2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 5, 1995
Continued from page 1
Senate. However, she said the amend-
ment will have good chances in the states.
"In most state legislators there
wouldn't be people brave enough (to op-
pose the amendment)," Lowenstein said.
Sandalow said he hopes the amend-
ment will not pass. "My hope is that the
Senate will defeat (the amendment),"
Sandalow said.
"This amendment seems to be a
very bad idea," Sandalow said. "Prohib-
iting desecration of the flag really
strikes at the core of the meaning of
freedom of speech. The underlying idea
of the amendment is that no one should
be able to express contempt for the flag
because flag desecration is an act of
contempt for government. Citizens
should be free at any time to express
praise or contempt for government."
Yusef Colding, a Marine visiting the
(The amendment) Is putting an exception
on First Amendment rights for something
that's offensive, and it's the offensive
speech that is particularly protected by the
First Amendment. Speech that causes
reaction needs the most protection."
-Joan Lowenstein
communication studies lecturer
University, said that flag desecration is
wrong. "Our flag represents freedom
and strength, why should we abuse our
flag? It is rude to those people who died
fighting for our country."
Since 1989 there have been fewer than
10 flag burning incidents per year, and only
45 incidents between 1777 and 1989, ac-
cording to New York Times reports.
Lowenstein said that the amend-
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ment is a powerful propaganda item.
"The flag amendment is not important
to this country. It will not bring ser-
vices to anyone. It is a purely political
ploy," she said.
Sherri Dansby, an LSA senior, agrees.
"I guess I'm for it, but it doesn't seem
pressing. I think there are other things for
(legislators) toworry about."
Riyad Koya, a Rackham student,
thinks the amendment will pass
through the Senate.
"I understand that people feel that
they fought and died for that flag, and
that's really important, but it also
seems that it was important for differ-
ent people at different times to make a
statement about it - anti-war or what-
ever - and those are difficult posi-
tions to balance," Koya said.
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Continued from page 1
seem intent on observing Independence
Day from a sight other than their rented
front steps.
Julie Chiemlweski, an LSA senior,
said she planned to travel north to stay
with some friends at a cabin while
Michelle Yezbick, also an LSA senior,
headed to her relatives' house to do "the
family thing." Engineering senior Juan
Geldren trekked to his sister's home in
Chicago, utilizing the resources a city
much larger than Ann Arbor has to offer.
"The taste of Chicago is there,"
Geldren points out.
Some vacationers were so busy tak-
ing advantage of the national holiday
that they could not possibly "observe"
Engineering senior Raquel Rozas,
for one, headed to Washington. As pa-
triotic as it may seem, however, her plan
to go white-water rafting by day and
bar-hopping by night does not leave a
great deal of time for flag-waving. To
Rozas, the chance to visit "new bars"
was enough motivation to make the
journey east.
But not all students saw the holiday
as a means to explore food booths and
beer gardens.
Cindy Fenton, an LSA senior who ij
currently holding a summer job, said th
Fourth is "only a day off."
"I have to work on Monday, so I
can't go home," she said.
Like Fenton, those with financial,
transportation or employment con-
straints were forced to take solace in
life's more simple pleasures. "Sleep-
ing" and "vegetating" repeatedly came
up as the most enticing options many of
these students can think of to do wit
their day.
Nonetheless, even those who are
bound to more important obligations
than saluting their country had great in-
tentions to get into the traditional and
festive spirit.
Kinesiology senior Bob Young,
who has to work through the holiday,
said he hoped to "see a big fireworks
show." Even Reza Kafi, an LSA senior
who must visit his sick aunt, would like
to see some fireworks. 4
Incidentally, Ann Arbor has not of-
fered fireworks for the last five years.
This year is no exception.
ITD, LSA become partners
By Patience Atkin
Daily News Editor
Beginning this fall, students will ben-
efit from summer collaborations be-
tween LSA and the University's Infor-
mation Technology Division.
"These programs are partof an initia-
tive started in 1990,"said Trisha Dvorak,
special assistant to the associate dean of
undergraduate education and the associ-
ate dean forresearch, computing and fa-
cilities. "The way the partnership works
is that ITD has people in its office who
know about technology and program-
mers and LSA has all the faculty. The
partnership has been centered around
faculty in LSA who want to improve
their teaching through technology."
Dvorak said the programs slated for
the fall include English Prof. George
Bornstein's World Wide Web annota-
tions of several editions of W.B. Yeats
poetry and a psychology visual images
database organized by Prof. John Hilton.
"In the humanities, there is a tradition
ofusing differenttypesofme ia,"Dvoran
said. "Theseprojects are utilizing prese
tation tools, which, for example, allow
faculty to replace the overhead with the
on the computer and display them."
Dvorak said the use of presentation
tools means clearer, sharper images and
more display options.
Dvorak also said that the increased
use of multimedia in the classrooms
helps to encourage student to explore
new technology possibilities. "(StudentO
are leaming a lot (in researching through
the databases). They're learning the
same techniques as biologists use."
Staff are aiso benefiting from the col-
laborations, Dvorak said."'This is exactly
what people need tobe leaming-to leam
material, then takeit and worktogetherto
bring it to a new level of understanding."
The Michigan Day (ISSN 0745967) is publishedWednesdays during the spring and summer terms by students
at the Oniversity of Michigan. Subscriptions for fal term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90. Winter
term (January through April) is $95, yearng (september through April) is $160. On-campus subscriptions for
fat term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 481091327.
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