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July 17, 1996 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1996-07-17

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**ATT RACTIVE ROOM Hill & State,
then, dry., prkg., male $195. 995-3276.
apt. for July & Aug., UM campus, great
location. $900/mo., will sacrifice @ $600/
mo. incl. 2 parking. Call 810/646-2222.
fumished, a/c, 1 bdrm. apts. (several) in
Tower Plaza (perfect location: Maynard/
William). $650/mo. + electricity. Call 810/
furnished, a/c, efficiencies (two) in Maynard
louse (best location: Maynard & William).
$550/mo. + elec. Call 810/647-2257.
1BL ET: Great location, 2 bdrm., a/c,
urity. Great management. Call John at
& scholarships available! Billions of $$$ in
vate funding. Qualify immediately. 1-800/
-2-HElilP (1-(0/243-2435).
PLEASE HELP US become parents by
being an egg donor. We are looking for
women who are healthy, non-smoker,
Caucasian or Oriental, 21 to 30 years old. Fee
paid. Call 1-800/875-4438. Refer to: IEOSL.
RESEARCH WORK or term paper assis-
tance by professional librarian. Fast and effi-
cient service. Call 1-614/532-6280.
THESIS EDITING by experienced
professional. Language, organization, format.
sumes, cover letters, applications &
bays. Ann Arbor Typing 994-5515.
help wanted
$1000's POSSIBLE reading books. Part-
time. At home. Toll free (1)81/898-9778
ext. R-1864 for listings.
00's POSSIBLE typing. Part-time. At
e. Toll free (1)800/898-9778 ext. T-1864
for listings.
$1750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. For info. call 202/393-7723.
$40,000/YR. income potential. lome typists/
PC users. Toll free (1)800/898-9778 ext. T-
1864 for listings.
$6.50/HR.! Now hiring for Spring & Sum-
mer positions that can continue throughout
school year. Flexible eve. & wkend. hrs. - set
your own schedule. Build resume & com-
munication skills while maintainittg & in
proving student programs at UM. Call or stop
by Michigan Telefund, 611 Church, Suite
998-7420 for info, and application.
is now hiring for summer and fall terms.
NO experience necessary! Flexible hours,
great pay! Apply now at Scorekeepers,
310 Maynard. 995-0100.
5 WORK STUDY JOBS, English Dept. of-
fice work, $6/hr., call Vicki 764-6330.

now recruiting
ideal par-time position for an early riser
ideal part-time position for a night person,
every Friday and Saturday night
Our European-style downtown hotel is
seeking dependable, loyal, and detail-
oriented individuals. We offer excellent
wages and a friendly work environment.
Please apply in person at the Bell Tower
Hotel, 300 S. Thayer (on U of M Campus).
sales. Check http://www.pacificws.com/sea/
amfriend.html then e-mail for information.
CLEANERS NEEDED/ Willing to train
reliable, energetic, hard working individuals.
$7/hr.+. Flexible schuduling. 677-3878.
July for foreign law students & lawyers
studying in Ann Arbor. Limited $. Call David
at 810/647-2257.
$2(00+/month. World travel. Seasonal &
full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For
info. call 2061/634-0468 ext. C55981.
conversational English in Prague, Budapest,
or Krakow. No teaching certificate or
European languages required. Inexpensive
Room & Board + other benefits. For info.
call: 206/971-3680 ext. k55982.
BIOTRONIC is seeking an
electrophysiologist for an expanding
electrodiagnostic practice located in
Southeastern Michigan. Successful
candidates must have a science backgruund
in premedicalustudies, biology, physilogy, or
electronics sufficient to facilitate training in
the procedures which Biotronic offers.
BIOTRONIC is an electrophysiology
consulting service which provides a full
range of electrodiagnostic services to
physicians and hospitals. Our main focus is
providing monitoring of neural structures at
risk during critical surgeries. We also provide
routine electrodiagnostic tests including lEG
and all rmdaliis of evoked potentials. Our
clectrodiagnos"ic services consist of
intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring,
brain-mapped EEG, evoked potential testing,
and electronysagmography. We offer cross
training in all of these procedures.
For a mature, self-motivated individual, this
position offers the opportunity to work
independently and experience tremendous
upward mobility. This position is open
immediately. Salary: 30's - depending upon
qualifications and experience.
II.B. Calder, Ph.D.
2004 hogback Road, Suite 8
Ann Arbor, Ml 48105
(313)677-2423 fax
FALL 96, DAYCARE NEEDS help w/kids,
petcare, cleaning, organiing, Mac skills.
Full/par-time. $6-8/hr. 996-4847.
GARDENER NEEDED to maintain peren-
nial beds, 6-8 hrs./wk. thea Sept. Flours
flexible, good pay. 663-6030.
MEN & WOMEN wanted for nude model-
ing positions. $200 or more per shift. Full or
part-time. We are a 24 hr. business. We
provide very flexible scheduling. A great
way to make alot of money fast. Call Billy or
Jim at 810/584-3400.
campus rep to merchandise products in a
retail store. Must be dependable with prior
retail experience. Part-time, flexible hours,
approx. 15-25 hours per week. Please call
800/279-2794 ext. 236 for more details.
are now available at National Parks, Forests
& Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits +
bonuses! Call: 1-206-971-3620 ext N55986.
NATIVE KOREAN speakers needed for
coding work. $50.00 for 5-10 hrs. max. Call

