Wednesday, August 13, 1997 - The Michigan Daily - 5 OTABLE QUOTABLE "We're digging in to urge the Teamsters, to urge UPS, to show a willingness to compromise. We want them to show a greater flexibility." - Labor Secretary Alexis Herman, on the United Parcel Services'workers who began a strike last week PA re lations benefit citizens ARK HANNA finally, our political leaders respiratory diseases including Public health organizations have had the courage to act. asthma" He also mentioned nd environmental groups led Unfortunately, the fight for that four of his seven grandchil- y the American Lung clean air is not over. Polluters dren suffer from respiratory ail- ssociation won another round are using their leverage over ments. n the battle for new clean air politicians to try to get In Michigan, because of tandards on June 25. These Congress to override the new immense campaign contribu- tandards will save thousands standards. Polluters are gearing tions to both political parties f lives and improve the quali- up to use their political clout from the auto and utility indus- y of life of millions of through campaign donations, tries and other polluters, many mericans who are at risk from shady industry-funded science of our politicians have either alluion; particularly chil- and distorted television and remained silent on this issue or r, the elderly and people radio advertisement to manipu- have come out in opposition to uffering from lung and heart late public opinion. People con- the proposed clean air stan- isease. cerned about children's health dards. Some political issues President Bill Clinton and should make sure their voices have little bearing on people's he Environmental Protection are heard louder than the indus- everyday lives. Clean air is a gency deserve credit for try lobbyists and political political issue that affects standing up for a clean environ- action committees. everyone. In the last six ent against corporate pol- Clean air is not a partisan months, hundreds of thousands rs that have spent millions issue. Republican governors of parents, grandparents, llars trying to fight these and senators from New Jersey, teachers and concerned citi- standards. Auto makers, Connecticut, Massachusettes, zens have written the EPA say- power companies, chemical and Maine and New York have ing that their families, loved fuel manufacturers and other strongly endorsed the proposed ones and future generations polluters have lobbied lawmak- EPA standards, while some will be greatly served by ers and the Clinton administra- influential Democrats have strengthening clean-air stan- tion to weaken these clean air opposed these standards. Sen. dards. It is time to make sure proposals at the expense of Alfonse D'Amato (R-New our political leaders, particu- public health and a clean envi- York) recently came out strong- larly our congressional legisla- ronment. For years, scientific ly in support of clean air stan- tors, know we are serious studies have linked air pollution dards saying air pollution "is about clean air! to respiratory disease, cancer one of the major causes of dis- Mark Hanna is a other medical problems - eases ranging from cancer to Law School student p. 5FK SCAeJIAL. yt' NA4iuJ (ollooP7Et4 q aya'4 N ' E4si E . Fc~tt'kRF ' Join a 106-year tradition. Write for Daily Opinion. Come to a mass meetin: Sept. 8, 10, 16 and 18, 7:00 p.m. at 40 Maynard St. Escaping the Midwest can be a learning experience I n a few weeks' time, students from all over the There's a whole world of experiences out there, country and world (and a lot from the East But for whatever reason, many people don't see Coast) will start pouring into this quaint town past their own localities as a viable place to go to called Ann Arbor. And many will guffaw (espe- when they grow up. cially the aforementioned East Coasters) at the And I don't mean going to Cancun for spring unique strangeness that makes up the Midwest. break. Not a vacation, I mean actually living I've always lived in the Midwest. I'm used to somewhere else. You can't get a good apprecia- the dull ho-hum that drives the wide tion for another part of the country or the expanse of land in the middle of the world by going to tourist-trap attrac- United States. It's not that I necessarily tions. always enjoy it, but it can be comfort- Not that other areas of the country ing - ah yes, the comfort of home. don't have their problems. Take (Oh no, this is gonna turn into anoth- California, for instance. The sun's a bit er debate of "pop" versus "soda," isn't too strong there - it managed fry the it?) a .,, populace's brains to the point that they Nope, I've long since found a solu- : voted for Proposition 209. I think it's tion to that debate. Just say "Coke" or >. . time to put another layer of SPF-45 on. "Sprite" and shut up about it. 