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August 14, 1996 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-08-14

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8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, August 14, 1996

SCOREKEEPERS now looking for part-
time office ass't. with potential waitstaff hrs.
Begin immed. for summer & fall. Apply now
at 310 Maynard, 995-0100.
SECOND TO NONE, INC. a national leader
in customer service measurement programs
seeks innovative, highly motivated, positive
individuals to join our team. Part-time with
the possibility to increase hours. Please Call
668-8148 ext. 103 or mail resume to: 110 N.
State. Ann Arbor. MI 48104 or e-mail:

are needed at Student
Publications. We are looking
for students in good physical
condition for cleaning, lifting
and odd jobs. Students who
are enthusiastic, punctual
and flexible will receive top
consideration. Good working
Must be available 8:15 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m. at least two
days a week. Work Studies
welcome, but not required.
Apply now. For information,
call 764-0550 or stop by room
210A Student Publications,
420 Maynard Street.

assistant. Call Sherry Doughty @ 663-8050.
THE COMMONS CAFE on North Campus
now hiring bussers, servers, cashiers for Fall
employment. Flexible hours, great $! Call
Tim at 764-2142.
CENTER is seeking an energetic OFFICE
ASST. to provide clerical and administrative
support for faculty and staff. Full or part-
time. Work-study preferred. Great oppor-
tunity to work with physicians and resear-
chers from around the world. Forward
resume by fax (313/936-2641) or mail to
CVRC, 7220 MSRB I, 1150 W. Medical
Ctr. Dr., Ann Arbor 48109-0644. Contact
Asif R. Harsolia (763-0633) for information.
UNIVERSITY CATERING training classes
starting now for Fall waitstaff! Flex. hrs.,
great $! Reliable, enthusiastic individuals
only! Call Petey 763-0352.
WANTED: 47 people to lose weight and get
paid. 1-800/435-7369.
WANTED: Subjects for psychology experi-
ment on perception at U of M. Eixperiment
takes 1 hr., pays $10. Must have vision cor-
rectable to 20/20, and be a native English
speaker. 763-0116.
K~child care
ABLE CHILD CARE 20+ hrs./wk. (3
afternoons) 4 and 8 yr. old boys. Exp., refs.,
car necessary. Non-smoker. Annual salary &
vacation. Aug. '96, 1 yr. commitment. Live-
in possible. 663-3482._
AT PACKARD/WELLS, for 25 mo. girl, 4+
hrs./wk. til winter 97, then 30+ hrs.; educ./ex-
perience/references/car, unless live-in. 1 year
minimum commitment desired. Non-smoker.
Spanish speaker great. 747-9094.
BABYSITIER for 3 mo. old & 24 mo. old.
10-20 hrs. Flex. time & pay. Must have ref.
& car. N-smkr. Call Kathleen 665-8987.
BABYSIIER for 2 girls. $7/hr. Tues. &
Thurs. 10 a.m.-I p.m. Own trans. NW Ann
Arbor. 930-9932.
CARE FOR 6 & 9 yr. old. Before & after
school. Must have own car. Laura at 668-
4106. $6/hr.

2 DAVE MATTHEWS BAND tix for sale.
Breslin Sept. 27. 14th row. 810/908-7169.
BUS TICKET: Detroit to New York. $45.

Paying cash for all U of M tickets.
CHILD CARE needed for 2 children. Wan- 1-800/500-8497
ted in my home or yours. Hours flexible, rate MI @ COLORADO-football
neg. Please call 550-0150. Ticketman.................303/430-1111
CHILDCARE TUES./IHURS. 3:20-5:45 MI @ Colorado--football--MI @ Colorado
p.m. beginning Aug. 27. Additional times
possible. Must have car. 662-9782.
CHILDCARE: 6 & 4 yr. old boys. 30+ hrs./
wk. incl. some housekeeping. Mature,
responsible, caring, non-smoker. Reliable car
& refs. required. 930-0539.
GREAT JOB, nice family...Wonderful, ener-
getic babysitter to care for 2 boys (ages 7 & -
2) in our Bums Park home. Hrs.: Mon. 12-6,
Wed. & Fri. 8-5. Refs. req. Start 8/26. ($120- ANN ARBOR PTO Thrift Shop. Quality
$150/wk.) Please call 665-4347. clothes, household items and more! Tues./
NANNY for I & 4 girls, 45 hrs., N.E. AA. [hurs. 1:30-6:30, Fri. 12:30-4:30, Sat. 9:30-
Non-smoker; own car. Lt. housekeeping. 3:30. 1621 S. State, use Bargain Books
Experience. 313/568-5412 (days); 741-9763 entrance.
(nights). ATTENTION ALL Students! Over $6 Bit-
NANNY TO CARE for our 3 terrific school- lion in public and private sector grants &
aged girls (full-time). If you are loving, scholarships is now available. All students
experienced, responsible, non-smoking and are eligible. let us help. For more info. call
have a car, give us a call. Begins Sept. 1. 1-800-263-6495 ext. F55987.
PA RT-TIME CARE needed in our Weststde
Ann Arbor home. Ilex. daytime hours, Aug. rI IIOU W On ...
19-30. Some eves. & weekends after Aug.
30. Well-behaved, fun-loving kids ages 8 & y W1S . n r it
6. Good pay. Call 995-4020.
SWEET 16 MO. OLD girl needs caregiver
m our A2 home. Opportunity to also work in
our home-based office. M-F. Part/full time.
Nonsmoker. 677-0563.
304 S. State Street OPEN 7 DAYS
4 doors South of Liberty A WEEK
998.3480 UNTIL LATE

ATIENTION! The Office of New Student
Programs are now selling their M-Planners
(Insider's Guide) for the low price of $5. If
interested in purchasing, please call 313/764-
DONATIONS of used books needed for
AAUW Fall Book Sale. No textbooks. 973
6287 for info. or pick-up.
FREE PHONE CARD. Savings 62%, 19
cents/min. 24 hrs./day. No surcharge! Send
SASE to: Telecard Connect, Box 846, Mt.
Clemens, MI 48046.
I AM LOOKING FOR a place to live for
Fall '96 only. Call David @ 313/913-5396 or
I Im

FEM. RMTE. Grad n-smkr. to share large
3 bdrm. apt. near campus. 2 bath., Idry., fun.,
$315/mo., neg. Call 663-2698.
FEMALE, n-smkr. to share a 2 bdn., 2 bath
apt. close to campus. Available now, $375/
mo. neg. Page 1-800/906-6202.
RMMATE. NEEDED: Share 2 bdnn., 1.5
bath, quiet, scenic, off 194 at 23. Male studer)- ,
or prof. smoker fine. $345+. Contact Noel Ai
SHARE APT. on Lawrence St. Male only.
$240 + util. Call 741-0170/971-3516.
food & entertain.
CONVERSATION partners wanted. Shar
an expenence w/ international student. Learn
about new languages and cultures. 994-1456.

$ 1* 1x.

New & recycled fashions for men & women
330 East Liberty, Ann Arbor, MI
Mon.-Thur. 10-6, Fri./Sat. 11-7, Sun. 12-5
Call for info. (313) 668-2310

NAME A STAR for someone. It's the #1l gi
in America. $37.50. Star registration 800'
701-7201, ext. 10.
PLEASE HELP US to become parents by
being a possible egg donor. Must be 21-30
years of age - all ethnic backgrounds - in ex-
cellent health - liberal fee paid - send in-
qities to LB.D., P.O. Ban 36566, Grosse
Poainte, MI 41236.

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