--Im GONNA SAY IT Now the everyday magic of the airport I think I'm one of the few people who go to the airport when I don't have to fly. That's right - I hop in my car and head east on I-94 to Detroit Metro just to watch the people and the planes. I like walking into the air- ort and seeing the newest Utos on display. I like using the Jetson-esque moving side- g walks, and I like watching the baggage carousel go round and round. I even like the newsstands, where I some- times buy a magazine just because I'm at the airport. But the most important rea- son why I like airports is GREG because they encompass peo- PARKER le with so many different elings. There are families with wide-eyed kids, each dragging their favorite teddy bear by the ear, ready to board a flight to Disney World. There are business people, looking important, briefcases and Franklin Planners in tow, wearing sharply creased slacks and navy blue blazers, running to catch a flight to New York or Chicago, probably to negotiate some multi-million dollar take over. There are families being reunited; there are fami- lies being torn apart or separated for unknown *nghts of time. There are even people who are entering this country for the first time, ready to start a new life in America. It is all these people that draw me to the airport. Each individual, each from a different town, each has a different reason for flying somewhere, yet all of these different people are assembled to make the trip together. This is the magic of the airport. Perhaps the best vantage point at the airport is at the arrival and departure gates. It's great to grab a seat and watch people coming into the terminal after exiting the plane. The smiles of passengers as Oey anticipate meeting the long-lost friend and the soft sighs of relief from travelers as they return home after a long and exhausting trip is what makes this place special. They file by one by one, with carry-ons and kids, and occasionally those free bags of peanuts. The people picking up pas- sengers crane their necks, waiting for the first glimpse of their respective travellers. Here some of the most dramatic reunions take place -people dropping luggage and possessions embrace their loved ones. The scene is a amal- amation of cries and shouts and murmured "excuse me"s that come from travelers wishing to pass by the crowd. I could watch this for hours. It's all the feelings that it brings forth that I like - watching people being affected by so many feelings brings back each of those individual feelings to me, on a per- sonal level. I like to re-experience some of these feelings, whether they are happy or sad, as I think it is good for my soul. It reminds me of long for- gotten feelings and memories that might not come t mind during the daily ins-and-outs of life. I eed to see sappy reunions and sad departures and giddy children to put things back into perspective for me, to remind me of these often forgotten facets of life. One thing that I haven't done at the airport is sit at an airport bar. I'd love to strike up conversations with some of the patrons, asking them where they were going or where they had been. I'd hear all of their stories, all of their troubles, and all of their achievements. I could share the feelings of these peo- *le directly, instead ofjust observing from a distance. Perhaps they'd ask me questions, like why I was at the airport. I'd just tell them I needed to get a good dose of life. Greg Parker can be reached via e-mail at glparker@isnich.edu. Wednesday, July 17, 1996 -The Micoigan Daily - 5 VIEWPOINT Students on the Hill MSA gets its day in Washington By Probir Mehta The political landscape in 1996 again finds stu- dents in a bind. Although massive cuts will probably not be a reality this year, the GOP will again make an assault on the federal Direct Student Loan pro- gram. In the last two years, students - the future of this country - have weathered assault after assault on their ability to attend institutions of higher learning as the new Republican majority has threatened the federal student loan program in its zeal to balance the budget. Although the Pell Grants and Family Education loan programs will mostly likely be spared, Republicans are sharpen- ing the cutting knife for the Direct Student Loan program. Few federal programs have as much direct impact on our lives as the federal DSL program, in all its incarnations. The only interest group missing from the equation is the banking and finance industry. Recognizing the enormous profit potential they could reap with the elimina- tion of federal direct student loans, they have lob- bied intensely for the elimination of federal pro- grams that lend directly to students. If they suc- ceed, only America will lose. The banking indus- try has lobbyists hard at work and we need to level the playing field. Fully cognizant of the effects of the cuts in stu- dent loans, the Michigan Student Assembly will inaugurate the first annual "MSA Student Lobby Day" in Washington, D.C. as part of our continu- ing effort to lobby on behalf of students. Fortunately, we will be able to capitalize on the many University students who are interning in Washington. Interns are often the anchors of their respective offices in the summer, and therefore have a more insightful outlook on the legislative process than what simple textbook learning can give. A common complaint I have heard from leg- islative offices is that students never make their voices heard in an effective manner. They rarely lobby on Capitol Hill, and besides occasional cor- respondence, this dearth of contact puts us at a severe disadvantage. Any