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July 26, 1995 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1995-07-26

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One hundred fouryears of editorialfreedom


July 26, 1995

'U' buys
rmer Sig
Eps house
By Jessica Mass
Daily Staff Reporter
The whirlwind scandal that sur-
rounded the folding of the Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity house last fall will fi-
ly comeo a close.
Last Friday, the University Board of
Regents approved the purchase of the
former Sig Bps fraternity house.
The University plans to use the prop-
erty initially for office space and in the
future as a potential building site, said
Farris W. Womack, executive vice presi-
dent and chief financial officer.
"The property is located in an area
that is very attractive to the University,"
omack said.
John Alli, president of Sigma Phi Ep-
silon Alumni Association, said, however,
that the sale is not final yet. Because of
debts the association still has to pay to their
bank and to the Sigma Phi Epsilon Inter-
national Headquarters, negotiations might
be reopened.
'The problem is that we have leans on
the house for more than we ae selling it
for. Unless (the hank and headquarters)
e less (money), we will not he able to
elI (the house)to the University," he said.
If the University cannot reach an
agreement with Sig Eps alumni, Alli was
confident that the association could find
another buyer.
"We have an offer from a sorority,
and as I understand it, there is a shortage
of Greek property on campus," Alli said.
The former fraternity house is on the
corner of State and Hill Streets and sits
n more than a half acre of land. The
4coperty was built at the turn of the cen-


into AD
Pres. to report
back in fall

A By Amy Klein
1!Daily News Editor
Subtly challenging the decision to buy
out the remainder of Gary Moeller's con-
tract, the University Board of Regents last
Friday asked President James J.
Duderstadt to investigate the relationship
JONATHAN LURIE/Daily between the Athletic Department and the
The Strike central administration.
James Donald of Detroit joins the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition walk in protest of Borders Book Store. In a statement read by Regent Deane
The group was boycotting the sale of the Detroit News and Free Press papers. See story, page 3. Baker(R-Ann Arbor)at the monthly meet-
ing, the board requested that Duderstadt
"review the strciural, reporting and o tn eainsisbtenteDp r-n
'U' takes a stand on diversity augeanosspstenheDpn
of Athleticsad the University as awhole."
Duderstadt is expected to report back to
By Patience Atkin . p2 the board at the September or October
Daily News Edtor Isgents suay COmmlieu meehug.
In the wake of a recent pro-affirmative action statement from "This is a general review of the whole
President Clinton, the University of California system's Board of By Any Klein question of the process of the resignation
Regents voted last week to halt all affirmative action procedures Daily News Editor and determination," Baker said.
for admitting students and hiring faculty. In the aftermath of the Unversity of Califoriasystems de- Regent Laurence Deitch (D-
The University of Michigan's reaction to the UC vote was cision to cut the affirmative action program, PresidentJames J. Bloomfield Hills) said that he hoped
one of disappointment. Duderstadt and the Board of Regents atFriday'smonthly meet- Duderstadt's investigation would lead to a
"We had hoped they would wait until the scheduled referen- ing re-emphasized the University's commitmentto diversity. new standard of communication between
dum, but they went ahead, and clearly it was done in time for their Citing the recent appointment of Rackham Dean Nancy the Athletic Department and the University.
governor's bid for the presidential election," said University Cantor as visible proof of a pledge torminority representation, "I think there is a restructuring involved
President Janes J. Duderstadt. Duderstadt said that the Michigan Mandate and the Agenda for here," Deitch said. "The relationship of the
Vice Provost for Multicultural Affairs Lester P. Monts is a Women - two diversity programs -remain top priorities. Athletic Department to the University of
former dean of undergraduate affairs in the college of letters and Cantor was the fifth female dean appointed at the University. Michigan administration should look more
sciences at UC Santa Barbara. He said that he was also disap- "It goes beyond the mission of the institution. We think like the Medical Center model, with a direct
pointed in the results of the vote. diversity makes us a better place-- a stronger and more ex- representative relationship from executive
"I wouldfeel very disappointed (if I were still there)," he said. cellent university," Duderstadt said. director to vice presidentto regents."
"I feel very disappointed because a lot of my colleagues are there." Regent Nellie Varer (D-Detroit)said she rmains strongly Deitch said earlier this month that he
University officials said this vote will have strong impact in favor of affirmative action, despite the UC decision. was "very angry" that he was not con-
on the UC campuses. "We have had some significant results and we've come a tacted by the University with the decision
"If diversity is such an important part of their academic pro- long way. Ittasn't been accidental," Vaer said. "My hope is to buy out Moeller's contract.
gram, I cansee faculty leaving the university," Monts said. "I don't wewill cont'nue to remain co itted to doing what is right deep Bruce Madej, the assistant athletic di-
think the faculty will want to stay at a university which doesn't at down." rector in charge of media relations, said he
least offer one of the major aspects of a major university." Regent Shirley McFee (R-Battle Creek) said that diver- thinks the Athletic Department handled
Amidst the post-vote debate, University of Michigan officials sity was the element that made the University unique. the situation properly.
have taken the initiative to reaffirm the University's position on "If we can't make it work here, where can it work?" 'Tobehonest,Idon'tknow if ther were
affirmative action and diversity on campus. McFee asked. "We have a diverse population here, reflecting (any communication problems). It was such
"We're deeply committed to diversity," Duderstadt said. faces from all parts of the world." a complicated and fast matter," Madej said.
"We're trying to be adept at protecting those programs in what Duderstadt said that the University's promise of Board members also raised concerns
could be a shifting political environment." mulitculturalism runs deeper than public image. that they were not kept informed on the
Monts agreed. "I think someone could probably pick out one "Morally I think it's the right thing to do," he said. "It is developments of such a highly publcized
or two things (that are wrong) in our programs and make an issue more than what we do; it is what we must be if we are to call issue. The "considerable public interest"
SEE DIEvsrrTY PAGE 2 ourselves a tnuly public university. " '. SEE REGENTS, PAGE 8


ttturns it on at

e I1eatre/ 9

Sports: Baseball coach calls it quits/

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