Summer Orientation 1995 - The Michigan Daily - 19 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RoNNm GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNE JANNEY JOEL F. KNUTSON Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Daily's editorial board. }ublic funding for education in the United States has historically been characterized hart-sighted and narrow-minded legisla- Institutions of higher learning such as the rsity consistently demonstrate the value cation and research on society. However, rivalries, budgetcuts and a public attitude education is elitist in nature and can be put he back burners of society erode the ersity's ability to keep tuition costs down tudents without sacrificing quality. unding is not something that should be an ract concept for students. To put it sim- in-state students will begin to pay signifi- ly more for an education at the Univer- raduate students will lose fellowship s. Student loans will hinder less-privi- d students' right to an education. And rable resources like the Institute of Social sarch, which has produced the most com- ensive studies of elections and electoral Avior in its relatively brief history, are being by Congress that their research is no longer I. The war between the sciences for dollars only escalate. Oe most immediate cause for tuition in- es comes from the state Legislature. The versity was alone among state universi- and colleges to be threatened with no Jefferson turns in his grave Specter ofhigher education funding looms at 'U' increases. It was proposed that a whopping $8.4 million would be held in escrow, after the state House voted to withhold that amount over concerns of the 32 percent out-of-state enroll- ment at the University. Of course, when the House raised concerns about the level, the incoming classes had already been determined and no changes could be made to meet the request for a 70-30 ratio. Gov. John Engler has stated his support for appropriations increases in line with infla- tion, and the state Senate voted to restore the funds. The battle that will ensue actually has little to do about money, but politicians' ten- dencies to punish students for the Legislature's ideological with the administration. Ironically, the situation is that in an effort to make an education at the University more accessible for Michigan students, they may put it out of reach financially for the students that they are trying to help. The state shortfalls pale in comparison to the looming specter of severe federal cuts in education. The changes to education underway in the "Contract with America"hurt the chances for every American's equal right for an educa- tion. The results of spending cuts and realloca- tions of funds will not only be felt in the pocketbook, but in the lost opportunities for hundreds of thousands of students across the country caught in the cross-fire in the fight over public education. Student loan interest payments have for decades delayed interest payments to students untilafter college,helping put thousands through college an into a productive society. House Republicans now view student loans as luxu- ries and reason that their loans should beheld to the same standard as everyone else. Evidently, a college loan to one who is less than wealthy is equal to a loan for a car or boat. Education is a frivolous expense, according to faulty Repub- lican reasoning. Studentloan cuts spell disaster for the thousands of students already struggling to work through school. The Republican-controlled Congress is mak- ing every effort to dismantle any role of the U.S. government in education, cutting the De- partment of Education, Head Startand anything else in the name of ludicrous "block grants," as if inequities and disproportionate educational funding within states were not bad enough. Students involvedin the study of economic, behavioral or social science suddenly are being told by individual House Republicans that they are not worthy of receiving National Science Foundation grants. Those students involved in the medical research that had produced amaz- ing improvements in medicine over the past 30 years will suffer to provide for tax cuts, which fund defense spending and entitlements on the national level, and the ballooning prison indus- try here in Michigan. It is hard to imagine that all this can occur in the short span of one year. Until education is put on the forefront of American politics, the situation can only worsen. History repeats itself University has not learned conduct code lesson parently some universities never learn eir lessons. This year the University returns he same place it was three years ago with its leofnon-academicconduct.These codes, which e become the fashion for American universi- , govern various aspects of students' behavior and off campus - reaching further into a son's life than does the law. The original ver- 1 entitled the Statement of Student Rights and ponsibilitics, was implemented, despite stu- rotests, under the guise of an interim policy. inspired by the federal and state mandates for ual harassment and alcohol policies. Several student leaders were vocally opposed he code, but offered suggestions for fear a nous document. That input has since been used :laim that students supported and wrote the le. Concerns have beenraisedover the potential il rights violations inherent in the a statement. ist offensive is the latent in loco parentis doc- e -as if University students were incapable Siking for themselves, and need a special of rules to help them into adulthood. As the code was applied to the student body ny