2 - The Michigan Daily - Summer Orientation 1995 ISArequires more than just 120 credits 4 By Steve Seepersaud Daily Staff Reporter Many students arrive in Ann Arbor with the hope that graduating in four years is simply a mat- ter of collecting 120 credits. However, there are many new requirements that the University, particu- larly the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, has introduced over the past four years. While these requirements are designed to help students, the process of wading through them can be difficult. The following is crash coursein LSA re- quirements. Area Distribution LSA's mission for the distribution is to help stu- dents gain appreciation for the major areas of learn- ing. In LSA, there are three ways or patterns to com- plete a distribution. The most commonly selected method of distri- bution is Pattern I, where courses are divided into three categories-natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Jonathan Choe, a staff member in the Students' Counseling Office, has fielded many student con- cerns about the requirements. "(Students) don't know allthe requirements. Depending on which pattem they take, the distribution can be confusing," he said. Race and Ethnicity All LSA students must take one Race and Ethnicity (R&E) course before graduating. Each se- mester, the University decides which classes will meet this requirement. Courses must give attention to issues of race, ethnicity, racial intolerance and discrimination. "Personally, I think it's a good idea," Choe said. "It was something that helped open up awareness. But now it's just a requirement (students) want to get out of the way. Itloses some meaning. (Students) don't look at itas an opportunity." Language Requirement LSA students must pass a fourth-term class in a language other than English. Students can place out of this requirement by scoring well on the entrance exams given at Orientation. Last semester, in an ef- fort to improve students' performances, the college ruled that fourth-term language courses may no longer be taken pass/fail. German instructor Rick Chamberlain said he supports the decision to eliminate the pass/fail op- tion for the fourth semester, "With experience, you know who's taking it pass/fail. (The student's) grade hovers around where it has to be (a C-minus)," he said. "You can enjoy it regardless of whether it's pass/fail or for a grade." Santhi Periasamy, an LSA senior taking Spanish 231 this summer, said she does not support the new rule. "Pass/fail allows people to take a language course and enjoy it. It's difficult to take higher level courses for a grade," she said. Quantitative Reasoning For the second year, incoming students must take a course dealing with quantitative reasoning. LSA hopes QR courses will ensure that graduates are skilled in analyzing quantitative information, so they includea wide range of subjects, from philosophy to statistics. Kevin Clarke, a teaching assistant for Statistics 100, said that the QR requirement is a necessary ad- dition to the LSA curriculum. "I went toa school without such a requirement. I majored in political science and didn't take any math. I would have appreciated that kind of require- ment," he said. Clarke said that students will benefit in the long run from taking courses like statistics. "It's used in almost every field. You can't watch TV news infor- matively without knowing about statistics," he said. English Composition Prior to Orientation, students submit a portfolio to the English Composition Board. Based on the ECB evaluation, students will eitherbe placed in a remedial writing course, introductory composition or they will receive an exemption. Advanced Placementcreditsdo not count toward this requirement. After earning 55 credits, students must take an ECB approved course to satisfy the junior/senior writing requirement. Choe said that the University's assessment pro- gram is valuable to students. "Most students appre- ciate having to turn in a portfolio. (Introductory com- position)ishard forsome people who don'tknowhow to write papers," he said. "If you're not proficient in writing, you won't do well at this University." A little boy follows behind his dad In the park next to the Huron River. Summer Orientation 1995 Cover design by Mark Friedman Welcome to the University of Michigan, and welcome to the Michigan Daily. This is the Daily's Orientation issue and we hope it will help familiarize you with the University. The Daily is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms, and Wednes- days during spring and summer terms. The paper is distributed at several locations around cam- pus and is free of charge. The Daily is in its 104th year of publication. It is entirely student run and financially inde- pendent from the University. The Daily is always looking for students to write for all sections-- News, Opinion, Arts and Sports - as well as to design graphics and take photographs. The Daily has a separate busi- ness staff, which hires students to sell display and classified advertising and design advertise- ments. Mass meetings will be held on September 11, 13, 19 and 21 at 7 p.m. in the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard St., next to the Student Activities Building. Also, feel free to call us at 76-DAILY with any questions. ----The Editors