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July 31, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-07-31

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ne hundredfve years LA
of edtorialfreedom
'U' technology
receives $22M git

July 31, 1996

* Engler says 'U' will
lead flat panel display
By Jennifer Harvey
and Laurie Mayk
Daily Editors
The University's Center for Display
*chnology and Manufacturing (DTM)
yesterday received donations of flat
panel display manufacturing equipment
an intellectual property valued at $22
"It's what we believe will be another
milestone in Michigan's rich technolog-
ical history," said interim University
President Homer Neal at a presentation
ceremony yesterday. "This donation is
investment in the state of Michigan
and her people."
The donations come from two
sources. Lucent Technologies presented
the University with $18 million worth
of equipment and patents. The
Pentagon's Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
also donated $4 million worth of relat-
ed equipment.
Flat panel displays are the newest
applications in image-generation tech-
nology. The displays consist of hun-
dreds of individual transistors or tiny
switches that create one large integrated
circuit. The transistors produce pixels
on thin video display panels, the kind
already used on laptop computers.
Gov. John Engler, who has recently
offered both financial and vocal sup-
port to the University's technological
initiatives, attended the presentation at
the Media Union on North Campus
yesterday. Engler predicted the research
sparked by the donations will benefit
the University and the state in industry,
economics and academia.
"We've got a real chance to be dom-
inant - that's what the state perspec-
tive is" Engler said.
Neal said the flat panel display indus-
try will have a multimillion dollar mar-
See DTM, Page 2

Election '96
state, local primaries near
Next week's primary elections will determine whose names will appear on the
November ballots for state and local offices. Both Republican and Democratic
primaries are scheduled for next Tuesday, and registered voters may cast ballots
in either primary. Voters may not, however, vote for candidates in both parties,
and ballots indicating votes crossing over to more than one party will be voided.
Those candidates appearing on the primary ballots for U.S. senator, U.S. rep-
resentative (Ann Arbor) and state representative (Ann Arbor) are:
U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D)*
Jim Nicholson (R)
Ronna Romney (R)

John Caggenshall, of Pentwater, Mich., demonstrates flat panel display technology applications for Governor John Engler and
interim President Homer Neal yesterday. Caggenshall is attenting Camp CAEN on North Campus.
Pound House gets new location, leadership

By Brian Campbell
Daily Staff Reporter
The Pound House. the University's
managed child day care center, will
have a new address this September. It is
currently located on East University
Street, but will be moving to the
Towsley Center on Forest Street. The
University recently received the
Towsley Center, which was previously a
childcare facility, as a donation from
Margaret Towsley, the owner of the
Eric Luskin, who was recently
named supervisor of the Pound House,
said the services will remain the same,

and hopes that the new location will
allow for greater access within the com-
munity. "The capacity will be higher at
the Towsley Center and we will be col-
laborating more with the community.
There are many needs among the stu-
dents and we must find out what those
needs are on campus," he said.
Carolyn Tyson, director of the Pound
House, said the University maintains
four centers on campus that serve child-
care needs for faculty, staff and stu-
Luskin, director of the University's
Family Housing since 1984, said he will
continue his work in housing while try-

ing to enhance child care programs. "I
want to help Carolyn [Tyson] by pro-
viding support for the Pound House to
flourish and to help with unmet needs
regardingchiIdcare issues," he said.
In describing the services provided
by the Pound House, Luskin said "It's
very labor-intensive, as is any child care
service. It's more than just returning the
children safely to their parents. It's an
opportunity for the children to stretch
their minds and bodies."
When asked about the Michigan
Student Assembly's raising of student
fees to levy money for child care ser-

U.S. Representative
State Representative

Lynn Rivers (D)*
Joe Fitzsimmons (R)
Mary Schroer (D)- 53rd district*
David Felbeck (R) - 53rd district
Liz Brater (D) - 54th district*
Chris Schmitt (R) - 54th district

UNCF president to speak on new 'U' partnership

There will be polling sites set up on campus and around Ann Arbor. The on-
campus sites are scheduled to be stationed at Bursley Hall, East Quad, Mary
Markley Hall, South Quad and the Michigan Union.
*Denotes incinthent

By Katie Wang
Daily News Editor
William Gray, president and chief
executive officer of The College
Fund/UNCF (United Negro College
Fund) is scheduled to speak on campus
tomorrow morning.
Gray's speech at the Business School
will cover the creation of the Frederick
D. Patterson Research Institute, a part-

nership between the University and the
institute's headquarters in Fairfax, Va.
The institute, which was created by The
College Fund/UNCF, will be under the
supervision of School of Education
Prof. Michael Nettles.
It is the first major center devoted to
research on the status of black educa-
tion in the United States and the acade-
mic progress of African Americans.

"The biggest challenge for African
American youths and education is lack
of funds," said Deborah Dolsey Diggs,
director of the Michigan chapter of The
College Fund/UNCE
Diggs said the number of African
Americans who continue to seek a
higher education does not reflect the
increasing number of African
See GRAY, Page 2


DPS plans evening of enter- Ewan McGregor enlivens a
tainment for community. repetitive "Trainspotting."

Gardner qualifies for 400m
hurdles semifinals.

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