other flaws became apparent. A non- dent's harassment claim against a student s dismissed in a court of law, the student was I found "responsible" under the code. The ring for that case was a nightmare come e, withjurors complaining of boredomasthe nesses spoke, andthepresidingprofessor- ned in judicial matters or manners -inter- ting with his own biases as he went along. veralcomplaints have been made about the fact tnoonemayrepresentdefendantsorcomplain- s at hearings, creating scenarios such as a rape tim cross-examining an accused rapist. One complainant was accused of violating the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act by allegedly leaking her story to the Daily - there was talk of thenchargingherunderthecodeforthisunsubstan- tiated accusation, although it would be her First Amendment right to talk to the press. All of these examples and more point to the false legality and over-complexity of the policy. Case after case of poor judgment and proce- dural confusion showed the University's inability to handle a policy of this magnitude. No one could prevent a complainant from running into a defen- dant in Angell Halldespite a University restraining order after he was found responsible. Judicial Advisor Mary Lou Antieau, the sole person en- trusted with the code's interpretation and imple- mentation, decided that the aforementioned disas- trous hearing should be closed by misinterpreting "sexual assault and harassment" to mean non- sexual harassment as well as sexual, though the context indicates otherwise. In yet another case, Antieau denied the rights of a defendant by refusing to open his hearing because the other defendants wanted closed hearings. Part of the problemof fair enforcementof the policy lies in the fact that one individual has all of the decid- ing power. . Such a policy is far too legalistic for the non- legalarena, anditis mishandledby the administra- tion, which operates under the assumption those over l8cannotmanagetheirlives.Thissummerthe administration is drafting a new - permanent - code, after a protest rally in April. More students will try to affect the outcome but the administration will do as it pleases in the name of students' best interests. The University fails its spring/summer term code class. Seen and heard Students need representation among administration t a university so large, it is quite possible to a student regent, and the student regent does not get lost. Endless numbers, lines, people have to ask permission to bring up an issue of and attractions create a hubbub both comfort- vital importance to the student body. The vice ing and intimidating. In lightofthe nature of the presidents of the University are allowed these University, itis imperative that students have courtesies - and the student regent would be some form of representation within the govern- representing the numerically largest portion ing body -that is, the administration. Students yet of individuals at the University. must be the primary concern of the University. Throughout the student regent debate the This is the one mission that the University idea has circulated to give the student regent to cannot lose sight of, or else it will mutate into the president of the Michigan Student Assem- some bureaucratic machine that hardly re- bly. As the elected head of the student body, sembles an educational institution. MSA president seems to be the ideal choice for For several years students have been lobby- the position. It would also establish a working ing the administration for a student regent to relationship of equals between the studentgov- serve the interests of the students. As Board of erning bodyand the Board of Regents. Regents meetings function currently, students This type of relationship is necessary if the are only allowed to speak at public comments. administration is to give more credence to This means that they have to get on the list in MSA - and it should. In the March 1995 advance. The list is limited to 12 speakers, not election voter turnout overall increased to over all necessarily students - so the number of 20 percent from a mere 9 percent the previous students able to speak at public comments is year. Clearly students are taking an interest in generally less than 12. Public comments are University affairs. Furthermore, the more seri- held in the Anderson Room in the Michigan ously the administration treats MSA -and the Union, rather than the regents' chambers in the more real freedom it gives MSA - the more Fleming Administration Building, symbolically evident it will become that every vote counts. severing comments from the legitimate part of Election turnouts will increase with MSA's the proceedings. power. With a student regent the symbolism would Along the same lines, the University must be turned in the students' favor. Simply being continue to ask for students input, which is allowed to sit at the regents' table and contrib- done with some regularity. However, this also ute as an acknowledged equal would be a means actinguponstudentdemandsforchange. tremendous improvement. Of course, students Often the information is gathered, then tossed are not asking for a vote like the other eight aside in favor of original assumptions or objec- regents - it could be a potential conflict of tives. Students are the reason that the Univer- interest to be enrolled and to have a vote, But sity functions. They should be the prime con- with a cushioned leather chair and a page in the sideration when making major decisions. And agenda, the regents cannot turn their backs on their voice must be heard.