Wednesday. August 6. 1997 - The Michigan Daily -5 r ... ..... .f ...p . . R ..... ...,.. .p.... .. OTABLE QUOTABLE "This reversal looks like a repudiation of the process." e - Rev. Edgar Vann, commenting on the Michigan Supreme Court's reversal ofa second-decree murder conviction of Larrv Budzvn for the death of Mralice Gre"n y PROBIR MEHTA At first glance, the intentions *e hearings currently being onducted by the Senate com- ittee over the so-called Asian inance scandal seem innocu- us, if we are to believe the con- erned investigators of the com- ittee. They claim that the hear- ngs are simply delving into Ileged wrongdoing by John uang, a former Commerce epartment official, and other eople associated with question- contributions to the emocrats' 1996 campaign. The ommittee chair, former actor Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), has een trying in vain to prove a Chinese connection with the contributions. In the end it is doubtful that anything will come out of the hearings except a general attack on Asian At rican citizens' right to par- ti ate in our political process. Closer insight leads us to uncover sinister themes that have been a part of this issue since the beginning. It is a replay of the age-old race-baiting game and is built upon the unspoken premise that Asian Americans are not considered "real" Americans, even today. Not only is some of the dialogue culturally insensi- t* but more ominously, it is o ten racist in tone. Can you imagine other groups being subject to racist innuendo by senators and respectable media like The Washington Post and the perpe- trators getting away with it? I surmise that it would be a differ- ent matter. Asian Americans make easy targets -if we aren't the "model minority" then we are dangerous people seeking to undermine the United States. It is a tragedy of extremes in America today for people of Asian descent. The present "scandal" is only indicative of the underlying prejudice that exists. Since Asian Americans have always been considered foreign, it is easy for xenophobic stereotypes to take hold. The committee has put on the stand people alleged to be involved with illegal campaign contributions, and efforts have been made to paint some of the alleged wrongdoers as agents of China and foreign corporations. While everyone is on the hunt for the "red communist threat," Philip Morris, the ultimate rep- resentation of Big Tobacco, admitted pouring millions of dollars of "soft money" contri- butions into campaign coffers to a disinterested media last month. If misdeeds were done, they should be punished. However, the controversy has had some unfortunate results. Asian Americans have every right to take part in the political process. The national media has melded foreign with Asian Americans in article after arti- cle - with the consequence of some legislators returning all contributions from citizens with Asian-sounding names. In addi- tion, legislators that were sched- uled for speaking to Asian American events strangely stopped showing up. This paints a stark picture for a community that is just starting to becoming politically active, as is its right. Asia bashing has continued since the first allegations appeared about ten months ago. During the hearings we were witness to racist remarks being uttered by US Senators and national media correspondents. issue of whether, Asian Pacific Americans, after a tenuous 150 year past in the country The cal- lousness by which some have conveyed their opinions speaks to the larger issue of whether Asian Pacific Americans are considered "real" Americans. We have faced internment in American concentration camps, had our citizenships revoked, and suffered innumerable accounts of hate crimes - all in the quest for a better life. These hearings are only a progression in the challenges that we face as we struggle to get our voices heard. It is almost ironic that Big Tobacco, the cause of so much death, is considered more American during this day and age than Asian Americans. Probir Mehta is an LSA senior majoring in political science. Maybe being a junkie isn't so bad after all Demember the Public Service Announcement saving the spotted owl. with the intimidating voice claiming, Classes began in the fall and I found myself "Nobody says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow hiking through the Arboretum in pouring rain, up?"' Well, I'm swiftly running out of alterna- walking through mud to measure trees - whose tives. names I was supposed to be memorizing - and Okay, so I'm not yet scampering around taking Chemistry. Liberty Square searching for a fix, but with the God forbid saving the planet involved work. I final year of my undergraduate career fled SNRE like a hippie from a bar of swiftly approaching, I'm scared shit- soap and applied to LSA. less. I even declared a major quickly there- What do I want to be when I growy after: English. Amazingly enough, three up? The question once held such hope years later, I am still, an English major. and suspense, a far-off thought of I can read, I can write, and I can bull- "adulthood" that surfaced only when r shit a 10-page paper about how the playing "pretend" or when relatives female character in any play, story or came over for dinner. Asa young child, poem is being oppressed by the patri- my career outlook changed weekly. arch, yet where does that leave me? When my mom gave me an old date Sitting around Espresso Royale with stamper, I decided I would become a KRISTIN some snooty intellectuals discussing the librarian. When my grandma bought AROLA