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May 15, 1996 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-05-15

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12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 15, 1996 ARTS
Art, poetry collide at Shaman Dru
More coming to town this summe

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by James Wilson
Daily Arts Editor
When poet Laurence Thomas read
from his latest book Saturday, at
Shaman Drum book store, it was a cli-
mactic moment in a two-year collabo-
ration between himself and artist
Judith Jacobs. Their newly published
collection of collages and poetry, titled
"The Face in the Mirror," is an exciting
contribution to the Ann Arbor art and
literary world.
The collection includes 27 of
Thomas' poems and 27 accompany-
ing collages by Jacobs. The final
product is a synthesis of both visual
art and literature so well knit that it
is hard to imagine either the poetry
or thercollages isolated from one
For example, the first poem (from
which the book gets its name), is an
interesting meditation on the casual
meeting of an acquaintance. It is inter-
esting, but, by itself, not exceptionally
evocative or moving. When accompa-
nied by Jacob's inspired and, in this
case, Kafka-esque artwork, however,
the poem's image really comes alive.
Such synthesis results, throughout the
book, in a fascinating and worthwhile
aesthetic experience. Whether writing
about nature or against war, Laurence's
lyrics continually improve upon, and
are improved by, Jacob's artwork.
"The Face in the Mirror" is, in
its entirety, a collage of influences
that reflects and transcends the
fractured sound bites of popular
culture. Not only does it combine
Jacob's and Laurence's work, it
also draws on other sources such
as the art of Christo (in the poem
"Dissertation on a White Fence")
and Munch, as well as the Russian
filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein. This
"collage" effect was further

Tne wiriies - noise rock at itsanes. Catcn em snursay at tie ung rig.
Here come the Swirhies

Judith Jacobs and Laurence Thomas at Shaman Drum last week.

Laurence Thomas
ad Judith Jacobs
Raing of "The Face in the
Mirror" at Shaman Dlium,
May 11
enhanced at the reading itself.
There, Laurence read several of the
poems, thus contributing the element of
his own voice to the collection. He also
let a friend read one of the poems,
which resulted in an even greater num-
ber of interpreters contributing to a fas-
cinating synthesis.
While,evenviewedtogether, someofthe
ination orinte etofthe audience, the over-
all nesult is something new, delightful, and

particularly suited to our postmodem and
multimedia-deiven society."The Face in the
Mirnoi"isawonderful synthesis,notjustof
two artists' work, but ofthe traditional art of
poetry and the modem art of collage, as
well as other secondary influences, ranging
from film to abstract art As a work of art
and as an example of transcending popular
cultue, this new volume is well worth any
reader time.
This reading was only one of several
Shaman Drum has scheduled for the
month of May. On Sunday, Detroit poet
Sharon Smith-Knight appears. Chuck
Wachtel, author of "Because We Are
Here: Stories and Novellas," and two
other novels, is scheduled to come to
Shaman Drum on Monday, to read
from and sign copies of his latest book.
Call 662-0017 for further infor-
mation on these and other literary
events coming to Shaman Drum this

By Heather Phares
Daily Arts Writer
In one of the best double bills in
recent memory, the aptly named
Swirlies and fellow noise-popsters
Number One Cup waft into town
tomorrow. The Swirlies mix goofy
humor into its brand of dreamy,
experimental music, which borrows
equally from the bludgeoning sound-
scapes of My Bloody Valentine and
Sonic Youth and the lo-fi musings of
bands like Pavement or Guided by
It's been three years since the band's
winning debut, "Blondertongue
Audiobaton," (named after a piece of
studio equipment) which blended

The Swirlies
With Number One Cup
Doors open at 9:30 p.m.
Tickets $6; 996-8555 for inf
dream-pop riffs with Speak 'N' Spells
and stream-of-consciousness stoner
ramblings. The Swirlies returns with its
second album, "They Spent Their Wild
Youthful Days in the Glittering World
of the Salons, which includes more of
the off-kilter music that garnered it fans
in the first place. Don't miss this rare
live performance by such a loopily
engaging band.




its tnppy sounU wi u00 £at 0 t U!


By Heather Phwes
Daily Arts Writer
"The whole thing was done in seven
days. It took two days to record it, two
days adding tracks, and three days were
spent mixing it," said Bardopond's
Michael Gibbons about making the
group's intoxicating new album
"Amanita." Like other miracles that
were created within a week, the album is
an expansive world unto itself, full of
rich textures and overflowing with
songs - so much so that "Amanita'
originially intended to be a single LP,
mushroomed into a double-album epic.
"Everything sounded so good that we
couldn't figure which songs to take out,
Gibbons explained. The album, named

in Detroit
Friday, ay 17
Zoot's Coffee House
(313) 832-6621 for info
for a hallucinogenic mushroom, is remi-
niscent of the trippy heights scaled by
other psychedelic-leaning bands like
Mercury Rev and Spacemen 3.
Singer/flautist Isobel Sollenberg
croons gently over the heady rush of
guitars, keyboards and drumming
exemplified on songs like "Limerick"
and "Be a Fish." Bardopond live is a
truly trippy experience - feed your
head with its music.

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