8 --The Michigan Daily - Wednesday; May 8, 1996 University receives $8M gift from state . Higher education col- lects benefits from state tax surplus By Katie Wang Daily News Editor The University was the lucky recipi- ent of an $8 million cash bonus from the state of Michigan on April 25. Due to a surplus of state taxes, the state decided to allocate $22.6 million of the $95 million surplus to state universities and community colleges, to spend at their own discretion. "We're very pleased with this news" said Lisa Baker, associate vice presi- dent for University relations. "Among other things, we will be using the money to fund community service out- reach projects that will benefit the state of Michigan." The office of Provost I. Bernard Machen is accepting proposals for how to allocate the money from faculty and other campus units. "(We're accepting proposals) involv- ing new or existing community service learning programs that would either continue or expand the University's involvement with the state," Machen said. Machen said proposals must have an "academic component," to be consid- ered for funding. State tax revenue exceeded govern- ment expenditures by $95 million for fiscal year 1995. Two-thirds of the money, $67.4 million, will be placed in the state's Budget Stabilization Fund, also known as the Rainy Day Fund. This fund buffers the state from eco- nomic crisis in case of a recession or economic downfall. "This significant deposit for higher education and the Rainy Day Fund is a strong tribute to the strong and innova- tive fiscal management carried out by Governor Engler, Michigan's depart- ment directors and their fiscal man- agers," said Mark Murray, director of the state's department of management and budget. Although this is the third consecutive year that the state has underspent its projected budget, this is the first and possibly only time the state will allo- cate some of the extra money to higher education. "The higher education bill is not an official law because we can't guarantee that we'll be doing this good in the future," said Maureen McNulty, spokesperson for the state's departme of management and budget. The University received the largest share of the money, followed by Wayne State University, wvhich received $3 million. Michigan State University received $900,000. CAREER OPPORTUNITY MARKETING COORDINATO R TIMES HERALD NEWSPAPER PORT HURON,MI 're T'r s Herald, a Gxrmtt repspr locitEdin Pcrt H=, ML, is irt -viewir for the pcsitirnof Marketig Cboimtor whimh v ll be avaibl in Auust 1996. qhis pcsiti will be a dircrt r~r t totto th DEvelInt Dicor and is regaisible fo SLever t of 'catii ratecials, sxh as sales kit p z2taticardnew1Ees; " Mllti-levelinvolve in revenue-prrducirag vatumEEs suh as cry xritirg ad prodrtio of ad, ,crdinatim of qpiojats, arrd m iratimof int- da tuatal pojects; * Ftrrtimirg as a rech assistat to gats rew cata ar pate exisirgcbta. Aliomasistin stat sdcal ad sid pards rateaiaala tuased as ytat ad p- * Ctr tibutim to tie arra-al narketirg pla ard tie eaws papra's cpaatimal plan * Assist in p irmurg arl trackirg psorofiral lie and axpanse bcdats. '1e icl caridate will posess a Bhadtlca's cgree in rarkEtirg, advec tisirg, or camaicaticra ard at least twoyeas of relatEd wczk eqperirre. 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Bbx 5009 Part Hr, MI 48061-5009 Atn: H Reoaurcs Director The Times Heraldvaiues the betefits of a diverse worAfore and is, an equal opportutnity employer Hopwood award winners collect thousands in writing prizes By Kate Glickman Daily Staff Reporter More than $42,000 in prizes were awarded to University students in the 65th annual Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards in Creative Writing on April 23. "It's a very prestigious award with a distinguished list of alumni, including Arthur Miller," said winning fiction writer David Allen. Allen said his career is headed in a number of different directions, includ- ing the release of his band's second CD and his participation in a Caribbean lit- erature conference. His winning piece, a novel called "All Fruits Ripe," is part of an effort to "give voice to a particular culture." The award, he said, "is a validation of those cultures and subcultures." The Hopwood Awards are funded by University alums and Broadway play- wright Avery Hopwood. Prizes are awarded to essay, fiction, poetry and drama pieces. This year 22 students won Hopwoods and another 13 won other prizes administered by the Hopwood committee. Scott Beal, a Rackham student in English, won for his portfolio of poems called "If Music." "It's obviously very flattering to have your work selected," he said. Beale said that while many writers continue working "in total obscurity, never getting a lift,' this award encour- ages him to continue. Beal said the money was helpful because it is difficult to make a living writing poetry. He said he hopes to publish an extended version of "If Music" and is looking for a teaching job. The largest prize was $3,500 in the essay category and went to Rackham student Carolyn Wells Kraus f "Survivors" "My two kids were very happy," Kraus said. Kraus said she was most surprised by the award because when she called to find out if she had won, she was mis- takenly told she had not. "I was telling myself, 'it doesn't mean it's not a good essay.' I was doing some soul-searching," she said. When she walked to the Hopwood office to pick up her "losing essay," s* realized she had won. "That was quite a shock," she said. Kraus' essay was about different kinds of survivors, including Holocaust survivors. She said she knows her future may include writing a book. UET 1 FEE ON ALL MICHIGAN T-SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, AND COTTON HATS. 304 S. Stale Street Open 7 4 doors South days of Liberty a week 8until late 1 Jilte ner Dily Cal D C. 6-al it Zle es