4-p finelhig3ln aik-3A JAes a,"' MC 6,1996 " _ a" Edited and managed by LAURIE MAYK ERIN MARSH students at the Editor in Chief PAUL SERILLA ti University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Un lessotherwise noted, unsigned editorials relect the opinion of the 420 Maynard Street majority of the Dailys editorial board. All other articles, letters and Ann Arbor, MI 48109 cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily L ast fall when the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house on campus burned down it seemed the only real loss was the prominently located State Street building, which was serendipitously vacant for some time. Arson investigators cleared the prop- erty of rumored foul play; insurance claims were filed; and later the University continued proceedings to purchase the property at an adjusted cost - it appeared that was the last anyone would hear of the Sigma Phi fire. Recently, however, the Continental Insurance Company, which insured the house for the Sigma Phi Building Association, has filed a lawsuit which is only concerned with covering Continental's extensive losses on the prop- erty (damage claims were in excess of $770,000). The means by which this law- suit intends to find fault, however, strong- ly questions the University's relationship with fraternities and sororities, and, to a lesser extent, all students. The lawsuit names the University, the Office of Greek Life, the city of Ann Arbor, the fraternity's national chapter and "unknown parties" as groups that alleged- ly share responsibility for the property damage. Though it seems somewhat outra- - Defining terms 'U' not responsible for fraternity property geous for the University and the other par- ties to be named in the suit, it is fairly common practice for a plaintiff with extensive legal resources - such as an insurance company - to sue anyone who might be able to cover such large financial losses. Clearly, at the time of the fire the University did not own the property, and was in no position to influence the proper- ty's caretaking. Property maintenance responsibilities lay with its sole proprietor, Sigma Phi's Building Association. It is ludicrous to infer that the University should be responsible for or have control over private property used by students. However, Continental has found ways to allege otherwise. An attorney for Continental stated the University has a connection with fraternities and sororities and a responsibility for all enrolled students' legal and moral well-being under "in loco parentis." Currently, there are no formal relationship terms between the University and the Office of Greek Life - something Continental has requested in writ- ing, so it can see where its case really stands. This places a troubling question before the University - is the administration will- ing to pay Continental for theoretical con- trol over the Greek System? In recent years, certain members of the administration have expressed the desire for more control over sororities and fraternities. Should the University claim some degree of control, they will certainly be held liable for the property damage. Students' tuition dollars, or any other University funds, should not be doled out so that the University can gain a tighter reign over the Greek system. "In loco par- entis" is a misguided concept, because it virtually legislates morality for students. Its purpose was certainly not intended to extend to matters concerning property that does not belong to the University, but a rightfully independent organization. The relationship between the University, the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Association, two groups that act as intermediaries between fraternities, sororities and the administration, has always been relatively free of strain, and the open nature of that relationship shoukd not be challenged. Giving the "in loco parentis" concept any credibility would set a precedent in which the University could be liable for every legal matter that sororities and f- ternities encounter. The case also has the potential to affect all students. The University might take this case as justification to further regulate stu- dents' moral and legal rights. Students' rights are already threatened by the University's Student Code of Conduct. The University's purpose is to educate, not to take on the responsibilities of polic- ing students' activities - to uphold ta- dents' rights and freedoms, this suit t be fought with a simple re-affirmation of the Greek system's independence. Student investors Condos could be built with tuition funds R ecently, the Board of Regents approved the sale of 18 acres of University land to the University Condominium Association, an independent faculty organization. The UCA intends to build an 18-acre condominium complex devoted to faculty members who are retired or over the age of 55. The facility, to be located on Huron Parkway, will be partially University-financed. Up to a quarter of the construction costs - estimated to be between $18 million and $23.5 million - will be provided from the University's investment portfolio. The portfolio consists of funds classified as "working capital resources" - including some student tuition dollars. The UCA's intent is to provide retired faculty with a place to live that is close and connected to the University, encouraging