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May 15, 1996 - Image 16

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-05-15

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16 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 15, 1996


'M' softball grabs lion's share of Big Ten individual honors

By Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Writer
Not only has the Michigan softball
team garnered many collective acco-
lades, its members have also received
numerous individual honors.
For the second year in a row, sopho-
more Sara Griffin was named the Big
Ten's Player of the Year.
She led the league in earned-run
average with 0.73, while pacing the
- conference with a 16-1 season mark.

Griffin was also the third leading
hitter in the conference at a .470 clip.
First baseman
Traci Conrad was .
named Freshman of
the Year, while Sof
Michigan skipper
Carol Hutchins was Notebook
honored as Coach of
the Year.
The first-team
All-Big Ten selec-

tions were Griffin in the utility position
and fellow sophomore Kellyn Tate in
the outfield.
Conrad and third baseman Tracy
Carr were second-team selections.
Snap, Crackle, POP!: In the 15
games played at Alumni Field prior to
the Big Ten tournament, there had only
been two home runs hit.
On Saturday, there were three
homers in as many games.
Michigan's Jennifer Smith,

Indiana's Meg Montgomery and
Minnesota's Renee Sbrocco all hit balls
out of the park, despite inclement weather.
Home Sweet Home: Alumni Field
has been good to the Wolverines of late.
Since losing its home opener to Iowa
March 30, Michigan has won 14 con-
secutive contests on its home diamond.
With the NCAA Regionals set to be
played at Alumni Field this weekend,
the Wolverines hope they can continue
to take advantage of their home park.

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Continued from Page 13
That energy came in the neO
inning, as Holmes came on in scoreless
relief of Griffin, slamming the door on
the Gophers.
"It felt good to get away with that
win," Holmes said.
"It feels good to win the tournament
in three games and personally it feels
good to know that I can keep the game
close like that,"
Griffin redeemed herself at t
plate, going 4-for-4 with two RBI in the
"I'm happy to get out of here with a
win. (The Gophers) just keep coming at
you," Hutchins said.
"They've got a great hitting team
and were coming after us again, and we
got away with (making mistakes)."
The win gave Michigan the Big
Ten's automatic berth in the NCAA
softball tournament for the second
straight year.
In their first game of the toum -
ment, the Wolverines took advantage of
errors by fourth-seeded Indiana to
claim a 3-1 win.
The Wolverines then faced
Minnesota - which beat No. 3 seed
Iowa earlier in the day - in Friday's
final game.
Catcher Jennifer Smith's two-run
dinger keyed Michigan's 3-2, com
from.hind victory.
Aluimni Field isshedtld to b th
site of this weekend 'NCAA National
Softball Championship Regional N 2,
as the top-seeded Wolverines host No
2 seed South Carolina, third-seeded
Notre Dame and No. 4 seed Central
South Carolina and Notre Dame
received at-large bids to the touma-
ment, while the Chippewas earned a
spot by winning the Mid-Americ
Conference toumament.
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