images of rose petals in 18th-century me a nurse's kit, becoming a nurse was .ANLNG ,W English Literature? Moving on to gradu- my new calling. When I received a Cm'NG FANS ate school to spend four years studying Crayola Architect Set for Christmas, I how foliage dictates the reader's emo- knew I was destined to be the next Frank Lloyd tions in Shakespeare's works? Wright. Upon receiving Barbie Fashion Plates The walls of reality are swiftly closing in on me for my birthday, it was certain I would become a and horror stories of English concentrators never fashion designer. finding jobs are spinning around my head. My career outlook continued in its erratic man- Luckily, I'm hiding out in Ann Arbor for the ner for 17 years - a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, summer, or relatives would continue to probe, a writer, a secretary - and before I knew it, it "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was time for college. I want to write the great American novel, I want It was 1994 and the "save the planet" move- to win the Lotto, I want to build alog cabin in the ment was underway. I decided it would be noble woods, I want to be an editor, I want to be an aca- to spend the rest of my life recycling, tying demic advisor, I want to be the president, I want myself to trees and saving baby seals. I applied to be a swim coach, and dammit, maybe I do and was accepted to the University's School of want to be a junkie when I grow up - at least it's Natural Resources. decisive. I finally thought I'd found my niche. I could - Save Kristin Arola from a nasty drug stop the greenhouse effect while single-handedly habit and e-mail her at Rock 'n 'roll should be rebellious, not reverent "Rock and roll is the hambuger that ate the The Hall of Fame's rather innocuous placement world." on the map is only enhanced by its obvious status - Peter Tork, The Monkees as one of thousands of tourist stops for senior citi- I f jazz is the only original American art form, a zen bus tours. You know the type, loaded up with Picasso afloat in the sea of western culture dom- retirees bound for Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, mated by Michaelangelos and Da Vincis then rock Cranberry World or the Bees Wax Palace of 'n'roll is an original print of"Dogs Playing Poker." Yellow Jacket, Idaho. It was slightly surreal to see As generic and often easily accessible as rock can a group of grannies in a replica of a Grateful Dead be, it has transcended its own musical stage setup or watching an interview "shortcomings" to become iconic, dom- - with Johnny Rotten or Iggy Pop. mating the competition with the power Could they possibly appreciate what of three chords and a catchy chorus. k they were witnessing? Even after 40 When I say rock, I use the definition t years, did they get it? given by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame I guess it doesn't matter, because in ,which I recently visited. The Hall of another sense Cleveland and busloads Fame is very inclusive, covering all of of senior citizens and Boy Scout troops rock's relations and offspring under its is very appropriate because rock, like umbrella: R&B, punk, folk, funk, rap, this Lake Erie port town, should not be heavy metal, pop and elements of coun- taken too seriously. That's my one real try and blues that have filtered into the PAUL concern about the Hall of Fame. Some mix. While the Hall of Fame obviously SERILLA parts are way too serious. doesn't want to anger anyone by omit- FER-L1A All the guitars, stage costumes and ting any major forces of the rock era, this WARFAtE oddball memorabilia were pretty damn broad definition leads to just as much cool. The information in all the displays, arguing. I saw many eyes roll at the recent induc- mini-documentaries and interactive computer ter- tion of the Bee Gees and many wrinkled brows and minals were top notch, a great overview of 40 questioning expressions as visitors searched for years of music and performers. But when you fin- the egregiously omitted bands ("I just can't find ish with all of that you end up in the actual Hall of Jethro Tull or The Bay City Rollers anywhere.") Fame. It is like walking in a tomb or some other Obviously despite all its efforts, rock 'n' roll reverential memorial. It's dark, consisting of black cannot mean everything to everybody and a hall walls with only the inductees' names and pictures of fame or any such archive or museum cannot illuminated, and no one makes a sound. cover all the bases. It should not have to, but do Number one, rock and most of the artists on we really need the Hall of Fame at all? that wall aren't dead - many still make music, Let me give you some background to that ques- so let's knock off this "respect for fallen soldiers" tion. The Hall of Fame is in Cleveland, Ohio, routine. Number two, rock has never been rever- where DJ Allen Freed first coined the term "rock ent. Even if only superficially, rock is rebellion 'n' roll." Cleveland is a very nice city, pretty - it is disrespect for blind obedience and a clean, friendly, not boring but exceedingly aver- wake-up call to established norms. age, even for the Midwest. I just think other The Hall of Fame forgot a lot of that. But they cities like Detroit, Memphis, New York or Los could easily fix it just by playing a few tunes. Angeles that had a bigger impact on music - E-mail Paul Serilla apserilla would have been a little more interesting. R EStfRU CT1 0L4 TrtE 1 Do's !aA Wanted: Columnists for fall termn. Deadline is Aug. 12. E-mail Erin at for more information.