering mon filmic tech- the skewed light nique, and devastatingly falling in the wake of a successful. fifth passed from front to back Currey runs into trouble with other across the seat until we were no longer stylistic qualities. He has a penchant for saddled with an actual decision to end complex, ultimately unresolvable the day." People simply don't talk this tropes, e.g. " ... urging the song for- way. The voice of the piece is entirely ward: three-fingered picking, nothing unbelievable, and thus damaging to the but motion and cornered light and fine believability of the plot because, when heat.' It sounds nice and highfaluting, we can't believe in the narrator's words, but what the hell does it mean? The we find it increasingly difficult to give 1 a damn about his tale. To return to the Brady Pathos briefly, Greg Brady's attempts to be hip are pathetic in the truest sense, eliciting feelings of sorrow from the viewer. We know that Greg can never succeed in the cruel world that makes John Lennon a walking god and Greg Brady a dink in love beads. Similarly, Currey is unable to succeed in the literary dilemma he created. In "Lost Highway," Currey dis-I plays the need to render what is simply a good story into a piece of art, to ele- vate it. Currey is strung up between his need (and ability) to tell an honest and intriguing story and his desperate desire to be hip, arty and Homeric. But just like I never changed the channel on Greg, no matter how it made me squirm, I didn't give up on Currey's "Lost Highway." As to whether this speaks more for the holding power of Currey's narrative or the morbid fasci-I nation of pathos, I don't know. - David Erik Nelson Casting, plot propel gripping 'Theory' By Gabriel Smith sionate Justice Department official For the Daily Alice Sutton (Julia Roberts). Black helicopters are keeping Alice has been attempting to inves- America under surveillance. Six tigate the unexplained murder of her major earthquakes have occurred in father, to no avail. Of course, this ties the past year with the space shuttle in back to Jerry in some way. When orbit for all of them. George Bush is some of Jerry's theories begin to sur- part of a group called the New World face and prove to be real, Alice finds Order. Do you believe any of this? In herself in a race for the truth. Throw director Richard Donner's latest pro- in enigmatic Dr. Jonas (played won- ject, "Conspiracy derfully by Theory," Donner Patrick Stewart), asks audiences to R E V I E W pursuing Jerry el Gibson stare off into the distance in "Conspiracy Theory." delve into their ConspiraCy and you have minds to ask what ®Theory quite a tale. is real and what ** I This movie dis- isn't. plays some of the --------------------1 Taxi driver t a s strongest casting Jerry Fletcher in quite a long S W atch I I(Mel Gibson) is a very paranoid man. time. Mel Gibson gives one of his He spends much of his time scouring best performances, if not the best and jew elry I the local paper for bits of information performance of his career (though j to print in his newsletter, aptly titled you could make a great case for R sPair "Conspiracy Theory." When not "Braveheart"). He plays Jerry with a .F .g working on his publication in his rare flamboyance and neuroticism. I apartment fortress, he preaches his mean, this is a character who dead- theories to mild-mannered, compas- bolts his refrigerator. Expert Watch and lewelry Repair __ Watch Battery Replacement Watch Band Replacements 14k 8 eld Flled findings An "b" sM d sentThis, d and rece&ve Julia Roberts's Alice is an excel lent complement to Jerry. Robert dives into this role, breathing kind- ness, compassion and warmth into4 her character. Patrick Stewart plays Dr. Jonas in Hitchcockian form, and director Donner creates a movie that is better than his "Lethal Weapon" trilogy. As well-written as this script is, certain sequences come up a smidgen short. This 2-1/4 hour movie loses fuel at the 2-hour mark. The movie runs well for about 90 percent of th4 time, but in the last 10 percent, the "cheese factor" entered. Like many other summer movies, this one didn't know when to quit. After leaving the theater, I won- dered to myself: Is George Bush real- ly part of a group called the New World Order, and how can I join? No, seriously, audiences will definitely get their money's worth with this movie. Even with the final, useless 15 minutes, "Conspiracy Theory" is one of the best films of the summer.