legislative office can attest to the fact that a well-prepared, face-to-face meeting is the most effective way of making your view heard. In the modern political arena, the reins of power in Congressional offices are held by the staff. Meetings with Senators and Congresspersons are often ineffective, and rarely accomplish much. With that in mind, the Lobby Day will be composed of meetings with the higher education staffers from the two Senatorial offices and 16 Congressional offices that repre- sent Michigan in the U.S. Congress. Each meet- ing will be attended by at least two University of Michigan students in Washington, D.C. We will prepare lobbying packets and talking points for each team. As young, recent college graduates themselves, we anticipate the staffers to be more receptive to our concerns than a Congressperson. Working in Congressional offices the past two summers has afforded me the chance to see the legislative process from the dual perspective of an outsider and an insider. Citizens do have a voice in Congress if exercised properly. MSA has lob- bied extensively in the past, but never in a coordi- nated effort in Washington, D.C. With the large amount of legislation that affects students directly, it is imperative that we present our side of the debate in a clear and concise manner. It would be a waste if we did not use the considerable talents of University interns in a manner that will benefit all the students of the University. We have the resources and ability to organize a professional and focused lobbying effort. Our priority will be to try to increase the levels of direct student aid, and to support President Clinton. I remain confident that this lobby day will bear some fruit. If nothing else, we will establish ourselves with the people who will be making decisions that affect all of us. It will give us contact with legislators that have traditionally never had a visit from representatives of the student population of the University of Michigan. Hopefully, this will be a start of a new tradition at the University: Probir Mehta is the MSA Vice President and an LSA junior He can be reached via e-mail at pmehta@umich.edu. SUND AND FURY In defense of sacred unions Election years bring out the very worst in peo- ple, don't they? This past Friday, the House of Representatives passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which, if approved by the Senate and President Clinton as expected, would prohibit marriages between persons of the same sex. And as usual, congression- al Republicans are leading the charge from a self-con- structed moral high ground; a moral high ground they have no right to stand on, especially DEAN when it comes to marriage. BAKOPOULOS Republican venom over the issue often contains the phrase "preserving the sanctity of the institution of marriage." If Republicans want to stand on their moral high ground and truly "defend" marriage, then they should look at other issues as well. Try for exam- ple, adultery and divorce. Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich are just two of the many congressional leaders who have left first wives for other women. And that's not just rumor and hearsay, but facts that came out in divorce proceedings long ago. And how about folks like Bob Packwood and Al D'Amato, both of whom have been accused of sexual misconduct with Senate staffers? If we truly want to legislate marital morality, we proba- bly should start with those issues. After all, the Bible is more adamantly against divorce and adul- tery than it is against homosexuality. Obviously, Congress will not pass laws against divorce and adultery. (Wed have to lock up too many Congresspersons.) And of course, it should- n't. The point is, marriage is a sacred union between two people who love each other There are plenty of reasons why the sacred institution of marriage is crumbling, why divorce rates are high, why infidelity has become almost acceptable, and why children are growing up in unstable homes. But homosexuality is not one of those reasons. When two people decide to get married, all that Congress needs to be concerned about are issues like taxes, pensions and wills. Most people rec- ognize this fact, and that is why many people have religious ceremonies to seal their relation- ship. Then, the union becomes an event between two people and God. Churches do, and should have, the right to make rules regarding holy mat- rimony. Churches are in thespiritual business and have a responsibility to dictate moral matters when necessary. That responsibility needs to be respected. But Congress has no such business. Still, Republicans are quick to jump on a moral high ground in an election year, and as usual, they have picked a scapegoat. This year the scapegoats are homosexuals. And why not? After all they are definitely a minority and do not possess the ability to sway an election. And what better way to woo the Religious Right, a group that grows more and more un-Christian every day with its intolerance and self-right- eousness. The Defense of Marriage Act shows one key truth: It's much easier to find faults in others than to look inward at our own dark and gnarled corners. Congressional leaders need to look at their own behavior before they can start point- ing fingers from a moral high ground. Even reli- gious people need to realize that Congress' laws should not be made to enforce God's laws. Does anyone really think the Big Guy needs help from Republicans? - Dean Bakopoidos can be reached via e-mail at deanc@umich.edu. CHRIS FARAH MASHED POTATOES KE E9GC REAL- Fiec4rIN41, PlO'r4 AAr) 1 THAT' 9L4TRI4t4NT-E1N