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June 07, 1995 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1995-06-07

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One hundredfouryears of editorial freedom


June 7, 1995

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Jurors in rape trial set to visit crime scenes
r Frank C. Lee Dewain Mitchell Jr. In March, he also ing the relevant items to be examined. In court yesterday, Ann Arbor Detec- The jury will
ily Staff Reporter imposed a gag order preventing court Instead of having Ann Arbor police de- tive Michael Schubring presented maps also stop at will be
The judge in the trial of the accused personnel from talking to the press. tectives indicate the areas of the scenes to and photographs of the crime scenes. a drug store at
Ann Arbor serial rapist made an unusual Mitchell, 33, is charged with four be examined, the court's judicial attor- Schubring said that the rape victim dis- West Liberty
'uling Monday to have the jury visit counts of first-degree sexual conduct and hey will read a description of each loca- covered in Eberwhite Woods in Septem- Street and West
tight crime scenes on the city's west one count of first-degree murder. If con- tion. ber 1992 appeared to have been sexually Stadium Boule-
dde. A date for the planned tour has not victed, he could be sentenced to life in Composed of 10 women and six men, assaulted. yard where a Umi-
>een set. prison without parole. the jury will travel by bus - sometimes The jogger who discovered the versity employee
Washtenaw County Circuit Judge The judge set strict guidelines for the walking at the locations and other times Eberwhite Woods victim said in court last shopped before
Donald E. Shelton had a special hearing tour. Jurors will not be allowed to ask restricted to the bus. Mitchell will follow week, "She was lying in a fetal position, she was sexually
>n the proposal to visit the sites of the questions on the trip. Shelton said small the bus, transported under guard by partially naked. She was covered with assaulted and
sexual assaults attributed to Ervin signs will be set tp t the scenes specify- Washtenaw County sheriffs deputies. blood." SEE'Trm, PAGE 8 Mitchell


Still Segregated? 40 Years]
Panel: Society
still falls short
of Brown f

By Adam Mesh
For the Daily
To begin an intensive three-day conference
sponsored by the University, academics and schol-
rs gathered to debate the significance of Brown vs.
oard of Education.
A town meeting was held last Friday to honor
the 40th anniversary of the landmark Supreme
Court decision that desegregated schools.'
Coordinator Anne-Marie Palincsar, at professor
in the School of Education, said the event was held
"to promote greater opportunity for all children and
youth and the struggle still ahead of us."
Many scholars in the field of education attended
the event to express their views on the significance R
f the decision, the progress over the last four de-
wades and the remaining problems.
Although different points of view were pre-
sented during the discussion, tle panel members Many of the scholars said that Brown was the
agreed that there is still a lot to do before equality in first step in the process of achieving equality and so-
education can be achieved. cal justice.
Carl T. Rowan, a renowned civic leader and "Brown treats the symptom but doesn't affect
Washington Post columnist, moderated the discus- the disease itself," said Gloria Ladson-Billings, a
sion. Rowan experienced segregation first-hand professor of education at the University of Wiscon-
growing up in then-Jim Crow Tennessee, and sin-Madison.
voiced his concern with the country's ability to ever Carl Grant, professor of education and chair of
achieve equality. the Department of Afro-American Studies at the
Rowan espoused many of the ideas of the late University of Wisconsin-Madison, shared in the
.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. negativity but maintained some optimism.
"He wanted a society in which everybody could get "The passing of Brown was as much for the
the same thing, at the same time, at the same place," United States of America as it was for the Negro
Rowan said. people," Grant said. "The theme of the conference
Many panelists were not completely satisfied is the struggle ... and how do we begin to work to
with the results of the court decision. move forward."
Michele Foster, a professor of education at Gary Orfield, a professor of education and social
Claremont Graduate School criticized some of the policy at Harvard University, pointed to Michigan as
implications of the decision. "When schools deseg- an example of a state that has remained segregated.
regated, Black teachers lost their jobs. ... Brown "There's no state that equals the segregation
as not all tlat we hoped it to be," she said. SEE BROwN, PAGE 2
Arts: Eastwood bridges the gaps in 'Madison'/9

Later Teamaims
for 3rd car-
racng title
By Christina Rieske
Daily Staff Reporter
"Drivers, charge your batteries," may
be the call of the next generation in auto
The third biennial Sunrayce, which
will be held June 20-29, is the largest so-
lar car race held in North America. Forty
universities will match their technical
skills in the 1,150 mile race from India-
napolis, Ind. to Golden, Colo.
The University solar car team was
formed in September, 1993, and this will
be this team's first race. The University
won both the 1990 and 1993 races, and
will enter with two drivers this year -
Grace Chan and Jason Harper.
The challenge of the terrain has been
considered in the design of the solar car.
The race willcover extreme terrains includ-
ing the climb into the Rocky Mountains.
"We gear for a particular day. We
know ahead of time what the steepest hill
is going to be," University Race Manager
(Above) Betsy White said.
Washigton Post Thecar design also reflects the reality
columnist Carl T. of adverse weather conditions. The car,
Rowan watches while small and light, also has avery low
the discussion and stable center of gravity.
last Friday in the "We did quite a bit of testing so that
Rackham even in a strong crosswind it will still be
Auditorium. quite stable,"said Engineering senior Rick
Rowan Lesley, the operations manager said.
moderated the The Sunrayce rules require the cars
debate. to be equipped with a driver safety har-
(Left) Michele ness system, a horn, turn indicators,
Foster, a brake lights and a rear-view mirror. The
professor at the safety and comfort of the driver was a
Claremont concern in the design of the
Graduate School, University's solar car. The design team
spoke about the provided for the driver to have access to
results of the water and a ventilation system,
court decision. "Safety and reliability is our No. 1
concern. We want our drivers to be
Sports: Sullivan wins national title/16

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