them to continue contributing to its academ- ic environment. With an auditorium, meeting spaces and lecture halls included in the plans, continued teaching and learning is emphasized. The idea that these condominiums will become a community of retired scholars within the University is intriguing. Many faculty members can continue to make rich contributions to the University community well into their retirement years. That the administration is aware of this fact is important. However, creating the ambitious com- plex may not be the best way to pursue this objective. The greatest concern is cost. Regent Deane Baker, the lone regent to vote against the plan, called it a "luxury project." He pointed out that the property was sold for a fraction of its market value and added his concerns for the timeliness of the project, given recent extreme cuts in the University Hospitals. His concerns should be heeded by the rest of the regents. The University's $18 to $23.5 million share of the cost is lofty. Despite this, the University treasurer's office says that the condos could be a money-making investment. Such speculation is not enough to justify spending these amounts - particularly in light of unanswered questions. It is not clear that large numbers of professors are leav- ing the Ann Arbor area upon retirement. Offering other incentives to those who may leave would be more practical. The sprawling, pricey complex is excessive. Will retired faculty want or even be able to live in the condos? At a whopping cost of .25 million dollars for each unit, the price may discriminate against some faculty to the benefit of others. The benefit to students is unclear - the complex will be located at a distance from campus and therefore may be inaccessible to most students. The administration should consider all these questions carefully. Without adequate answers, the immediate impression of this plan is one of high expense and risk. Encouraging retired faculty to remain active in the University is a noble idea, but spend- ing students' money is inappropriate. With the largest tuition burden of any public uni- versity in=the country, students would benefit more'ifthe funds were devoted to lower- ing tuition costs or strengthening financial aid programis. Gender inequity 'U' shows deficiencies in status of women here is good news and bad news about women's status at the University. The gc news is that the University is making progress toward gender equity. The bad newt is that there is a long way to go - longer than many had expected. Last week the Center for the Education of Women released the third edition of itt report "Women at the University of Michigan," an ongoing study tracking the status anc progress of women at the Ann Arbor campus. The report found that the University hat shown significant and commendable progress in some areas of gender equality - mosi notably in the increasing number of women enrolling and completing an undergraduate education. The University is also making a concerted effort to hire more women for pro- fessorships. However, the University still lacks in granting tenure to female professors It has fostered the continued existence of a wide gender gap in tenure and the disc- portionate balance of women and men in higher and lesser paying jobs. Surely, the report is encouraging in many ways. Full professorships for women have doubled in the last 15 years. Associate and assistant professorships have grown by 3 and 6 percent, respectively, in the last five years. The University will also become the first major university to comply with Title IV for gender equity in intercollegiate athletics All of these steps indicate that the University is heading in the right direction. However, upon closer statistical examination, one sees that the University still faces quite substantial problems. The number of full female professorships may have doubled but they stand at a mere12 percent of the faculty. Similarly, female associate and assistan professors comprise only 26 and 36 percent of all professors. In addition to the painfull) low numbers of full professorships, women are being passed over for men on the te track. For women of color, the situation is worse - while they constitute 10 percenf professors, only 4 percent are on the tenure track. The inequality is unacceptable. Critics say that it is more difficult to retain women professors because of the high demand from universities nationwide. While this is partly true, there is a sufficiently large pool of qualified applicants, mostly in the fields of medicine, law, pharmacy and art. The excuse that retaining female professors is difficult does not explain the existing gaps in tenure-track professors. President James J. Duderstadt has acknowledged that the gender gap is unacceptable He should be commended for his efforts instating programs such as the Michigar Agenda for Women. However, President Duderstadt's days in office are numbered. e next University president must make gender equity a top priority. Programs such as the MAW and the Target of Opportunity Program are good first steps in the fight for gender equity. However, the University must make more rapid progress. The gaps and inequalities betwen aale and female prpfessors negatively affect studeqIs. The University 01i tnityy shoutd pressure tIre University's administration to correct the inequality.