'Nuff ll {Or New Jersey. Fine state, just a bit said. JACK crowded. Oh yeah, don't go swimming The problem with the Midwest (or at SCHILLACI - personally, I'll take Lake Michigan least, one of the problems) is that the JACK I any day. comfort level can sometimes be HE PULPIT But it's worth it to get away for a while. asphyxiating. It's somewhat discon- The thing is, there are people from all certing when people from elsewhere come here over the country that are hell bent on where they and expect to find a plethora of things to do, want to be - and they haven't even given them- places to go and people to see. "Get a nightlife," selves the chance to explore all the great things the movie "Swingers" says. Michigan would do around the world. well to follow that advice. "Today is your day. You're off to great places. "Well, there's got to be something to do," a You're off and away." friend not familiar with the constant party zone - Dr Seuss, "Oh, The Places You'll Go" that is the state of Michigan recently asked me. Somewhere along the line, Seuss' wisdom got "Nope, not really. Welcome to the Midwest," I lost on many of us. College is a learning experi- replied. The bars close at 2:00 a.m. here. Get a ence, but sometimes escaping the classroom and clue, laboratory can do us all some good. That is why I never understand why some peo- Dropping ethnocentricism and dedication to ple want to spend the rest of their lives here. We our little niche of the country can not only help all have to pick some place to live out our exis- us learn about other people but also about our- tence but for someone who came from a relative- selves. So get on your way. ly small (and perhaps backward) town smack in - Jack Schillaci is stuck in the Midwest for at the middle of the Midwest, I can't imagine want- least another three years, so give him something ing to spend the balance of my life here. to do by e-mailing him Microsoft comes closer to L ast Thursday morning, I'd just returned from a long flight. Jet-lagged and half-asleep, I was stumbling in the general direction of the cof- fee pot when the Detroit Free Press headline caught my eye. Suddenly, I was wide awake. And I was feeling a strange communion with every other Mac user on the planet, as our collective jaws fell to the floor. Microsoft was investing in Apple. I guess I spoke too soon a few weeks ago, when I complained that there was no news. But then again, no one saw this one coming. The plan looked pretty straightfor- ward: Microsoft would donate $150 f million to bail out Apple's sinking ship, and would also collaborate with Apple t on upcoming projects. In return, Microsoft had the assurance that Apple LizI would stay afloat a while longer, since Ir numerous Microsoft programs are sold E to Mac users. But it sounded too good to be true. How often do you see a wildly successful business helping out a competitor? Either this is a real stroke of generosity on Microsoft's part, or there's some- thing else involved. The Microsoft-Apple alliance exemplifies the corporate domination of contemporary America. Though few realize it yet, we're returning to an era like the 1890s, when monopolies first began to flourish. The focus has shifted from power and transportation to entertainment and technology, but the principle remains the same. It works very simply: If Apple had gone bank- rupt, the computer industry would have been destabilized. Microsoft could have made money in that situation, but that would be a longer and harder process. The easier way is to invest in Apple - and gradually invest more in Apple - and eventually turn the company into a Microsoft. world domination subsidiary, shifting the entire Mac consumer base into Microsoft's hands. Of course, this is still purely speculative, but it seems like the log- ical thing to do. This scenario also fits a '90s business trend, in which a huge family-friendly conglomerate acquires a hip, supposedly independent sub- sidiary. The shining example is Disney and Miramax Films. Audiences can watch "The Piano" or "Sling Blade" with the pleasant confidence that they're too cool for mainstream cinema -when in fact, those movies are dis- tributed by the people who brought you "Hercules" and "Aladdin." So what does this mean for the con- sumer? It means that we have less and less choice about what we do. If you LUCAS want to support independent book- UNTRY stores, well, good luck finding one - DfACK the majority have been driven out of business by the ever-enlarging Borders empire. If you'd rather buy an Apple computer instead of a Microsoft PC ... that option could be closed off as well. And let's not even begin to dis- cuss how Microsoft could drive up software prices, once it has a captive consumer base. Business monopolies have so saturated our cul- ture that there simply aren't many choices left - but the least we can do is be aware of them, and take advantage of what options we have. For example, in Ann Arbor we can buy books at Shaman Drum instead of Borders, and buy CDs at Schoolkids instead of Tower. As for comput- ers, well, there aren't many alternatives to Microsoft ... but you can always remind your state representatives about something called the Sherman Antitrust Act. It worked in the 1890s, and it's beginning to look like we need it again now. - E-mail Liz Lucas at