PHOTOGRAPHER, booker, proof-passer.
Part-time, excellent commission. Charles
POSITION AVAILABLE in small, casual
non-profit office of professional
organization. Approx. 20 hrs./wk., possibly
more. Requires computer skills, esp. I1BM
and including word processing, familiarity
wish Filemaker, Pro, abilsy to problem solve
and work independently. Submit resume and
salary requirements to Personnel, The
Society for the Psychological Study of Social
Issues, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor MI 48106-
1248. No phone calls please.
POSTAL & Government jobs $21/hr. +
benefits. No experience. Will train. Call 313/

FULLTIME/PARTIME positions available
in our Ann Arbor office. We are a leader in
Medical Billing, and we are looking for those
who are dedicated, meticulous and quick
thinking. Excellent communication &
business writing sktlls along with a
knowledge of human anatomy a must.
Knowledge of Medical Billing & Coding
helpful but not necessary (willing to train the
right person). WE OFFER GREAT PAY ($9/
hr. minimum) AND EXCELLENT
We're only a 10 minute bus ride from the
Campus. Interested: fax your resume to 313/
677-7407 or send to PMG, Personnel
Coordinator, POB 1108, Ann Arbor 48106.
PUBLIC RELATIONS representatives
needed for Ann Arbor-based foundation for
the blind 332-0369.
SCOREKEEPERS now looking for part-
time office ass't. with potential waitstaff hrs.
Begin immed. for summer & fall. Apply now
at 310 Maynard, 995-0100.
SECOND TO NONE, INC. a national leader
in customer service measurement programs
seeks innovative, highly motivated, positive
individuals to join our team. Part-time with
the possibility to increase hours. Please Call
668-8148 ens. 103 or mail resume so: 110 N.
State, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 or e-mail:
campus. Part-time, full-time & overtime
available. State Security Services, 525
Church. 668-0444.
certification, exp. full benefits, 16K+ exp.,
Perry Nursery School, 3770 Packard, Ann
Arbor 48108. B.O.
full-time, full benefits, 16k+ exp. Perry Nurs-
ery School, 3770 Packard, Ann Arbor 48108.
THE INN at the Michigan League is looking
for students who are willing to work at the
hotel concierge desk during the midnight
shift. The hours are from 11:15 p.m. to 7:45
a.m. Pay begins at $6.70/hr. Schedules must
be flexible and willing to work weekends.
For more information concerning this
position, contact Patricia Robards at 764-
WANTED: 47 people to lose weight and get
paid. 1-800/435-7369.
WANTED: Subjects for psychology experi-
ment on perception at U of M. Experiment
takes 2 hrs., pays $15. Must have vision cor-
rectable to 20/20, and be a native English
speaker. 763-0116.

