One hundred six years ofeditoriafreedom
hief of Cold fe
esigns 5
y Heather Kamins
)ily News Editor
Former University Chief of
~logy Joseph Oesterling was
ered Monday to serve a yearlong
probation, pay a $5,000 fine and ful-G
fill 120 hours of community service ,
for a felony larceny charge, to which t
he pleaded no contest in June.
Oesterling resigned last week in they
wake of an eight-month investigation
of his billing practices, which led the
University to implement final pro-
ceedings to force his dismissal.
hrough the investigation into
sterling's activities, University
officials learned that as well as dou-
ble- and triple-billing the University a
for travel expenses, Oesterling failed E
to declare hundreds of thousands ofN
dollars in outside income from indus-
tries and private donation, according
to documents released by the BOHDAN DAMIAN CAP/Daily
University under the Freedom of Incoming University students walk through the fountain on Ingalls Mall as part of a long-standing
Information Act. New Student Orientation tradition.
'Uurtes hgsh ols evs GPA oints
July 23, 1997
Reents pass
lowest tui'tieon
hein years
By Heather Kamins
and Katie Plona
Daily Ners Editors
When University President Lee Bollinger pledged in May to
propose a tuition increase that would be significantly lower
than in years past, many people were skeptical.
But following the recent $315 million state appropriation
granted to the University, the University Board of Regents
were able to approve a 2.9-percent tuition hike last week, the
lowest increase in eight years.
"What enables such a low increase was a willingness to live
with less, to continue the process of tightening in certain areas
and a generous level of appropriations from the state,"
Bollinger said.
Tuition for the 1997-98 school year for an in-state first-year
LSA student will be $2,847. As compared to the current price
of $2,766, the difference amounts to only $81.
In the past seven years tuition increases have ranged from
4.9 percent to 13.5 percent. Last year students received a 5-per-
cent tuition increase.
Provost J. Bernard Machen said the agreeable tuition
increase can be attributed to the state's appropriation and a con-
servative budgeting attitude within the University's depart-
ments and schools.
Machen said the University's educational and research qual-
ity will in no way be compromised by the slight increase. The
2.9-percent increase is sufficient to fund the University in
accordance with its high standards, Machen said.
"We're doing a better job of valuing (cost efficiency) and
we're really sensitive to students' needs," Machen said.
Regent Philip Power (R-Ann Arbor) said he attributes the
See TUITION, Page 3
By Katie Plena
Daily News Editor
The game of getting into higher-education
institutions may be more complicated than pre-
viously assumed by college applicants.
ased on high school curriculum levels, as
as any features that set high school stu-
dents apart from their peers, University admis-
sions counselors tack on additional points to
undergraduate applicants' grade point aver-
According to the school, curriculum, unusu-
al, geographic and alumni guidelines, the
University assigns Michigan schools and out-
of-state schools additional points to applicants'
The highest amount of bonus points a high
sol can receive is 0.5, according to the
S1GA index, obtained by The Michigan
Daily under the Freedom of Information Act.
Students can also receive points for minority
status, geographical remoteness and close
familial relation with alumni.
Lisa Baker, associate vice president for
University Relations, said the SCUGA guide-
lines are given to admissions counselors as a
starting point to familiarize themselves with
high schools.
"The most complete data really reflect what
the counselors know," Baker said. "One
shouldn't read too much into this single docu-
The SCUGA guidelines do not imply that a
student who went to a school with fewer
resources than
another school ow local high
is penalized, schools fared:
Baker said.
"It brings 1Bntryi y pg 0etro t
standardization U Ann Arbor Greenhills
to what is a very (pri -0.4
c o m p l e x . 8 Cranbrook Kingswood
process," Baker (pri) - 0.3
said, adding that ® Ann Arbor Huron (pub)
the guidelines ~Detroit Martin Luth er
are not set in King (pub)- 0.1.
In fact, the
master SCUGA report may not contain updat-
ed information for all of the schools, both pri-
vate and public listed in the guide.
"There is a degree of flexibility and a degree
of subjectivity, but in the end, we're seeking
students who succeed at Michigan," Baker
said. "We're trying to choose the students who
are likely to succeed at Michigan and that's
really what admissions is about,"Baker said,
adding that a 94-percent first-year student-
retention rate indicates the University's suc-
Baker said that 80 percent of undergraduate
students who enter the University attended
public high schools.
Duffy Ross, director of Public Relations for
University Liggett School in Grosse Pointe,
which received a 0.3 - one of the highest
SCUGA marks in Michigan, said the
University has the freedom to evaluate high
schools as it chooses. Each college or universi-
ty must use the system that works best for it to
select potential students, he said.
"It's not for us to evaluate why they did what
they did," Ross said.
The University's use of the high school rat-
ings does not lead to competitiveness among
Liggett and other prestigious private schools,
Ross said.
See SCUGA, Page 2
Tuition Increas
'96-'97 Rate
$8,000 I'97-'98 Rate
Lower Upper
vs 2.9%
Lower Upper
James scores a success at
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Sullivan sets Canadian
outdoor 1,500 record. http://www.pub.umich.edu/dally/