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June 14, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1995-06-14

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2 -The Michigan Daily --Wednesday, June 14, 1995

Continued from page 2
"Mike is one of our most exciting and
creative faculty members," University
President James J. Duderstadt said in a
pressrelease. "Beyond his immense con-
tributions as a scholar, healso has been ex-
ceptionally dedicated in serving the Uni-
versity ina wide array of roles -ranging
from serving as chair of the Pharmacy
dean's search committee to playing a star-
ring role in Campaign for Michigan
Marletta has appointments in both bio-
chemistry and medicinal chemistry, which
he said he will continue to fulfill.
"I want to continue to pursue work re-
lated with nitric oxide, which is even more
risky and more difficult to fund," Marletta
" I told my students, let's think ahead
l years from now and we'd be involved
in equally exciting projects;' Marietta

Students bike for ecological

By Marisa Ma
Daily Staff Reporter
Joining about 19 other students leav-
ing from Seattle, Kinesiology graduate
Catherine Simonsen will finally fulfill
her dream of 11 years - to bicycle
across the United States.
Simonsen willjoin University student
Susan Holmes in Bike-Aid, an annual
cross-country trek to raise funds for envi-
ronmental projects and to heighten aware-
ness of environmentally friendly altema-
tives in agriculture, technology, transpor-
tation and consumption.
"We read up on issues, so we can
present our ideas and solutions to environ-
mental problems, and also they share with
us with what they're doing in their commu-
nities said Holmes, an LSA and SNRE
sophomore andco-facilitator on the Austin,

I'm doing this, because I'm expecting it to
be a life-altering event."
- Catherine Simonsen
Kinesiology graduate

Texas route.
Simonsen, an avid cyclist, was at-
tracted to the service aspect of the
project. "Doing a service project was
kind of appealing to me," she said. "I
kind of like doing (cross-country cy-
cling) with a cause."
Robin Pugh, outreach coordinator of
Bike-Aid, stressed the universality of the
"We're not just interested in talking
about environmental problems in our
own yard," Pugh said. "But we want to
make global links and meaning, that we
want to talk to people about what they do
here affects the environment in Africa,
Asia or Latin America."

Bike-Aid cyclists along their route
will stay with families, local churches
and organizations, and interact with th
communities about the environments
issues in educational presentations. "I
makes (them) think because of the nov
elty of it," Simonsen said.
Simonsen said that she looks forwart
to meeting and living with strangers
"I'm doing this, because I'm expecting ii
to be a life-altering event. I will be gel
ting to know the other riders, and why
they're doing it," Simonsen said. "If
can change other people's minds, ant
interact with other subcultures from smal
to large communities in our country, wha
their beliefs are, what they know about tha
Participants will be bicycling fron
June 17 to Aug. 21 and the total distance
the cyclists will cover ranges from 1,000
to 3,600 miles.
The participants' goal is to raise $1 fol
each mile they pedal. Last year, Bike-Air
cyclists raised $150,000 that went to de-
velopment projects in AIDS awareness.

Simonsen said she agrees with Pugh.
"Just showing initiative, just the whole
idea of planting an idea, that we can do
something collectively, as a global com-
munity," she said.
Approximately 50 cyclists will leave
from Seattle, Portland, San Francisco,
Austin, or Montreal and converge in
Washington by Aug. 21 to meet with poli-
ticians and representatives from national
and international organizations.
Overseas Development Network,
who sponsored Bike-Aid, is a national,
student-based organization that focuses
on local mobilization in global causes.
Bike-Aid was founded by students from
Stanford University in 1985.

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Continued from page 1
student input as we can get, and I'm gen-
erally in support of the concept of in-
creased student input,' Dietch said. "It's
just hard to say who speaks for the student
SM-F 8:30-5;20pmSat til 4:20pm
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SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m. All Welcome
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331 Thompson * 663-0557
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Weekend Liturgies
SUNDAY: 8:30 am, 10 am, 12 noon,
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FRIDAY: Confessions 4-5 pm
1151 Washtenaw (near Hill Street)
Summer Schedule
SUNDAY: Worship t:30ain
WEDNESDAY: Supper & Devotion 6pm
Pastor Ed Krauss 663-5560
Redeemer Lutheran Church
1360 Pauline Boulevard
SUNDAY: Worship, 9:30am
Robert Hoepner, Campus Pastor
Transportation Available
Call 662-0663

Wainess said that the opportunity to
participate in regents meetings will place
a greater emphasis on student concerns.
He cited the bi-annual presentation to the
board as an important means of commu-
"We'll be keeping pressure on issues
instead of fighting for them once a year,"
Wainess said. 'This would give us more
impact and a greater voice in the devel-
opment of the new non-acadenic code
of conduct."
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-
Ann Arbor) said she strongly supports
the proposal for a student representative
and that the draft will likely be passed by
the regents.
"I think it's got the votes. The draft
that I have seen has got my support,"
Newman said. "The one thing I wanted
was the opportunity to have a student to
talk to during the meetings."
But Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor) said he does not think the new
proposal will be adopted.

"I've never been supportive of a stu-
dent regent. There are many constituents
who have an interest that's legitimate,
and if we grant one then I'm sure we'll
be asked to grant others," Biker said. I
don't think it'll happen. I know there w
be a discussion, butI don't think it will
When Wainess was elected to MSA
president last March he picked up the
battle for a student representation from
former President Julie Neenan. Wainess'
proposal, however, has dropped
Neenan's demand fora student to have a
seat at the regents' table.
"Logistically, the table is over-
crowded," Wainess said. "(In the curre
proposal) we would be in a seat whey
it's clearly delineated that we're there for
discussion and not as some random per-
Newman said that she expected a
proposal to eventually be passed.
"It was a matter ofjust getting people
motivated. I would hope it's passed this
week," she said.

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SA tF Bishop.abelCheng. Spencer Dickinson, Frank C. Lee. Marisa Ma, Jessica Mass. Adam Mesh, James Nash,
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