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 17, 1996 - 7
°" services
offered this
chid cAre um e
By Jeff Maple
ABLE CHILD CARE 20+ hrs./wk. (3 For the Daily
aftemoons) 4 and 8 yr. old boys. Exp., refs.,
car necessary. Non-smoker. Annual salary & The Students Rights Commission of
vacation. Aug. '96, 1 yr. commitment. Live- the Michigan Student Assemsbly will be
in possible. 663-3482.
AFIER SCHOOL babysitter wanted in our cotinuing to operac the Sudet
home for 4 children, 15 hrs./wk. $7/hr. Non- Dispute Resolution Program through-
smoking, must have car. 662-1189 after 6 out this summer. Established last win-
pm" . ter, SDRP provides mediation services
EXPERIENCED SITTER needed in my to help students.
Ann Arbor home. 4 kids aged 6, 4, 3, & 7
mos. 5-12 hrs./wk., some weekends. Must Scott Pence, an LSA junior and
have car & references. Call Jane at 663-4276. founder and director of the program,
MATURE, LOVING, non-smoker wanted said SDRP serves to "stop the small
to care for 2 children in our home Mon. - F problems before they turn into bi
live-in optional. Call after 6 p.m. 973-1513. problem sr hey n b
PART-TIME childcare starting week of July'proles or sitice.
29th thru school yr. 2 aftemoons to care for 3 SDRP has 24 trained student-media-
busy children. Previous childcare exp. tois who work facilitating discussions
necessary. Non-smkr. & reliable trans. a I:etween disputing parties at neutral
must. 769-8170. 1e i ci:p:s They d1 n:i coni
SEEKING A MATURE, responsible person
who loves children to babysit 3 children ages sl or choose sides, but instead help
3, 6, & 7 yrs. Call Carla 955-7522 or 677- keep discussions on track and focused
2871. on resolution.
SITTER NEEDED starting Aug. 12. Pence explained the value of SDRP
Daytime during summer, aftemoons & eves.
when school starts. Hours flexible, must for disputing parties. "(I) iy relaioi-
drive. 663-6030. ship where you'd expect future contact,
(medistors) are ideal" lie said.
Presently SDRP receives MSA fund-
S announcements ing through the Students' Rights
0ommission. MSA President Fiona
Rose said that SDRP will be most like-
ly switching to direct MSA funding in
the near future, which means the new
ALTERNATIVE TRIATHALON - 1/2 program will follow the same funding
mile swim,1 I mile in-line skate, 15 mile-mtn. request procedures as other student
bike. Island Lake Rec. Area, Aug. 4. For in- Orgatiaions.
formation 313/462-3726.
ANN ARBOR 110 Thrift Shop. Quality Rose said it is a bureaucratic change
clothes, household items and more! Tues./ and that MSA hopes to continue to fund
Thurs. 1:30-6:30, Fri. 12:30-4:30, Sat. 9:30- the program at the same, if not higher
3:30. 1621 S. State, use Bargain Booksleel.
ATTENTION ALL Students! Over $6 Bil- The SDRP his done tretendous
lion in public and private sector grants & work in the year since it opened" Rose
scholarships is now available. All students said. "Everybody has been giving back
are eligible. Let us help. For more info. call positive feedback."
1-800-263-6495 ext. F55987.
DONATIONS of used books needed for SDRP provides mediation services
AAUW Fall Book Sale. No textbooks. 973- only to University students. It does not
6287 for info. or pick-up. service University faculty or staff
I AM LOOKING FOR a place to live for While the SDRP boasts a 100-per-
Fall '96 only. Call David @ 313/913-5396 or h i
212/861-0293. cent success rate with te disputes it
has mediated, the newness of the pro-
dram has limited the number of stu-
fooaa &entertain. dents seeking help from SDRP.
Until more students request SDRP's
help, several of the student mediators
-i have been putting their training to the
test, working at the Washtenaw County
CONVERSATION partners wanted. Share Dispute Resolution Center.
an experience w/ intemational student. Learn Washitenaw County DRC Executive
about new languages and cultures. 994-1456. Director Sacey Smith said both the sb-
dent mediators and the center have ben-
erSonal efited from this working relationship.
She attributed the success of the
teamwork to the combination of the
energy and open-mindedness of the
students along with the experience of
BOXING: UM Boxing Club open for sum- the Center's mediators.
mer at the coliseum at 5th & Hill. Good Smith said she believes that,
coaching, safe sparring in friendly student
atmosphere. Open Mon., 7-9, Tues. 4-6, altougi preseitly sisid s itt"etd
Thurs. 7-9. Details 930-3246. Try a new sport of-the-litie" program for dispute reso-
for the summer. It's affordable and fun! lution. the W'ashtenaw Cotuty DRC
NAME A STAR for someone. It's the #1 gift would be most efecil lu te earl'
in America. $37.50. Star registration 8010/
701-7201, ext. 10. 't.1 es of dispute resolutio.
PLEASE HELP US to become parents by SDRP plans to hae i's w :inuimber
being a possible egg donor. Must be 21-30 andl office soon. Mediators can ibe
years of age - all ethnic backgrounds - in ex- reached by coitacti"ng the MlSA office.
cellent health - liberal fee paid - send in-
quiries to L.B.D., P.O. Box 36566, Grosse
Pointe, MI 48236.


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