artime acts Fifty years ago this week the United States of merica dropped the world's first atomic bomb on e Japanese city of Hiroshima. Almost 80,000 ople died instantly from the blast, and almost 00,000 more in the preceding days and weeks ied from radiation exposure and sickness. Today, President Harry Truman's decision to top the A-bomb is practically taken to granted as necessity to end a bloody and brutal war that cost e 40 million lives. True, it seems inevitable at the bomb was going to be used by the first ation to attain the capacity to do so. We happened o be the first, and so we used it to ostensibly save he lives of thousands of American G.I.'s and apanese who would have perished in an all-out round invasion of the Japanese mainland. But why is this logic so taken for granted oday? It would be silly for one to dispute the fact at since the Spanish Civil War, prior to WWI, the ools of war had become much more effective in 'Iling people and doing some scary stuff - like e-bombing an entire city or gassing your enemy's onscripts. By the time the "Great Patriotic War" ame around, mechanized tanks, spitfire machine uns, airborme Zeppelins, long-range bombers like he B-52 and other forms of man-made mass estruction became as well-known as cruise missile nd smart bombs are today. In this atmosphere of military-technological dvancement and "innovation," along came the A- mb. And by golly, we used it because geniuses like Einstein and Oppenheimer were fortunate ough to be in the United States at the time and t in Germany to help us get to the core of an atom first. So we - the leader of the free world, the consummate democratic power - used the most awesome weapon known to man. The rationale (not to belabor this point) told to successive postwar generations: to save lives. American lives and even Japanese lives. But is it not disturbing that when it came to saving Eastern European Jewish lives in that same World War we didn't use any of our new military tools to save some hundreds of thousands of lives its places with haunting names like Buchenwald, Auschwitz, or Bergen-Belsen? The same War Department and the same Secretary Stimson who believed so religiously in the diligent prosecution of the war to its final and complete ends (including the absolute unconditional surrender of Japan) did not choose to bomb Nazi concentration camps in Poland and the Reich although he knew about them their existence for over two years. We've grown so accustomed to national proclamations of certitude for our acts of August 1945, that Onericans haven't much examined the selective logic used to defend the bomb's use. It is unusual o say the least that today a humanitarian-utilitarian iscourse (saving lives) is the manner in which we talk about the bomb, when scholars now suggest that a deeper analysis of the Japanese people's affinity for the throne may have yielded the same result Stimson and Truman desired: a defeated Japan in American, not Soviet, hands. No bomb necessary. The point: If a military proposition not in our geopolitical or national security interest (like say, ing Polish reformers in 1980-81 or Bosnian Muslims in 1995), we don't do it. And we have istorically defined that interest to be primarily economic or realpolitik in nature -like the balance of power in Europe or maintaining hegemonic control over the Western hemisphere (see Panama, 1989). We didn't bomb railways leading into the camps in 1944 when over 400,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to SS concentration camps because eliminating these camps wouldn't help Patton or Montgomery's march toward the Reich. The same thing goes for the 3-year old war in fthe Balkans and the savage civil war in Algeria. Saving lives is hardly the guiding principle of American foreign policy. Winning wars is and defining the course of history is, and so it was in 1945, when the Enola Gay released its most top- secret cargo onto a city full of civilians. Wednesday, August 9, 1995 - The Michigan Daily - 5 By Mant W msat A5 SEEN FRoM THE P5PECTIN1 OF '(H4E NUJCLEAR NONpR~L-IFERAT'lQNS'TREATY NoTABuE QuurAE "Behold. I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." -J. Robert Oppenheimer upon the first atom bomb explosion at the testing sight in Los Elmos, N'M., 1944 Hiroshima: 50 years of soul searching Jack Coombes: Looking back ... Studying the circumstances surrounding the dropping of the bomb helps to better understand why it wasdropped. Coombes isa navalhistorian and veteran. He was a gunner aboard the USS Pierce, an attack transport that was preparingfor the invasion of Japan in August 1945. "We had already invaded Iwo Jima, Saipan and Okinawa and on all of those islands the Japanese foughtvery,veryfanatically. Entireregiments would hold down spots of no military significance. We had a beach on Kyushu all picked out to land our first wave of troops for the invasion. We were warned that there would be tremendous resistance and a tremendous loss of life. We would be fighting not only elite troops but also armed women and children. No soldier could resist a little child, but they wouldcome with a hand grenade in their pocket.The whole idea is that they would send everything they had at us. The damagethat afew hundredkamikazes did at Okinawa was sink 30 ships. Imagine whattheir force of 12,000 would have doner We breathed a sigh of relief when the bomb hit. A lot of us figured We wouldn't be around today. There was alot ofjubilancy in the fleet. I could hear them yelling and screaming because we all knew an invasion was going to be a slaughter. That's why I feel very strongly about the dropping of the bomb. I think that time will erase most of the animosity ... A lot of the GIs I know talk about this and there is actually quitean admiration for the Japanese for what they have Accomplished since the war. They are very industrious and I respect and admire that. Even in the war I respected their ships, commitment anddiscipline-yokindofhadtogivethedevilhis due. Secretly and begrugingly you admire the enemy's technical ability. I could not develop a pathological hatred for them. I'mhoping that we as humans advace to the point symbolism of visting the peace park. of avoiding war. As a Civil War general put it, 'War When you go to Hiroshima and get past the horror is hell.' It is an insanity." of it, what you feel is that this must never happen to anyone anyhere again, and that is the point of the peace Jack Hullet: Japan's reaction to war park. It is part of the world, not just Japan." 