Wednesday, July 5, 1995- The Michigan Daily - 3 Investment trading results in $1. 5M possible loss for 'U' By Patience Atkin and Maggie Weyhing Daily Staff Reporters The University lost $1.5 million last week after the Common Fund - which invests a sum of about $20 billion in uni- versity endowments - suffered a $128 million loss because of alleged unautho- rized trading activity by First Capital, its investment adviser. "(First Capital) holds $20 billion, $750 million of which is ours, in an inter- mediate fund," said Vice President for University Relations Walter Harrison. "They contract with another investment company, and one investment (com- pany) was apparently frauding the other." Harrison said the loss occurred be- cause of "selling short"- for a fee, an investor borrows a client's stock. The in- vestor sells the stock and repurchases it when the selling price has gone down. The investor then profits from the differ- ence in the selling price minus the client fee. In this case, Harrison said, the inves- tor was apparently repeatedly selling short- to the tune of $128 million. "There's nothing wrong with (selling short)," Harrison said. "Most people do it. It's a little risky because you have to try to buy back the stock." The $128 million overall loss amounts to a $1.5 million loss for the University. "There will be no operational effect as a result of the loss," said Farris W. Womack, the University's executive vice president and chief financial officer. "The effect will be seen in a reduction in returns. Instead of an 8.2 (percent) re- turn, we will now only receive 6.9 (per- cent)." Harrison said the origin of the invest- ment money determines the severity of the loss. "The University has a total invest- ment amount of $2.3 billion, $1.3 billion in endowment and $1 billion in working capital," Harrison said. "Half of the in- vestment in the Common Fund was working capital and half was from the endowment. A loss in endowment is money that the University can never get back, essentially." The University is actively working to retrieve the money. "We've already writ- ten to the Common Fund," Harrison said. "We've told them we'd like them to 'make us whole,' in other words, we'd like them to pay us back." To put the loss into perspective, Harrison likened the investment to the stock market. "If we have $750 million invested in stocks, the loss is equiva- lent to the stock market falling three points. It's not uncommon for the value to fluctuate one or two points in a day." Womack said that although the Uni- versity is never happy about a reduction in returns, no decision has been made yet on the University's investment in the Common Fund. "We are working with the Common Fund to determine the problem and de- cide are course of action," Womack said. Harrison said the University has had a first-rate experience with the Common Fund. "We're confident that they'll look into this and put in better controls," he said. The University of Minnesota pulled its investments on Monday from the Common Fund and First Capital. Ac- cording to The New York Times, the University of Minnesota had not lost any money due to the trading of First Capital, but it still decided to seek an- other client. More than 1,400 colleges and univer- sities invest in the Common Fund. The Times reported that except for Minne- sota, none have announced whether they will continue to invest with First Capital. JONATHAN LURIE/Daily At the scene of the crime Nick Calloway (right), an Ann Arbor resident, watches after his car was hit by a van that knocked over a gas pump on Monday at Washtenaw.