Wednesday, May 7, 1997 - The Michigan Daily - 15 Film suffers "Breakdown" under lethargic pacing, limp plot ulia Shih Dailv ArtsWiter The new Kurt Russell thriller, 'Breakdown," is a prime example of tow afilm can drag on endlessly before inally breaking down after having tothing worthwhile to say. Russell plays Jeff Taylor, a man who sets off on a cross-country trip f Boston to San Diego with his w e, Amy (Kathleen Quinlan). somewhere in the rustic but desolate xpanse of the Southwest, their car breaks down, leaving the couple tranded. Fortunately, they are rescued by Red J.T. Walsh), the driver of an 18-wheel- r who offers to give Amy a ride to the tearest truck stop to call for help while eff waits with the car. Less than an hour after Amy leaves 4 Red, Jeff is able to fix the car and d e to the truck stop. But mysterious- y, not only do the folks at the truck stop :laim to have never seen Amy or Red, >ut after tracking down Red, the driver :laims to have never seen Jeff or his wife. With no one to turn to for help and so ittle to go on, Jeff must embark on a desperate search for his wife. "Breakdown" starts off jumping ifa claustrophobic feeling of dread as the Taylors' car breaks down and hey are separated. But 45 minutes ater, the feeling of apprehension has not dissipated and the impatient audi- ence is still waiting for something to happen. The pace of the movie is maddeningly lethargic with large, >oring gaps between scenes of any nterest. When Jeff begins to discover the reabouts of his wife, the movie ecomes a bit more interesting, but the plot reveals itself as being extremely shallow and limp. The sec- ond half of "Breakdown" digresses into a good-guy against bad-guy shoot 'em up, which by the movie's end proves little more than that the makers of the film have a sadistic sense of humor. The best thing that can be said a b o u t "Breakdown" is that cinematogra- pher Doug REVIEW Milsome does a wonderful job of Breakdown conveying Jeff's feelings of des- ** peration and iso- At Briarwood and showcase lation by empha- sizing the vast and empty desert in many of his shots. The audience is further able to relate to the man's growing sense of uneasiness. J.T. Walsh also gives a creepy per- formance as a villain who could pos- sibly be the devil himself. His haunt- ing portrayal of a cold-blooded killer and liar keeps this movie from being completely unwatchable. But the bottom line on "Breakdown" is that it isn't a whole lot of fun to watch. It is dry and point- less, with a plot that has been seen countless times before, and audiences shouldn't bother with it. 77 been thefe. Utbile others figbi fot br a tion rights. l i'misists fort tiiprartfers t caioncentrate01 str efforts o t preention and less painful alternatives. If you npr action to rhetoric, please castct us. Question A bortion No one wants to have an abortion, much less a second one. But if you had an abortion, you are at an even higher risk of experi- encing the tragedy of abortion again. FEMINIStS1c)R LIFE ' it Sinai. t, A S suite 1Id0 .-\5isiitagiollDC25555 tsO)3 1-T!%1it sip a te.nti rta ntF fAatKA