1995 has seen a renewal of the pain the war inflicted on millions. The question of whether Amy Strack: Looking forward... Japan should apologize to its Asian neighbors is In the next 50 years, the debate will turn to brought upfrequently in both Japan ad the United what the next generation has done to ensure that States. Hullet is dean of enrollment atAugustana Hiroshima has not been repeated. Strack is a College in Illinois and teaches Japanese Social magazineeditorin Chicagoandhas workedabroad Psychology. He is also co-directorofthe college's as a newspaper columnist and reporter. Asian Quarter program. "Going to Hiroshima as a student on Japan I "To say that Japan should apolgize for its role in anticipated feelings I had felt when I had been to a the war like Germany is not culturally aware. concentration camp inGermany. Iexpected adreadful Western cultures are guilt cultures. They feel feeling of sickness, but I wanted to go there. I felt it guilt orembarassment not only for what they do but was my duty and that I couldn't ignore something of for what their intent was. Japan if a shame culture. that magnitude. They feel shame for the outcome regardless of Although it's a cliche, the Peace Park is very intent. If you and I did something wrong and peaceful as wellas sobering. People are very friendly apologized, we would say 'We didn't meant to do and open to Japanese and American visitors alike. that,' and it would make it ok. Kids came flocking up to me at in even the worst The Japanese feelshameforwhatbadhappened, situations. Girgave us these cards, which each one but not a residual feeling of discomfort based on of them had wtn, colored and signed themselves: intent. If you were to go to Hiroshima, you would 'Dear Friend We are second-year students at find that it is a very nonpolitical place. ltis very much Naganuma Se'r High School in Fukushima. We focused on the idea that there should not be another studied W11"Y know the first nuclear bomb was nuclear attack. dropped ins H itma. We don't want wars and If Hiroshima teaches us anything, it is that we are nuclear p t's work for world peace.' ... If playing with very devastating things here. We may you look ugthe thousands of paper cranes have learned that lesson as a world about as cheaply placed atthepea ememorial, many of them are from as we could have, as horrible as that may be. I think Kansas-or Foods We are all very much the same. that once the bomb was developed, its use was At the 'Uni sty of Chicago last week Kurt inevitable. It may be lucky that we learned alcuits spone s and said that for those who think destruction when we did, before the megats ent haitliiadncracy and that Hiroshima could not up. gain4saidhe had one word: 'Nagasaki.' What I find unconsc iable J ' sitsettu 'nk6was'saying nottobe naivethat it will never president has vistited Hirsht sa om ways appenagai'becauseweaponsarestilllyingaround. Japanese feel that workIead(ershay abndosed'he e cse touse it not once but twice." Sadako and the tho sand& aj er cranes An excerpt from Sadako and the Thousand tests - that's all.. Djs,;. you remember that old story about the Paper Cranes, written by Eleanor Coerr, Mr. Sasaki'c hid his /t. "Is ... is there crane?. Chizuko asked. "It's supposed to live for a copyright 1977, Dell Yearling, New York anything you w 'he asked thousand years. If a sick person folds one thousand Artwork by Dawn Marie Verbrigghe Sadako shook hem&. All she really wanted papercraes, the gods will grant her wish and make A the signal to start, Sadako forgot everything was to go home. &dwhen?A cold lump offfargrew herheolthyagain." She handed the crane to the crane utthe race. When ittwas hertum, she ran withall inherstomach..Wha*a*n'thatmany peo le otoo Sadako. "Here's yourflrst one." the strenth she had. Sadako's heart was stillthumping went into this haspq)Winerw e out. rite leaves on the maple tree were turning rust painfully against her ribs when the race was over. When she was 1 ko buried her face in and gold when the family came for one last visit. Shetriedtoconvince herselfthatitmeantnothing, the pillow andcriedfor long time. She had never For a little while it was almost like good times that the dizziness would go away. But it didn't. It got before felt so lonely and thiserable. when they were at home. Meanshile, she sat stiffly in worse. Frightened, Sadako carried the secret inside hizuko was pleased witt herself "I'vefigured thecair, trying not to show the pain it caused her. It of her. She didn't even tell, Chizuko, her bestfriend. outa wayforyou to get well, "shesaidproudly. wsworth the pain. "Do I really have the atom bomb disease?" She cut apiece of gold paper intoa I iruae. In,. Before she went to sleep, Sadako managed tofold Sadako asked her father. a short time she had folded it over at tieri nly one more paper crane. There was a troubled look in Mr. Sasaki's eyes, beautiful crane. ~ - Six hundred and forty-four ... but he only said, "The doctors want to make some "But how can that paper bird make me well?" It was the last one she ever made.